Resistentialism is the theory that inanimate objects demonstrate hostile behavior against us


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Great Neptune's Ghost!

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:: 2008 17 November :: 12.01pm

I have a french exam in one hour that I am not prepared for.

I'm fairly sure I just failed a math exam two hours ago.

But I think I'm going to be okay, and that's all that really matters right now.

[edit] I think the French exam went all right and I've almost eaten an entire tray of sushi. Yippee.

1 Little Tyke | Watcha got there?


:: 2008 17 November :: 2.44am

I hope they don't kill opie.

He's one of my favorite characters

7 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2008 17 November :: 2.32am

I don't know what to believe anymore.
Tired from over thinking, numb from over feeling.
When you try to move on and things get thrown back at you.
This whole event seems like mutually assured destruction.

Watcha got there?


:: 2008 16 November :: 1.11pm

Mudvayne - Pushing Through This
Salt the wound
Cut through a conscience I've failed to explore
The calm before the storm
Speak your peace and prepare for the fall
Words have been chosen
Tainting the gift
Lying truth's so increditable
So fuck you all
I'm turning my back on this killing so small

Step by step I'm pushing through this
(All of you get away from me)
Eye for an eye I'm pushing through this
My law
Step by step I'm pushing through this
(All of you get away from me)
Tooth for a tooth I'm pushing through this
Through you

3 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2008 16 November :: 1.39am

my brother thinks that i'm an alcoholic for taking a minicooler with 3 beers in it, in the bathroom for my bath.

4 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2008 16 November :: 12.39am

Drastic steps

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:: 2008 15 November :: 1.36pm

why do i do this to myself?

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:: 2008 14 November :: 2.57am

thursday night, that means its time for bowling scores again

this week, highest game ever of 211, 182, and 134, it was a 529 series.

fuck yeah!

average last week was 151

Watcha got there?


:: 2008 13 November :: 2.59am

I figured out the whole issue of "us" tonight.
we're two different people outside of privacy.

It just doesn't work that way.

9 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2008 13 November :: 1.48pm

So yeah... I've got some time so I guess I'm about ready to update you guys.

Been pretty stressful here, as far as classes go. But I've managed to maintain an A- so I'm alright in that department. Plus I got an 88 on the last test with a class average of 62. My theory is that someone just didn't show up, regardless...

I really need to take some pictures of where I am at. I noticed that all my pictures are of me drinking. Not to say that I'm not drinking a lot, a problem I need to find a solution for desperately, but I'm not JUST drinking. I'm doing a lot of things recently. I guess the problem is that I have a hard time taking pictures of anything interesting because I feel like such a tourist. I will do a lot of things here because I don't really care what the people think of me, and it gets me somewhere usually. For some reason, though, I can't seem to take pictures. Soon enough I will get some real good ones.

Speaking of drinking, this weekend is sure to be packed to the brim of fun. starting tomorrow morning I'm going to some elementary school to play games with kids. It's mandatory, which kind of pisses me off. I've already volunteered to do a few of these kinds of things and I'd rather just sleep in, but you know, I guess I gotta do what I gotta do.

So after waking up at around 8 and getting back at around 12, I have 2 hours or less to just chill out for awhile, before I have to bike to the train station to catch a train to Kyoto. Luckily they are paying for the ticket for me. By them, I mean some Women's College of some sort or another. They are loaded, and have decided to pay for a few of us to take a train and a taxi (keep in mind that a taxi is about 2 dollars per foot, fucking expensive) to the school, and then for the ride back. I'm not actually taking the train back though...

Afterwards, Nate, Nick, and I are going to chill in Kyoto and see what happens for awhile. They claimed that the event won't end until 8, and I'm still not sure exactly what we are doing there. I think we are just trying to help them with their english or something, who knows.

So I imagine we'll eat some food, get some liquor, do some shopping or something, and maybe buy a burger and McDonalds so we can take a nap. Yes you just read that correctly.

Around 10-10:30 we are meeting up with Kelly, Yui, Shige, Adam, Megumi, and maybe one of her friends, at which point we will consume endless amounts of alcohol and then attempt to do some clubbing of some sort. This will last, I'm assuming until about 5 in the morning.

Then, I will be fucked, I'll die on the train home, barely crawl into bed and go into a desperately needed coma until about 2 or 3 that afternoon.

I'll wake up, try to get some homework done, and then head out to the bar to bid my friends farewell as they head off to live in Tokyo.

Sunday, maybe I'll rest, we'll see....

I have a meeting with my teacher now for some conversation time so I will catch you chaps later.


Watcha got there?


:: 2008 12 November :: 2.51am

I guess this is the time of year for drama.

3 people i know with relationship issues right now.
1 person possibly going to jail.
and a whole slew of other problems.

6 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2008 10 November :: 3.46pm

Lawls my insurance company gave me a PT Loser to drive while my chevy is getting fixed.

This has been a fun afternoon of abusing someone else's car.

Watcha got there?


:: 2008 10 November :: 2.58pm

I haven't updated in a while. I haven't had time. No. That's incorrect. I haven't had the motivation.

Something is wrong. I'm sleeping all of the time and always tired. It's not depression. I went to the doctor's and they told me I had a viral infection and anemia. A week later, it should be better, but I slept for over twelve hours last night and I've been laying down every chance I get.

I went home on Sunday for a family reunion and the only things people said to me is that I look like a poster child for anorexia and I look tired. I've lost almost eighty pounds. I'm trying to stay stable at 130.

Although my test came back negative for mono, I still think I probably have it. Why else would I be so tired all of the time? Everything is suffering because of it: my grades, my attitude, my dealings with my friends and brothers.

I just want to wake up and be okay.

1 Little Tyke | Watcha got there?


:: 2008 10 November :: 2.50pm

Watcha got there?


:: 2008 10 November :: 2.10am
:: Music: hank williams tear in my beer

Theres a tear in my beer
cause Im cryin for you,
Dear you are on my lonely mind.
Into these last nine beers
I have shed a million tears.
You are on my lonely mind
Im gonna keep on sittin here
Until Im petriified.
And then maybe these tears
Will leave my eyes.
Theres a tear in my beer
cause Im crying for you, dear
You are on my lonely mind.

Last night I walked the floor
And the night before
You are on my lonely mind.
It seems my life is through
And Im so doggone blue
You are on my lonely mind.
Im gonna keep on sittin here
Till I cant move a toe
And then maybe my heart
Wont hurt me so.
Theres a tear in my beer
cause Im cryin for you, dear.
You are on my lonely mind.

Lord, Ive tried and Ive tried
But my tears I cant hide
You are (were? ) on my lonely mind.
All these blues that Ive found
Have really got me down
You are on my lonely mind
Im gonna keep on drinkin till I cant even think
Cause in the last week I aint slept a wink
Theres a tear in my beer
Cause Im crying for you dear
You are on my lonely mind.

Watcha got there?


:: 2008 9 November :: 12.27am

More bullshit, a fucking car wreck. Fucking Hell just what I needed tonight.

I would really like to be able to talk to a certain someone right now.

5 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2008 8 November :: 1.41am

I've no idea where I stand right now.

7 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2008 7 November :: 4.15pm

so when i got lunch at wendies one of the guys back in the kitchen run over to the window as i got my food
and asks with a huge grin on his face: did ya see it!?
i say see what?

he didn't say "my cock" did he? ;(

he points at a burgundy '87 fiero
he then says that me driving around here all the time convinced him to buy one

you're popular

i guess
its my leet car

Watcha got there?


:: 2008 6 November :: 3.52pm

applied for a few jobs onine today lets hope something bites.

oh and i got the new phone yay me

Watcha got there?


:: 2008 6 November :: 9.06am

Here we are over a month an a half later. Emo moments happen more often for small spaces of time. I thought I could make this easy. I totally had that wrong. I hate when I go to check up on anything with her, thinking Ill find something saying shes managed to move on. ...and I hate that. Then I have to hate myself for even thinking like that.

Im an ass.

I still havent got my stuff from Rachel. Not sure why.

Moving right along.

Gas is down to $2.10 at 14mile and that makes me happier.
Im keeping busy, busy being away from life, with Fallout 3 still.
3/4 of the way through the game taking my sweet time and seeing everything I can before finishing the main storyline.
6days till WotLK is out.
Airsoft season is almost done. Turning to look at CQC later on this year and into the rest of the winter.

Back to life.

Ive decided to join the Marines next year. Ill be talking to a recruiter later this month and be looking to leave for basic in or around March.

Figure I got no reason not to anymore. Its been ultimatum #1 since exiting high school. Just decided to stop pussy-footing with it. Ive already started my workout everyday afterwork to help get in shape before I go.

Infantry, recon, or combat engineer.

No forward movement in my job, no attachements short of material possessions. No commitments. No obligations. I almost should thank Rachel for letting me off the hook.

8 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2008 5 November :: 11.59pm

i thought the pornstar's husband was going to rat everyone out.


2 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2008 3 November :: 5.18pm

Goodbye. Nice to know you.

2 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2008 3 November :: 4.35pm

Im not sure what its all for.

Its getting harder to even find a purpose in life.

Watcha got there?


:: 2008 3 November :: 10.45am

so i lost my cell phone on saturday, found it smashed up in the parking lot Sunday morning, so now i have to use tjs old ass ugly phone until my new one gets here. instead of getting the same phone for like 50 bucks i upgraded for 80. its awesome cause i actaully talked the boy into it. heh i love him sometimes and now he wants to upgrade his phone too so next month i might just do that for him.

work still sux, just holding on until i can get a new one....


Watcha got there?


:: 2008 2 November :: 11.31am

you never realize how bitter cold you are until you step into that hot shower.

Watcha got there?


:: 2008 1 November :: 7.13pm

Halloween kinda sucked cause i had to be to work at 7am this morning... ahh well i do need a new job though i only have 23 hours this week and i am a fucking manager,

th is still a pain the the ass but we love him anyway, buttheads eye is getting better ( he has an ulcer in it and it almost ruptured last week)

Watcha got there?


:: 2008 1 November :: 10.21am

i am having a horrible horrible day...week...

i/we have never done this before. we've always been so on top of things and yeah we've been short before but never honestly with nothing. this is going to wreck things for us. this stuff is permanent.

god how do you tell a friend that you need something because it's fricken ruining shit.

this sucks and i keep getting sick every single day from the stress and i am not liking it.

3 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2008 31 October :: 12.54pm

Words too late to say: Uso demo i i no ni "i kanai de" mo ienai yo.

In other news, today is Friday. Fallout 3 rocks. Im pissed it has SecuROM and will end up as a $50 coaster someday, but the game is great.

Ive played all of like 4hrs into the game and thus far Ive blown up an entire town and let loose feral ghouls all over a hotel full of snobby 1950's elitist jerks. Oh but fear not! I killed the ghouls after I let them have fun.

Next step is to go looking for the previous Fallout's vaults. Dont know if Ill make it, but Ill try!

Watcha got there?


:: 2008 31 October :: 1.17am

FYI: my turds are tapered.

also, i bowled a 163, 149, and 169 tonight.

my average is 147

3 Little Tykes | Watcha got there?


:: 2008 30 October :: 4.18pm

You have confirmed your interview schedule on 11/6/2008 at 4:00 PM. Please report to the HR office at Sears Auto Center. For more information, please call 6162857721.

4 Little Tykes | Watcha got there? | Random Journal