2007 9 September :: 5.21pm
so fucking stupid.
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2007 8 September :: 3.23pm
i feel weird.
something weird happened and i'm afraid to fall asleep.
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2007 6 September :: 12.50am
:: Mood: energetic
I have my work definately cut out for me this semester but it is so worth it if I can learn small phrases in German and not have anybody understand what I am saying. I am so excited!!!! I'm only kidding. But seriously that would be awesome. This semester I managed to aquire a sixteen credit load that consists of Sociology, Survey of Calculus, Biology and of course my favorite out of this whole entourage, German.
Anyways, besides my boring and most certainly uneventful college course schedule, my horses are extremely lucky that I love them ever so much. Last night they broke through the fence, then this morning, then tonight. Last night was ok because it was an easy fix, no harm done. This morning on the other hand really irritated me. Class was scheduled to start in an hour and I hadnt been down to see Socks yet and actually looked like a girl, but thats beside the point, and all of the sudden I hear Johnny screaming, in my opinion, and I looked out and the other two horses were nowhere to be found so I go out and look and here comes Pete and Sierra just casually walking down the road coming back from the barn as if they had to do some sort of inspection to ensure that everything was in working order down there. Luckily I had grain in a bucket for Socks, so I shook it a bit and they came running and followed me out to the pasture. I did a make shift fix on the fence and mind you that I am still in my school clothes that make me look like an actual girl. So now my hair is not straight anymore and at that point I didnt really care but that is also beside the point. I actually thought my hair looked pretty nifty because it had that wild messy look but looked seductive pulled back loosely. I will just admit it, I looked hot today!!!! Also beside the point. So anyways, the horses get out again tonight when I get home, actually they were out before that and my phone is broken so I didnt get the numerous messages left by my mother, and I fixed their fence again, hopefully it holds this time. So at 1:00am I am energetic and quite disappointed I was unable to run. Maybe I will do it in the morning. We will see.
I dont really like him, I just like to talk about him alot. I found it quite coincidental that he was exactly were I was at the time I decided to be where I was this afternoon. Of all of the trillions, no make that gazillions, of students on campus, how is it that he happens to be the one that I run in to. Seriously. It just amazes me. Then to top it off we hung out for an hour or so and he was begining to be riduculous, also beside the point. But I mean seriously, how does that work? I enjoyed the time I spent with him but seriously. What makes me wonder even more is that within the first 10 minutes or so I was going to leave and get my German book and he didnt want me to go. It just makes me wonder. Like I said before I dont really like him, I just like to talk about him alot.
So with that out of my system:
Auf Wiederschen!
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2007 5 September :: 7.53pm
we moved into our new apartment and it is so cute and wonderful and big and spacious and great and i love roman and we are so happy .
and my new job is really good i am so much less stressed. i can tell my body is thankful that i got a new job. my face is totally clear and i dont feel pissed off all the time. that job was no good for me. too stressful.
i love life right now except for school. school sucks but oh well. love
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1988 1 January :: 2.11pm
so I am at school right now just dicking the time away.
I had to take the bus because my car broke down and so I borrowed one from my parents but then it broke down too. its been a bad week and now i have to go and buy books and that will be pretty damn hefty in itself. yuck on book buying.
andy and I seem to be pretty okay all things considered. we moved and our new apartment is awesome sauce.
no other news.
im going to trek it across campus to see if books are cheaper at brians. im fairly sure they are also I have three hours to kill before my next class.
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2007 28 August :: 1.35am
:: Mood: energetic
:: Music: Just me humming strange tunes in my head
I should have seen it coming...I just didnt want to
I seem to have myself stuck between a rock and a hard place. Well maybe not really but sometimes it feels that way. I am not over heels for him anymore, not like I used to be at least but I find myself more and more thinking about him. Sometimes it feels as though something is really there and not just by my account by I get a vibe from him and within minutes or maybe even over the course of the day the sense will just fad into normality which is boring and uneventful. Sometimes I wonder if he just tries to stay distant from me because he doesnt want to see something evolve. I dont know but it was worth a thought.
Another thing that really pisses me off and has become quite the trend is not recieving a phone call back from two specific people in particular. Let me just put it out there, when someone calls somebody else it is common courtesy to return there phone call just to be polite. I am so fucking sick of putting forth an effort where it seems there is a wall. I am tired of being the only one who ever seems to care. I know I fucked up. I know that chances of making it work were slim to none but I was willing to take that slim chance that it might work. I suppose it was just a waste of time from the begining the second time around. I just wish you would of told me that before you decided to drop me off and never bother look back and try to pick up the pieces. But whatever 'lifes a dance you learn as you go.'
But do not worry there is hope for me yet. We will see where this one takes me.
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2007 25 August :: 8.29pm
yay i got a new job.
at red robin in grandville! come see me.\
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2007 9 August :: 12.04am
:: Mood: content
Everything is not what it seems...
actually love the life that I live. At times it can be chaotic, an emotional roller coaster, and down right annoying but I love every minute of it.
I work three jobs, train two to three horses every week, workout, and volunteer with a local veterinarian. During the day if I am not working at the feed mill or riding along with the veterinarian, I am training horses. In the evening I am either milking cows or working at H2. My only saving grace is when I have a horse show, then I do not work anywhere and simply enjoying the short lived time off with the horses. Starting in less than a month I will be begining my second year of college with a sixteen credit load, all while continuing to work three jobs. Unfortunately I will have to stop volunteering with the veterinarian simply for the lack of time and I will be unable to work the horses as frequently due to the same motive. However, I recently took on a new project. I acquried a new horse with a serious injury that will take months to heal with the possibility that he will have to be euthenized if infection occurs.
That is my life in a nutshell. Details are not important other than the horse.
But cest la vie
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2007 7 August :: 6.45pm
i made it into the nursing program.
my life is so incredibly crazy and stressful right now. on top of it all i hate my job that i am working 40 hours at every day. going in at 630 all week. sucks.
i sold another book online which is great but of course i can't find the cd that goes with it. wonderful. i need to go to the post office to mail it but i can't mail it until i find the cd and i can't go to the post office unless i get out of work on time and i have to return the library books but i need to go at a time when it's open beceause i need to get some more books for my report which is due in two weeks
annnnnnnnnnnd we are moving in three weeks and nothing and i mean nothing is packed or planned or anything. omg. or cleaned. ugh. no boxes. nothing ugh.
annnnnnnd we are going to ohio in two weeks and so we wont pack then.
we will never pack
we will end up throwing random belongings down the stairs and in our car . carload by carload and drive it all 5 miles to our new apartment and carry it in handfuls up our 3 flights of stairs.
and all my classes. class every day. and no time for work.
what the hell am i going to do
and my hair dind't get done today because shit got messed up so i will have ugly hair for at least a week probably more.
i'm gonna go drink all by myself. me and my cats.
we're gonna go get drunk.
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2007 5 August :: 10.36pm
i cannot stand my hair right now. i wish i never had cut it all off. i hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it is like a tiny bit longer than shoulder length and all the same length, no layers.... it is my normal color which is like dark underneath and then it gets highlights in the front from the sun or whatever and i just can't stand it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tomorrow i am making an appointment. i mean i haven't even gotten it cut since like march or something so it needs it anyway and i haven't got it dyed or anything since last year. and i dyed it myself in probably like december or something.
so i am gonna get it cut and layered but only cut a little bit because i want it to grow out so badly. and then i am dying it all the same color - a dark brown with a little bit of a copper tint and then getting coppery or carmely highlights and blonde highlights.
yes sir. can't wait. because i fricken hate my hair.
and then i am not cutting it (as in majorly cuttting it- anything besdies a trim) until my wedding. which is a long way away so my hair will be super super long. i want it to be down to the middle of my back so that i can have huge curls and big beautiful hair for my wedding.
yup sothats my plan
just had to let you all know lol.
and yeah jess i still work at the daycare and i loved it when i first started but now i can't stand it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhh
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2007 3 August :: 11.15pm
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2007 2 August :: 8.51pm
my banana bread i just made is in the oven baking. mmmm it smells so good.
I really have no idea what to do. Move or don't move? I dont know. we could save a lot of money but is it worth the hassle? and there is the possibility that we wont save much money if any.
i duno
gosh i have lots to say but i have no time.
i HATE my job though. seriously HATE my job
does anyone have any jobs they can offer me? i really hate my job. seriously.
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2007 31 July :: 10.48pm
what the f is wrong with woohu. it like never works for me anymore. i can't get to my friends page. gughghgh
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2007 31 July :: 10.45pm
Everything is going wrong for me right now. and i seriously can't take it right now.
i got my hopes up. i jumped the gun and i didn't even do anything to deserve that.
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2007 26 July :: 8.12pm
i am stressed. there are too many things going on . too many things changing. too many things "up in the air". too many things to do and too many things unsolved.
i am stressed.
oh, and my job sucks too.
speak the unspoken
2007 24 July :: 9.37pm
i feel like i have to update.
overall my life is good. the things that matter to me most are good. for the most part.
i just feel like there are too many things that are still not totally right.
ughhh. i don't get it, i never have and i never will. it sucks.
i keep watching this show about fat kids. i dont get it because they aren't doing well and yet the show is still on and what i am i talking about. i have no idea.
i can't wait to move into our new apartment.
speak the unspoken
2007 13 July :: 2.18pm
:: Mood: sleepy
Everything happens the way that it does for a reason.
Instead of wondering why my life seems to be on the edge of chaos all the time, I have decided to except the way things are because I know that without the sequential order of events my life wouldnt exsist as it does now.
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2007 11 July :: 10.19pm
i kind of don't feel safe here anymore. someone got shot in our parking lot. that is so weird. i really felt safe here and thought that we were in a ''good'' area. i mean i know we are close to 28th street and there are a lot of weirdos around but i thought that our apartments were safe and stuff. now i am suspicious of everyone i see around here and the people across from us had a letter on their door saying they had to move out by 11 am today and it was from the kent county civil department or something like that.
anyway. i have to go and i will write more about this later.
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2007 10 July :: 9.31pm
something is fishy................
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2007 10 July :: 9.44am
:: Mood: Alright
:: Music: Randy Travis
Life is... Alright
Life has been busy. This is the first time that I have actually been able to sit down and enjoy a few minutes to myself.
In a nutshell, I have taken on another job which is milking cows. I do this when I dont work at the feed mill or at HH. During the day, before I go to the dairy barn, I work three horses. One is the "one and only Petey", the second is my brothers horse Sierra and then third is my beighbors horse Zeke. Pete is easy to work with because I simply just trail ride him on the roads to keep him in shape for shows. Sierra is quite the opposite. I have to work her in the arena for 20 to 40 minutes at a time working on transition changes, responding to cues, and mucsle building. Zeke is just nervous overweight horse who is staring to look amazing. I love working with all of them.
Or if there are appointments scheduled then I ride with a local veterinarin and then go work at at the dairy barn or HH. I love it!!!!
My garden is growing and I really need to get a planner.
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2007 4 July :: 1.54am
yeah well fuck you guys then
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2007 2 July :: 11.34am
Why do people compare themselves with others? Why dont you just live your life for yourself and let other people do their own thing without your two cents? If people want your opinion, give it to them. If not, shut the fuck up. Pull your head out of your ass and open your eyes.
speak the unspoken
2007 30 June :: 9.52pm
:: Mood: exhausted but content
:: Music: The Wreckers
Life is good depending on your perspective...
Life is good depending on how you look at it. I could look at all the bad things that have happened and compile them and focus on it. But I am not going to do that. I am going to look at what lies ahead of me and each day that I wake up. Life really is good because I wake up in the morning without being so stiff now and I discover emotions I didnt think I had and information that I am absorbing like a sponge. Life really is good.
I have become a different person. And I love it!!!! I think a combination of taking my vitamins and going to the chiropracter has made a big difference.
My schedule is so jam packed right now I can hardly contain myself!!!! Along with working at the Feed Mill and Hungry Howies, I am baling hay, training horses, learning how to milk cows on a small dairy farm, building my business and riding along with a local veterinarian, who by the way has an awesome personality and is so helpful to my learning expirence. I think I might just have to go and purchase a planner so that I can keep track of what I am doing. I cant even imagine what is going to be like going to college and all of this, but I sure that things will slow down as soon as school starts up again.
Chrissy and I are looking at houses. We have found a couple of small houses but for the price we would like to have a place to put the horses. We found one over in Sheridan that is absolutely perfect. The barn needs repair and such and it is an absolutely beautiful place but unfortunately the price is kinda high and we would have to basically go to work, feed the horses and come home and we arent willing to give up the things that we love so she decided not to walk through the house. But on a better note we are still looking and have found a couple that have caught our interest that are small but close enough to home to keep the horses.
Anyways, I am going to watch this guy I know rope on Tuesday. I am really excited to see him rope because I havent seen it done by somebody who know how to do it and do it well.
The cowboy thing gets me everytime.
We are having a Chrissy/Lindsey day tommorow at Michigan Adventure. Next trip is to Cedar Point.
I am so excited and so exhausted.
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2007 30 June :: 9.17pm
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2007 30 June :: 6.01pm
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