Some people say we're too good to be true,
but they don't get to be loved by you...


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:: 2008 26 September :: 3.58pm


dont you ever EVER EVER EVER ever come up to me while talking on your cell phone and fucking show me by using your fingers what tanning bed you'd like to tan in. or by pointing or mouthing words or fucking any of that stuff. seriously i'm going to punch this business dressed man who thinks he's fucking better than me i want to kick him in the fucking crotch. god i hope he dies.


i'm in such a bad mood.

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:: 2008 26 September :: 3.41pm

i'm in a really bad mood and i'd really like to be home right now.


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:: 2008 26 September :: 12.36pm

Fucking Lions. Please contact M. Vick. Please please please please please. I will be the first to own a blue and silver number 7 jersey.

edit : Common saints/falcons, and giants.

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:: 2008 25 September :: 10.05am

Dear Bungie,
Quit making Halo games, they are shitty and only douchebags play them.

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:: 2008 22 September :: 1.59pm

R.I.P. Evan Tanner

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:: 2008 20 September :: 10.27pm

I think if mccain/palin get elected I will have to move out of the country for many reasons.

but one main reason being that sarah palin cuts off like every word that ends in ING. Payin' doin' implementin' spendin' supportin' .....

arrrrgh! shut up!

"i can see russia from my house!"

"heartbeat away from being president!!"

5 spoke up | speak the unspoken


:: 2008 17 September :: 11.04am
:: Mood: happy but tired

"Every time I've ever believed in a happy ending I've gotten severely fucked.”

-Brenda Chenowith

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:: 2008 16 September :: 12.49pm

Anderson Silva vs Patrick Cote for the middleweight championship.

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:: 2008 15 September :: 3.05pm

XP x64 > Vista x64, that is all

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:: 2008 11 September :: 3.47pm

Ken Shamrock vs Kimbo Slice? What the fuck is Kimbo doing. Putting his career on the line to fight a bunch of over the hill fighters. First Tank Abott and now Shamrock. He needs to stop getting on the dinosaur fight card and fight someone who is in their prime.

At least Brock Lesner is going to fight Randy Couture. That should be a damn good fight.

Edit : WWE can suck a fat dick. Some of their "wrestlers" want to move to a career in mma. They will allow them to be released from their contracts but will ban them from fighting in any mma showcase. However brock lesner took this to court and fought it and won it. I think its fucking stupid as hell that they do this shit to people. Their just pissed that their form of entertainment is fake, and wrestlers that actually have some dignity (provided there arnt many) would like to pursue a more meaningful career. WWE just needs to shut down and all their fans need to pull a lemmings and jump off a cliff.

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:: 2008 8 September :: 1.05pm

Chuck Liddell got knocked the fuck out. Kinda sucks his career is done. Rashad looked king though.

When is silva going to have to impose his will on someone next? either of them wandy and anderson.

speak the unspoken


:: 2008 3 September :: 9.55pm
:: Mood: melancholy

Its Getting Old...

Same shit different day...


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:: 2008 2 September :: 2.19pm
:: Music: T.i. Whatever you like

Hair cut will be set up for later this week probley.

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:: 2008 2 September :: 11.48am

The Iceman fight soon. ANybody interested in the ppv?

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:: 2008 1 September :: 11.48pm
:: Mood: Takin' it easy
:: Music: Planet Piss - Takin' it easy

Planet Piss - Takin' it easy
would rather spend the night sleepin' than gettin' in a fight!

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:: 2008 30 August :: 1.25pm

do you folks like coffee

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:: 2008 30 August :: 3.40am

definitely at a crossroad right now

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:: 2008 28 August :: 3.59pm

Image Hosted by

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:: 2008 21 August :: 4.15pm

I want to spend the weekend at Bernie's, feels good man

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:: 2008 21 August :: 4.11pm

If anyone has any last things to say to my hair you better do it, its going very soon.

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:: 2008 18 August :: 1.38pm

2-0 preseason lions. Hopefully they can carry this winning motivation into regular season. Kitna/Stanton looked good last night.

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:: 2008 18 August :: 1.21am

Image Hosted by

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:: 2008 17 August :: 8.27pm

Why do people think they don't have to be responsible for their own kids? Why do people think they dobt have to be responsible for themselves? Why do people think you are being rude or asking too much when you are just simply asking them to follow the rules of YOUR house? Its my apartment you are a freaking guest.. If I should even call you that.. In MY HOUSE! Sorry but that means you follow my rules or you can fucking leave. Just because you think you are some tough guy gangster whatever doesn't mean you don't have to answer someone when they tell you to take care of the mess you made! And no! Im not gonna fucking watch your daughter for you! Get a job! Maybe then you can pay me to do it! But until then I won't watch your daughter when you have nothing better to do but drink.

Ughghghghhgghgh people are so stupid.

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:: 2008 17 August :: 1.37pm
:: Music: Lil wayne - Kush

Yeahh....and I smoke that Kush. Yeah....and we ball like swoosh

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:: 2008 16 August :: 1.47am

tropic thunder was hilarious

3 spoke up | speak the unspoken | Random Journal