Some people say we're too good to be true,
but they don't get to be loved by you...


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:: 2008 27 November :: 2.31am

step 1 - drink vanilla vodka and rootbeer (was absolutly chronic). step 2 - go to the club. step 3 - go home and eat and burt yourself on the oven grandma boy style. step 4 - get plenty of sleep to feast upon bird tomorrow. and sneak some to the pendubs.

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:: 2008 25 November :: 10.13pm

A.I. for right now, what do you know about Lebron James in 2010?
Im thinking Pistons will destroy everything.

edit : thinking about getting cornrows, A.I. style. Not sure yet though.

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:: 2008 25 November :: 12.24am
:: Mood: aggravated

Karma comes around in full, I keep thinking of that. Believe what you want but the grapevine lies and the liars within can go fucking drown.

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:: 2008 23 November :: 12.08pm

So apparently I was the only one that knew about old greg yesterday

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:: 2008 23 November :: 4.46am

Went to KC bar with Will T, Sam Adams cherry wheat on tap is the best the best the best

drank 3 brews there
then we went to eric's and wasted some shits at beer pong

good night

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:: 2008 17 November :: 2.32am

I don't know what to believe anymore.
Tired from over thinking, numb from over feeling.
When you try to move on and things get thrown back at you.
This whole event seems like mutually assured destruction.

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:: 2008 16 November :: 1.11pm

Mudvayne - Pushing Through This
Salt the wound
Cut through a conscience I've failed to explore
The calm before the storm
Speak your peace and prepare for the fall
Words have been chosen
Tainting the gift
Lying truth's so increditable
So fuck you all
I'm turning my back on this killing so small

Step by step I'm pushing through this
(All of you get away from me)
Eye for an eye I'm pushing through this
My law
Step by step I'm pushing through this
(All of you get away from me)
Tooth for a tooth I'm pushing through this
Through you

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:: 2008 16 November :: 12.39am

Drastic steps

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:: 2008 10 November :: 3.46pm

Lawls my insurance company gave me a PT Loser to drive while my chevy is getting fixed.

This has been a fun afternoon of abusing someone else's car.

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:: 2008 9 November :: 12.27am

More bullshit, a fucking car wreck. Fucking Hell just what I needed tonight.

I would really like to be able to talk to a certain someone right now.

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:: 2008 5 November :: 1.53pm

kimbo got tko'd. lol.

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:: 2008 2 November :: 2.32am

done this1 million times but nobdy understands still. except mishy. kimbo = not shit and washed up. anderson silva is king. nobody will ever be as dominate as he was/is. 1:01 spinning back elbow knockout, who does that? no one. sickest move ever in mma. respect anderson or die.

edit. 4:45 is the sickest bjj triagle you will ever see in your life. and 6:02 is the most disgusting knockout you will ever see in your life. spiing beck
elbow. ouch!.

edit # 2. Spelling wasnt the best, but i still have to give him props. nobody will ever match his skill of fighting. kimbo is chump, lenser is chump, everybody ever is chump compared to him. regardless who it is, it could be fedor at 185 and andersons clinch is to good for anybody to withstand. his strikes are all sniper style. the just hit, and you feel it. love the man, many kudos. plz dont retire in 09!

edit # 3: im sure most of you know this already but i just want to say it. most youtubers (90.5%) of them are morons and try to ethug out.

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:: 2008 2 November :: 2.32am

done this1 million times but nobdy understands still. except mishy. kimbo = not shit and washed up. anderson silva is king. nobody will ever be as dominate as he was/is. 1:01 spinning back elbow knockout, who does that? no one. sickest move ever in mma. respect anderson or die.

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:: 2008 2 November :: 1.45am

this is how i roll. Oberon, our summer ale. An American wheat ale with the color and scent of a summer afternoon. i dont need to dress up. Im Jay motherfucking Zulla. happy halloween peeps. i hope everyone had as fun a time as i did.

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:: 2008 1 November :: 10.21am

i am having a horrible horrible day...week...

i/we have never done this before. we've always been so on top of things and yeah we've been short before but never honestly with nothing. this is going to wreck things for us. this stuff is permanent.

god how do you tell a friend that you need something because it's fricken ruining shit.

this sucks and i keep getting sick every single day from the stress and i am not liking it.

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:: 2008 28 October :: 5.03am
:: Mood: Not sure
:: Music: Country (B-93)


I cannot fathom how I managed to stay up reading my World Religions book and doing ungodly amounts of laundry on an hour and a half nap at 11:30 pm and liking it. I figured "Whats the point of going to bed, I need to be up at 5:30am anyways and with my luck I would prolly sleep through my alarm and miss my test which would be a bad thing." So I made eggs and toast at 3:15 am, read the paper, bleached some whites, folded previous loads of laundry, listened to the radio and finished my chapters on Confucionism and Taoism. I still have homework due by the end of today but the load is less intense since I have accomplished half of it on my adventure of spountanious laundry doing and homework completion.

I am definately going to feel this later. It is my long day today meaning school goes from 7:45am to 9:30pm


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:: 2008 26 October :: 1.22pm

Not going into work today till 6:00pm because I have the flu. Such a shitty week this has been.

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:: 2008 14 October :: 1.31pm

I think there is something fundamentally wrong with this country that Beverly Hills Chihuahua is the top film right now. Well it's better than Oliver Stone's piece of shit making money, apparently people aren't sheep enough to buy into his sack of garbage.

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:: 2008 13 October :: 12.12am

If you see the Metrodome Referees, they are wanted for Robbery. That is all.

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:: 2008 11 October :: 12.14pm

MSU = #23 in the country baby! Javon Ringer ftw!

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:: 2008 8 October :: 4.45pm

where's the beef
A Vegetarian Diet Shrinks the Brain
According to a new study, vegetarians and vegans are six times more likely to suffer from brain shrinkage than meat eaters.

The link was discovered after scientists at Oxford University ran memory tests, physical checks and brain scans on 107 people between the ages of 61and 87, and then retested them five years later.

Researchers speculate the loss of brain mass in vegetarians and vegans is due to a deficiency of Vitamin B12, which is found in meat, fish and eggs. This type of brain atrophy is linked to Alzheimer's Disease and other cognitive failings.

The decision to eat meat is often attacked by veggies, but it now seems as though these kinds of affronts may just be a product of small-mindedness.

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:: 2008 2 October :: 3.06am
:: Mood: Alert
:: Music: Eric Clapton- Layla


I drank two cans of XS to keep me awake so that I could do homework. Now I cannot sleep and I have I am starving.

Thank God for mom's cooking cause veggie stew and tatos is just what I need.

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:: 2008 29 September :: 1.19pm

Atleast we still got MSU and UoM to have faith in.

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:: 2008 28 September :: 2.31pm

my prozac has taken the day (maybe week) off. I am in the worst mood ever and i would seirously suggest not talking to me today because I am bound to explode.

when someone tells you they are comig over at 1 and decide not to come to oh who knows... THREE or something? maybe you should let the home owner know. that'd be great thanks.

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:: 2008 27 September :: 11.42pm

Who is Les Grossman?

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