2007 27 June :: 11.32pm
my fiance is bugging me right now.
whoever invented playstation needs to like, die.
shut uppppppppppppppppppppppppp.
speak the unspoken
2007 27 June :: 10.09am
screw work i dont want to go
i need a new job.
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2007 23 June :: 11.43pm
why do things seriously have to suck so much?
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2007 20 June :: 8.56am
I hear on the tv "A Might Heart is truly the first greatest film of the year"
ummmmm, 300.
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2007 19 June :: 12.15pm
celica and focus > avenger
edit: also think about reverting to the total ass i was. to everyone except my crew. some of you might think that that never really ended. you dont even know what ass means if thats the case. bout' to get down and dirty.
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2007 17 June :: 3.53pm
roman and i are moving into a fricken SWEET apartment at the end of august.
i thought our place was nice but it doesn't even compare to this.
we finally will have a DISHWASHER yay!!! and it is a TWO BEDROOM. 890 sq feet and we will only be paying about 30 bucks than we do now. yay i'm so excited.
on top of all the extra space we will have, we also have access to an indoor and outdoor pool, tennis courts basket ball courts, hot tub, saunas, and fitness center that has everything you need, it is it's own fitness center that people who aren't residents even use and have to have memberships to so it is huge and nice. there is also a community center to just hang out in and it has like a pool table and it's just a cute place to hang out.
i am just so excited!!! the only thing i am upset about is that we still wont have our own washer and dryer. that SUCKS. but i am still very pleased with our choice. YAY!
i wish we could move in tomorrow because i dont want to have to wait.
it is still in the same area we live in now- wyoming . so thats cool too.
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2007 15 June :: 9.20pm
so i just had an interview with a huge jerk.
fuck him.
''it makes it hard for follow up questions.''
''i'm the weeder''
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2007 15 June :: 12.36pm
penDUBS says "pistol grip pump on my lap at all times. they can be fucking with other doggys shit but they cant be fucking with mine. i think ill take out all you motherfuckers without dely"
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2007 13 June :: 12.30pm
Yeah, 98% of you should go fuck yourselves. Then put on a black jump suit and run into oncoming traffic. Yeah, I'm not joking.
I wish I didnt care about anyone so spraying my brains all over to escape stupidity and hypocricy would seem like a rational plan. Dont ask what my problem is, because chances are....you guessed it, you're the problem.
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2007 12 June :: 10.48pm
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2007 11 June :: 11.21pm
we used to do this when we were in high school, like the early years of it i mean and you just have to assume. so i dont know. i'm really confused right now. but lets keep being all mysterious i guess because thats just how we do. ha.
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2007 9 June :: 2.53pm
I'm going to be a nurse.
Well, I hope I am anyway. Davenport finally created a nursing program at their grand rapids campus and I am so excited. I have been hoping for this ever since I got the scholarship. They have been planning on having one there but not for a long while. But I guess they sped things up because they are having one now.
There are only 30 spots and I just pray that I will get one.
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2007 8 June :: 3.58pm
My mom says to my father - " our damn bathroom sink has been leaking for 2 years, and you lay around and watch Paris Hilton go back to jail?" my dad - "It had shades of the OJ Simpson chase"
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2007 6 June :: 10.19pm
i know its bad but i am skipping my homework tonight. i am just so overwhelmed and i can't take it anymore. all i want to do is sit around and relax and dream about my wedding.
and my baby is home so that is it. love.
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2007 31 May :: 10.05pm
i don't understand how anyone can survive without air conditioning.
our air conditioning is still broken even though it was supposed to be fixed today. they couldn't fix it.
i am seriously going to die. i know it sounds pathetic. but i'm really going to die. i'm suprised i'm not already dead. i have never been so sick in my life. tuesday at 2 in the morning i puked like every hour until 9 . seriously i threw up everything in me. i was so dehydrated but whenever i drank water i would just throw it up. i wanted to die so bad.
it's a long story but i took too much cold medicine i'm pretty sure. i just layed in the bathroom and hugged the toilet the whole night and all day tuesday. omg i just wanted to die.
that's it.
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2007 28 May :: 6.54pm
we're engaged!
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2007 24 May :: 10.51pm
something big happened
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2007 23 May :: 9.56pm
seriously, i dont even like american idol that much. i just have a strange curiousity about who is going to win. i just have to know. and god i swear these random songs and random performers are getting so damn annoying i cna't watch for much longer.
they ARE deciding tonight, aren't they?
god they better be.
5 more minutes and this show is ending.
they're deciding tonight right. please dont tell me i watched this whole thing for no reason. just tell me who fricken won.
lots of crap going on in my life i just dont feel like typing. i hate children.
that's totally not true but i just kinda feel like that.
and yet again i am getting sick. why? becausei work around snot nosed kids all day. and i swear to god i got sick from the one kid i cannot STAND because i had to keep wiping the oozing green snot from his fat little nose.
speak the unspoken
2007 23 May :: 8.12pm
"Into The Ocean"
I'm just a normal boy
That sank when I fell overboard
My ship would leave the country
But I'd rather swim ashore
Without a life vest I'd be stuck again
Wish I was much more masculine
Maybe then I could learn to swim
Like 'fourteen miles away'
Now floating up and down
I spin, colliding into sound
Like whales beneath me diving down
I'm sinking to the bottom of my
Everything that freaks me out
The lighthouse beam has just run out
I'm cold as cold as cold can be
I want to swim away but don't know how
Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean
Let the waves up take me down
Let the hurricane set in motion... yeah
Let the rain of what I feel right now...come down
Let the rain come down
Where is the coastguard
I keep looking each direction
For a spotlight, give me something
I need something for protection
Maybe flotsam junk will do just fine
the jetsam sunk, I'm left behind
I'm treading for my life believe me
(How can I keep up this breathing)
Not knowing how to think
I scream aloud, begin to sink
My legs and arms are broken down
With envy for the solid ground
I'm reaching for the life within me
How can one man stop his ending
I thought of just your face
Relaxed, and floated into space
I want to swim away but don't know how
Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean
Let the waves up take me down
Let the hurricane set in motion... yeah
Let the rain of what I feel right now...come down
Let the rain come down
Let the rain come down
Now waking to the sun
I calculate what I had done
Like jumping from the bow (yeah)
Just to prove that I knew how (yeah)
It's midnight's late reminder of
The loss of her, the one I love
My will to quickly end it all
Set front row in my need to fall
Into the ocean, end it all
Into the ocean, end it all
Into the ocean, end it all
into the ocean...end it all
Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)
Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)
Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)
I want to swim away but don't know how
Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean
Let the waves up take me down
Let the hurricane set in motion (yeah)
Let the rain of what I feel right now...come down
Let the rain come down
Let the rain come down
Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)
(In to space)
Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)
Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)
Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)
Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)
Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)
(I thought of just your face)
Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)
Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)
Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)
Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)
speak the unspoken
2007 23 May :: 7.48pm
A thousand miles seems pretty far
But they've got planes and trains and cars
I'd walk to you if I had no other way
Our friends would all make fun of us
and we'll just laugh along because we know
That none of them have felt this way
speak the unspoken
2007 21 May :: 7.02pm
oh my god i am in tears and seriously i'm going to kill myself. today and ysterday i have had the worst headache in the worldmaking mesick to my stomach with pain and omg so apparantely i get migraines now. i am seriously gonna drill a hole in my brain . this hasn't happened since i worked at beaners so it has been quite a while but then last night it happened and then today at work. right before i get the headache i can't see out of one of my eyes. it is all blurry as if i had been looking at the sun or had a flash from a camera in my eye. but it's not just in one spot it is over most of the eye. it makes me have blurry and double vision. seriously everytime i looked at a kid they had two faces. omg and then i had to wrok in the baby room so that was a little better. a little quieter except when they were crying.
and then itgot really realy bad and i was crying but at least i was in the baby room so no one could see it. omg i was gonna ask to go home but of course i am too scared to so i didn't. and i felt so sick i thought i was going to throw up all over the infants. lol. but seriously i elt so nausous . BLEH andthen i have to spend the rest of the day dealing with annoying kids and having a stupid boy spit/pretend sneeze in my face a million times. and screaming stupid kids omg i swear it was a bad day.
yeah so that was my day.
even now when my head isn't like it was it's like a dull annoying headache and if i bend down or anything it all feels like it is scoming back at aonce. if i sneeze or cough or anything that puts pressure on my head it's just like UGHGHGHG. omg i want it to go waway.
sorry for the complianing but i couldn't complain about it all day and it was so horrible.
kill me.
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2007 20 May :: 7.59pm
Ok, so I lost all of my photos. Everything. Prom, graduation, parties, my first trip out of state, artsy shots, hanging out, my first photos with my new camera.. basically every photo in the past two years.
What happened is I deleted my account, because I couldn't remember my password for the life of me. I was asked if I'd like my files moved, so I said yes. Then I was asked if I'd like to delete my account even though my files would be deleted, I then chose no. After I chose that my account was deleted anyway.
I did searches in all drives and found nothing. And yes, I did check the recycle bin and nothing was there either. It's like they were just gone after the account thing.
If anyone has any way of getting something like this back please help me.
Basically I have lost all hope and am sure that everything is gone.
So, I am asking anyone who has any photos from an event I attended, or when friends hung out, Graduation, dances, prom.. please send them to me. Burn them to a CD or something.
Please take the time to help me out. I am completely crushed to have lost all of these photos.
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2007 19 May :: 10.59pm
kinda not understanding the grey's finale... hmm
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2007 18 May :: 11.17pm
i made macaroni and cheese for you and now it's getting all nasty and soggy.
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2007 16 May :: 11.46am
yeah, so um....sorry to everyone who tried to get ahold of me when my phone was dead. uh, yeah.
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