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something poetic

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:: 2003 10 December :: 1.53 pm

Ohyeah. dream.
Push was with me {notpushpush. just dressed as push. avatar.} and then we went over to Jenna's house & it was all wooden paneling & yellow carpets {saw it somehwere, don't remember where. maybe trailer. built like Krystal's house.} anyway. they got along all fine and stuff & like usual I felt like the odd man out, and i know they didn't bear me any ill will but seriously folks . . . i mean come on. so the anxiety built up & just couldn't take it or whatever & Jenna went into another room for something & like a retard I started running with push like --right there-- so of course she jumped me and pinned me down and demanded to know whatever whatever . . . i woke up or reversed the dream or something. realized it was utter idiocy to bolt when someone else is around, have to sneak out. but too late. sosadsosad.
&its not the dream itself. it's the cause of anxiety. you know what it is. why it drove me batshit. i wish i could make it go away.


:: 2003 9 December :: 7.46 pm

I almost want to make another journal just to shunt all this neverland shit onto. So people can forget it &move on with being bored by me. I'm constantly amazed that no one sees the grey in it. The Filth that I smell so strongly doesn't leak past the glass wall. The fact that I know my faceless makes the mask seem useless, transparent, but it's not. I can see out but they can't see in. I've never been able to understand that. Shouldn't this all be terribly obvious to anyone with a hint of perception?

Roleswitching. Hn.


:: 2003 9 December :: 7.01 pm

Rammstein says in German that the sun is coming out of my hands¡¡¡So very Massacre.--/ &I shall call her Charity because HAHAHAHA. {how ugly} The grey waste is what is was before the storm came. I wonder if I'll puke up {Her} or if another shadow will stalk me for months on end. &I wonder what will happen if we again touch. ://Not that it really matters. The grey waste signifies its own lack of existence. {whataretardedmetaphor} --/ I don't have a shape I don't have a mind I don't have a name I don't have a purpose I don't have a diety I don't have I don't have I don't have. &I envy those that do. Even though you always want what you do not have. I suppose I should return to my older self. Just sit back and narrate, quit trying to be the hero. {but that was what {hostmind} was all about, and how long have I had her around?¿variations on the same theme} ://^ &Perhaps this time, I am the shadow. I think effigy is dying. This scares the hell out of me. What will I do without my self-loathing? Oh, &the snake. The stupid snake. With its face out. Wormthingy. Batsnakewormrat. He's dead too, but not. Oh, stupid ghosts, I can't remember anything anymore. Maybe they're all dead and I'm simply dreaming. I don't know anything.

:///{you're just doing this because you want the attention. the love you feel for others you want to be reflected upon yourself. but this is impossible, child. you have no face.}--/

As time passes I destroy I destroy I destroy. And can never return. Because it's all like maggots again. Like the Filth is in your blood {dripdripping} like the Filth is in your eyes {dripdripping] like the Filth is in you and you are the Filth and this is so. {theparanoiarunsthick} Nofacenofacenoface. Queen of Spades. Trying to cover it with a stolen mask. But you are facelessfacelessfaceless.

&Let's try to be coherent for a second: Charity {name subject to change, whatever} is what happened to 1 when she was left in a box for a month to rot. She rotted. She heard effigy{sab} ranting and stalking around outside of her box. &She boiled over. effigy used to be filled to the brim with Filth {it's blood mixed with decaying plant&human matter, dead leaves flies skin organs whatever. smells like rot. tastes like tears.} but now she's all empty inside and nothing left to defend against Depp's leftover oil/goo/blood {it never dies. it will always conquer} she hides her facelessness behind a stolen mask {not telling you whose} and curls up in a corner of Deadog as Charity {Charity&effigy, it rhymes, they're sisters, harharhar} rampages around eating and destroying what she's just built. Charity's all stripey. Her lips&arms. Growl like a beast. {howdareyouhowdareyouILOVE{}DAMMITgiveitback} Pierced herself with Sabø†age's black iron. Very ironic/symbolic. &someotherstuffblahblahblah. ://How many times have I tried to purge, I wonder. Just leave it all behind. And it nevernever works. Because of her. She was always there, watching growling whispering. &now she's the one dying and I'm frankly scared. She collapsed before and came back. But. I have no reason to believe that this will ever happen again. I want her back and I don't. She's familiar and I'm attached. But I hate her. But she's better than me. But she reminds me of that constantly. I don't know. Bluhbluhbluh. Cut its tongue off already.


:: 2003 9 December :: 10.45 am

I feel as if I have no originality left whatsoever {or rather, there never was any, but I was too dim to notice} like one of those fools who make a dragon species with FUR OMG and think it's the greatest thing that ever was. I don't have any identifying features, nothing to set me apart from the dull masses, nothing to cause anyone to stick around for longer than the few seconds required to see me and click the 'next' button. I am a Cheshire {shapeshifter} because I'm trying to avoid the very thing I most crave, a positive sense of self. Because whatever I can build someone else will destroy. Or worse. I will. {vaguelyrelated} effigy doesn't have a set appearance. She's been a rabbit a shark a cartoon an anthro a fag a neuter etc. etc. But there's still nothing there. She will always be the one screaming into a void. {&} Wierd how one little thing can completely verb up your day. If you dwell on it. If you allow the sickness and the nausea to take over. {likeicouldeverstopit}{&} I shall call them Fear&Loathing, they make a very nice pair. Loathing has risen from the dead and it makes her blood boil. She is what her master used to be. Spitting, hissing, growling, screaming. Blood&Filth dripping from every orifice, from her gouged-out eyes and the holes in her chest&abdomen. Fingers dripping, stained. She's huge now, and runs around eating Denizens {damn it! give cat-thing back!} and curling her lip at the one who dares not meet her eyes. Fear&Loathing. What one builds up, the other shall tear down. It will always be this way. {she ate Dog once, and I know why. same reason now?¿} But it's the rule of threes again. I wonder what that means. {gettingbacktotheoriginalpoint} I miss my Wunderland days.


:: 2003 8 December :: 5.07 pm

[&what are you looking for underneath all that false skin?]

://All is going. All will be gone. Where is my[self]--//:In this context nothing seems to matter--//:Larval masses have no sense of self|Two decades?¿But when shall I have my wings{tendrils}--//:Or is it enough that Massacre flies://:[what]TimeCubetherearefourtendrilsinmyhand[what]://:Stupidstupidstupid[animalgodthing]--//:effigy has yellow eyes, that's all that really matters. An Ahzinten feature. They were killers on a massive scale. [!] A new age, a corporate monarchy. Control over everything, everyone, a country ruled by its mob. [¿possible?]

[I want to ascend but I have no concept of what it's like above the ground. Grey is very very accurate. &I still want to hide from everything, can't beat the notion. . .]

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