2008 23 December :: 12.31pm
also i'd like to add.
For our secret santa party at work.
I gave:
1. fifth of smirnoff apple twist vodka
I recieved
1. baggy with 2.5 grams of some decent bud in it.
3 Little Tykes |
Watcha got there?
2008 23 December :: 12.30pm
delivering pizza in this shit sucks.
hard core.
Watcha got there?
2008 23 December :: 12.28am
Just blame me, I'm the one you love to hate.
In recognition of this fact, Nate designed this:

3 Little Tykes |
Watcha got there?
2008 21 December :: 1.27pm
One of those days.
Watcha got there?
2008 21 December :: 3.30am
the best gifts cannot be bought, they come directly from the heart.
now, what do i get her?
5 Little Tykes |
Watcha got there?
2008 20 December :: 7.13pm
i should be shot and killed
i have womanizer by britney spears stuck in my head.
god save my soul.
3 Little Tykes |
Watcha got there?
2008 20 December :: 4.55am
Bowling scores from tonight
Game 1: 143 new personal record
Game 2: 98
Game 3: 117
Game 4: 99
Overall I am getting much better
Bowling makes life alright
3 Little Tykes |
Watcha got there?
2008 19 December :: 2.33am
I'm back in the mitten and very tired.
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2008 18 December :: 5.53am
i think i might need glasses, i'm in chicago and can't read the letters on the HTPC from like 8-10 feet away, they are decent size too. uh oh.
Watcha got there?
2008 18 December :: 5.33am
I'm in Chicago right now assholes.
5 Little Tykes |
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2008 17 December :: 10.27pm
so annoyed. soo annoyed with a bunch of stuff
just wanna move to florida. just progress
i want a house of our own SOOO bad. so freakin bad. i want to decorate it and have SPACE and not feel crammed and stuffed everywhere. i hate this duplex. it's too small. ..nothings respected ugh i hte it
i just want to move to florida and just settle in a get ready for life..
1 Little Tyke |
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2008 17 December :: 12.55pm
we're coming up to MI Friday!!!! im so excited to see everyone god i miss you guys. never realized how lonely i am till recent. guess the holidays make it happen.
Watcha got there?
2008 17 December :: 3.59am
Bowled a 130 tonight, not good but a personal best.
On another note, Fuck haters yall suck.
5 Little Tykes |
Watcha got there?
2008 16 December :: 5.57pm
best weapon in COD5 is the flame thrower :D
11 Little Tykes |
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2008 16 December :: 4.36pm
eck, stil dont have a job and i hate it. everywhere i apply wants to hire the cheapest employee that they can and unfortunetly i am not that. cause of my experiene who knew having knowledge would be a bad thing...tsh
applebee's made me take some stupid personality test which means erin is not workin there i never do good on those things.
Watcha got there?
2008 15 December :: 11.15pm
this is an update.
I'd like to actually write what I'm thinking here.
But I'm censoring it so that nobody judges anyone else.
Fair enough?
Watcha got there?
2008 15 December :: 9.05pm
and im never sure what i'm living for but it's always on my mind
someone comes along always proves me wrong think im gonna be fine
we get lost in the back of our minds
got nothing to burn but time time time
everybody's got the love but they keep it inside
met an acquaintance we were reintroduced
with more in common than we had in our youth
she told me "you look the same" i said "i'm now a new man"
she asked me "how does that work" "i started giving a damn"
Watcha got there?
2008 12 December :: 3.53pm
Jimi sent me this today

4 Little Tykes |
Watcha got there?
2008 12 December :: 1.48pm
My dad bought a new TV, gonna watch Batman on it.
1 Little Tyke |
Watcha got there?
2008 12 December :: 3.13am
this grinds my gears.
really, he's not president yet and the quotes from people in that little animation are amazing, they are praising how amazing of a president he is.
the guy wasn't even in the senate for a whole year before he started his campaign to run for president, how great of a guy does that make him?
5 Little Tykes |
Watcha got there?
2008 12 December :: 2.46am
As if life hasn't been good enough to me, tonight i bowled a 212, 160, and 190.
my average is 156
my new high game is 212
Watcha got there?
2008 12 December :: 1.53am
I'm really getting a kick out of people on the internet.
Anyone familiar with my journal knows that I speak in generalities in my journal and it is often quite open ended in style, I do not speak of specific names or occurrences in my writing. Chances are if I am writing something and you read it, then it has nothing to do with you specifically.
With that said, someone read a 2 line entry of mine and it was somehow more inflammatory then a very long flame war, really that is flattering that my writing has that kind of impact but that is really giving me far too much literary credit. The said entry did was not in reference to said person that was upset, it was a recollection of the whole day and the childishness of the flame war that was previously mentioned. And to begin with, most of the things I write on here should really be taken with a grain of salt.
But hey, let's all get pissed off on the internet.
2 Little Tykes |
Watcha got there?
2008 11 December :: 7.33pm
Well I must have done something wrong. Now I don't get to read the daily updates on the happy lives of the Rainbow Friends and their residence in the Gingerbread House Paradise.
4 Little Tykes |
Watcha got there?
2008 11 December :: 3.30pm
Heh, so I guess some people don't like what I have to say.
2 Little Tykes |
Watcha got there?
2008 11 December :: 4.09am
whatever bad things have happened in the past all melt away when i see her smile.
and that makes me smile.
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2008 10 December :: 8.42pm
so my interviews did not go as well as i planned.neither one ended up in a job. oh well i do have another interview tomorrow at applebee's and they are actually hiring so i hope this one at least gives me something.
tj got 6 teeth removed on monday and now we are fightin the meds. they are makin him sick as hell so he had to choose sick or pain. poor baby.
christmas is coming up and i dont have any money to do anything and it makes me sad. :(
Watcha got there?
2008 10 December :: 6.02pm
So fucking pissed right now.
As it stands Im denied. My Gunny says that theres still things I can to get by.
Ive done all the paper work short of signing my contract and readging the oath.
Thankfully if I didnt remember my ss by heart before this I will now.
Tuesday I arrived at the post around 10am and waited to fill some papers out. Went to lunch met the other guy going from the post and then after lunch we headed to MEPS in Lansing.
Arrived, signed in, and then went to take ASVAB. I get any job I want thankfully because of my score so that was a plus. The negative was that I waited from 4pm till 7:45pm to go to the hotel. Some post arrived with a kid at 5:30 so we had to wait for them to finish testing. He failed. So ha.
Once at the hotel me and the about 3 other marines, 2 air force, and 2 navy guys all hooked up and played some texas holdem in one of the rooms we had.
Next day it was up bright and early for the day. 4:45am wake up and clean up. By 6am we were at the MEPS station again and into testing. Us 8 Marines got pulled aside and did our dead pulls. Then we moved back and did the other stuff.
Paper work, blood work, urine sample, and then lots of waiting. Followed by moving a seat and waiting. Then a physical.
Then more waiting. Then more.
Then being told I have to go for medical history.
I was pissed. I still am.
One fucking god damn blemish and its set me back big time. It hurts.
I got back into GR around 4pm and helped the other guy who I was with push around his truck. He was selling the one he has and buying a new one today. The only problem was that his current one has a flywheel problem and needed to be pulled/pushed to throw it into first and get it started. Ice doesnt help that. Thankfully about 5 army guys saw us and helped out. So thank you to them.
Tomorrow I need to look into getting an appointment with my doctor and getting retested for this whole medical thing. I dont want this to fail me.
I want to be a Marine.
I want to be a Marine.
I want to be a gd Marine!
Friday night is xmas party for work and saturday is poker night. Some time saturday afternoon I would like to get out and see that "the day the world stood still" movie.
4 Little Tykes |
Watcha got there?
2008 9 December :: 2.17pm
i just found a BSC cd, it was buried in some stuff.
hahaha, brings back highschool memories.
5 Little Tykes |
Watcha got there?
2008 9 December :: 12.10am
People are showing their true colors.
Rather disappointed with folks.
4 Little Tykes |
Watcha got there?
2008 8 December :: 11.15pm
these past few entries have been all emo and shit, and the next few arn't going to get any better.
if you want to talk shit about someone do it elsewhere, this is MY place to write what i think.
Don't be a dick on my woohu, thats my job.
6 Little Tykes |
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