2007 8 October :: 3.28pm
goodbye red robin hooray!!!
speak the unspoken
2007 8 October :: 12.06am
So today i was in a really horrible mood. really life isn't that bad. i am just really really stressed and overwhelmed. i have too much stuff going on.
what it comes down to is that i am horrible at making decisions. and yeah
gosh now i forgot what i was going to say.
speak the unspoken
2007 7 October :: 6.53pm
what the hell is a wedding anyway.
fuck this shit . i need a mother fucking vacation i swear to god if i wouldn't lose my scholarship i would leave this stupid fucking country in an instant. fuck the sholarship, i'm going to lose it anyway because there is no god damn way i'm passing that fucking class. who the fuck am i kidding whydidn't i just enroll in chic or some shit so i could actually have some income by now. seriously how the hell do people even fucking do it. theres no fucking way . i'd say i shoudl move back in with my parents but fuck it they are moving to florida anyway so too god damn late for me.
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speak the unspoken
2007 6 October :: 7.21pm
okay so red flannel is like scary and loud and ugly
and i dont know if i can go to one ever again. it had good parts and i liked the band competition but i couldn't wait to leave. i know, bad right but i duno
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speak the unspoken
2007 3 October :: 5.49pm
:: Music: Weezy - Top Back (Seat down low)
Red Flannel for the win. People at work were asking me at work what exactly we do up there. I told them I go with no plans, except for partying hard and seeing my town act like a buncha idiots. W00T.
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speak the unspoken
2007 2 October :: 10.46am
Okay so I work on Wednesday and then I don't work again until Sunday.
I have to tell you guys something...
I'm so excited for Friday and Saturday. AHHH i'm such a loser. I've never been way excited for RED FLANNEL DAY lol except when I was in a band-it was a pretty big deal because of the performance and parade. but still.
I am like counting down the day until the Friday game and excited for RFD and the nothingness. I dont know.
I miss...
and guess what!
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speak the unspoken
2007 29 September :: 7.55pm
:: Music: fever
well, if i never make it as a nurse at least i know i'll be a good housewife.
i make the best damn chocolate chip cookies ever.
i have the potential of being an excellant housewife.
speak the unspoken
2007 28 September :: 1.54pm
i feel so sick to my stomach because i dont want to go to work. i would do anything seriously to not go. i want so bad to just not even go in but i know thats wrong and stupid. but i've only worked there for like a month so it's not like they'd be a good reference anyway ughghghgh i should just not go in but i dunno
any advice?
i need a new fucking job.
i'm gonna call midnite sun and cruise right now and try to fucking get hired so i have an excuse not to go in!
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speak the unspoken
2007 27 September :: 10.45pm
:: Mood: nervous
:: Music: Classical
A bathe.
The one thing I never take because of time restrictions. Well I am making time for it tonight.
I deserve one.
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speak the unspoken
2007 27 September :: 11.51am
Vick is a dumbass. Not only does he get involved with one dog fighting ring, he's linked to another where the owner/leader was found murdered execution style. Then he fails a piss test. Laugh, rot in hell you ignorant fuck. I hope inmates have their way with your ass. Pun intented.
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speak the unspoken
2007 27 September :: 10.27am
ahh i love tr night. why does he have to be gay?
yay greys anatomy tonight i am so fricken excited.
speak the unspoken
2007 26 September :: 5.53pm
i need a new job.
speak the unspoken
2007 26 September :: 3.00pm
:: Mood: Elated
Absolutely perfect.
speak the unspoken
2007 25 September :: 8.20pm
college sucks
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speak the unspoken
2007 24 September :: 1.23am
May there always be work for your hands to do;
May your purse always hold a coin or two;
May the sun always shine on your windowpane;
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain;
May the hand of a friend always be near you;
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
speak the unspoken
2007 23 September :: 9.57am
some of my money is missing.
speak the unspoken
2007 20 September :: 11.49pm
A raindrop is perfect. He falls from his home of a cloud so dark, faster and faster he falls not knowing where he will go but anticipates his destination. For each moment that passes he is certian there is a purpose for his exsistence but is unknowing of his fate.
speak the unspoken
2007 17 September :: 12.50am
gunnie if you are online please get on aim
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speak the unspoken
2007 17 September :: 12.05am
finally finished dying my hair. thanks to roman of course.
it looks kinda dumb but i dont care. i like the change. and since i am not cutting my hair because iwant it to be long at least this is a little change.
i love grey's anatomy omg. i love it so much. if i had a dying wish i think it would be to be a charatcter on greys anatomy. yeah fer realllllllllll.
i should replace meredith. because she is annoying and i loveh er but hate her at the same tie.
dont mind my typos. i just dont care and omg i can't breathe i feel like my throat is bleeding from all those chemicals and standing in the bathroom with all those chemicals for so long gahhhhhh can't breathe.
yesss! i love endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes. gosh.
speak the unspoken
2007 13 September :: 3.41pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: Bright Eyes
I just have to tell the world and this is as close as I can get
I'm going to a Bright Eyes concert! That's right me at a Bright Eyes concert. Jealous much? haha. Floor seats and everything! I'm so excited!
speak the unspoken
2007 12 September :: 11.33pm
:: Mood: Terribly Sad
A Tribute To A Very Brave Boy...
I did everything in my power to make the last month and four days of your life a happy one. You were a real trooper throughout this whole ordeal. You took your medication like a champ and you were fairly reasonable about bandaging. I knew you were in pain but you still listened to my requests. You were oh so very brave through all of this. You have your wings now. Forever you will run through grassy meadows and carrot patches laced with sweet feed. You are a very brave boy Socks and I love you very much.
Sweet Dreams Sockman
speak the unspoken
2007 11 September :: 5.58pm
hes a handsome black man.
adn i just opened my book and it is confirmed.
i will fail this class.
speak the unspoken
2007 11 September :: 5.53pm
great. my teacher is a really old, unapproachable man.
YES, he walked in to the wrong class and started writing his name on the board and a lady came in and said 'i thought you were in 301?"
"this is 301, isn't it?"
no its not hahaha- i still have a chance to get a better looking, younger, more approachable professor in this class. i'll keep you pposted as i'm sure you all care so much.
speak the unspoken
2007 11 September :: 5.47pm
this is what you get because my statistics class is in a computer lab.
why is my math class in a fricken computer lab?
god am i typing really loud or is it just me?
i put my bags in the seat next to me because i dont want anyone to sit by me.
god i'm a bitch.
why are there so many old people that go to davenport. shit i hope thats my teacher because he's pretty hot. he's wearing a tie. oh, nope he sat down. anyway- old people? i hate having so many old people in my class because then no one talks out of turn and it's nothing like high school. everyone acts like they are so much smarter than they really are. i hate it. gosh that guy is cute. well - for a man . man. man man........................
shit i need to go drink and get the hell out of this clas. why am i in this class. i suck at math. i'm probably going to fail it. i did awful in my other math class. shit shit shit. why i am in this class. 3 hours of math. it's gonna kick my ass.
i haven't even opened the packaging on my book. maybe i should do that.
god i need some friends at this school.
but you remember i put my bags in the seat next to me so no one sits by me, right?
i'm a fricken moron.
lets get this show on the road before i write another pointless update.
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speak the unspoken
2007 11 September :: 5.44pm
the sky is pretty right now.
i'm going to have so many regrets when i die.
i'm never going to have that feeling again because i dont have enough time to.
i'm living my life grey's anatomy style. stop feeling sorry for yourself!
speak the unspoken