2007 6 February :: 10.24pm
boris is el totaled.
sad lizzy
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2007 6 February :: 1.28pm
ughghghghghghhghg all i can say is
shut up!!!
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2007 2 February :: 4.26pm
so i just got a job at kindercare i think. wow i interviewed there WAY back in december so i am excited. they will pay more than beaners and i can have more hours if i want. i feel bad because i really liked beaners but maybe i can somehow work at both places... ehh i duno! i feel so bad they are all gonna hate me there and i really liked them
but i guess here i need to pack a list of pros and cons
Pros of Beaners:
nice people
work at 6-2 so i have my whole day to do whatever
close at 9 so i get home early
nice schedule
i love coffee and get 1/2 off
it's like a two minute drive to get there
Cons of Beaners:
Louis makes me nervous
i dont like working with food!!!!
not good pay
getting up way early kinda sucks
i HATE wearing a uniform like that. black pants, black belt, black shoes and orange shirt.
i can't wear earrings, jewerly, not even my ring, and NO NAIL POLISH
Pros of working at Kindercare:
they have something where if you are going to school for child care or like early childhood dev. they will pay for you tuition so if i decide to switch i could do that and if you do that then you can get a job at kindercare as like a manager or whatever
more pay
more hours if i want
dont have to work weekends
i think they close at like 6... so i wouldn't be there late
friendly people!!!- heather , the manager or whatever is really really nice
BABIES, agian. but for real, i LOVE THEM it makes my heart melt just thinking about how i will be able to feed them their bottles and rock them to sleep!!!
Feel like i am teaching and helping kids instead of just providing customer service or coffee lol
dont have to work with food except snack time and lunch time lol
not a very strict uniform policy
Cons of working at Kindercare:
loud annoying kids sometimes
further drive
more physical work so it might be tiring
maybe not as flexible of a schedule??? but again, not sat or sun
okay so it looks like kindercare is a better option lol. ahh i just wanna work with babies!! maybe i'll try to keep both for a while and make sure i like kindercare but that might be hard to do but i can do it.
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2007 2 February :: 1.42pm
so my neighbor or whatever is just letting the bass boom boom.... boom boom.... boomm boooom.booom booom. .... i swear it was the beat of Ice Ice Baby earlier. well i dont care what he/she is listening to but they better shut it off soon!!! i am pissed and it is getting hard to drown out. i am trying to watch last night's grey's episode again on my computer but it wont load and i am getting pissy and the bass is not helping.
bass like boom boom not bass like a fish. just to clarify.
hey i think they shut it off.... maybe
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2007 1 February :: 10.58pm
my boyfriend just threw his shoe at the wall in a fit of anger. hmm and apparently he hates me. what do i do.
but i still got flowers....???
but i still have a "pooch" so i still am pretty much worth nothing.
i wish i lived on Grey's Anatomy and George married me in Vegas instead of Callie. Nothing against her, she is great and pretty andfunny and smart but I wanted to be George's wife and now it will never happen. Unless they get a divorce, but then I'd feel too bad for Callie that I couldn't marry George... or maybe I could. I want to be a hot surgeon dating a hot surgeon. Meredith and Derrick though would get on my nerves sooo bad. I love Meredith but I hate her when she's with Derrick and when she says "LOVE ME, PICK ME, CHOOSE ME." annnnnoooyyyinnnggg.
Marry me George and we can do surgeries together. Jessica O'Malley. That's so much better than any other potential name.
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2007 1 February :: 7.11pm
i am so angry. i try and try and try to please that STUPID woman who for the majority of the time that i have known her has been nothing but rude hurtful and mean to me. i have lately been gettting along with her but it always happens that we are starting to be better and then she turns around and is a huge bitch.
we were gonna go sledding and she was brining us snow clothes and she says " i'm brining a woman's size 8, i figured that would fit jess" and roman's like yeah probably with all the clothes on and stuff and he says "what size do you wear" and i'm like "a 6 or 7" and she says "i figured an 8 would fit her . she's been packing on the pounds. she was scaring me, i thought she was pregnant. is she pregnant? yeah she's been gaining weight she's got a pooch. but she knows it. yeah she 's been packing on the pounds"
and so i immediately start crying. i haven't been called fat since i was in 1st great and my great great aunt thelma said it. bitch.
what a fucking bitch. like she has any right to talk. she's fucking like 300 pounds. i'm nothing but nice to her. and then she says shit like that. you dont say that to a fucking girl. sorry nope. i finally FINALLY have gotten to the stage where i am beginning to accept myself just me for me. i have been getting used to my imperfections and telling myself that i'm OKAY the way i am but nooo that fat bitch has to go and say shit like that and get me feeling self consious again. STUPID BITCH.
so i wanna go home and roman wont take me. we get in this huge fight. roman starts driving he wants me to get out of his car. i wont . i think we're going home. he calls his mom and says we're not coming. the bitch tries to talk to me on the phone and i say psh no i'm not talking to anyone leave me alone "oh she wasn't saying you were fat blah blah blah " i'm like 'YEAH RIGHT? HOW ELSE CAN YOU SAY I'M FAT WITHOUT ACTUALLY SAYING THE WORDS. what other synnonems (sp) can you think of? i'm not rude to her, she has NO RIGHT to be so rude to me" and i hope she heard me say all of that. she deserves to be CALLED out once in a while for all her fucking little comments. she thinks she is queen of the mother fucking world and that her opinion matters so much that no one has a right to get mad when she says shit like that.
stupid fucking cunt bitch go fall down a flight of stairs you fucking bitch.
i am so fucking done.
does anyone else think it's a little fucking out of line. i'm so sick of it.
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2007 30 January :: 1.07pm
Man, woohu is a war zone. I'm the Swiss.
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2007 27 January :: 6.29am
I am so utterly content right now.
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2007 25 January :: 4.43am
when andrew clute is rich and famous he will take care of me and jes jes forever because he is our best friend and the three of us will have a threes company thing going on. like we already do except we will live in a gigantic mansion with sean william scott. because he is the hottness
edit_ david beckham will be there too
also sarah jessica parker
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2007 24 January :: 6.27pm
today on the highway it was way busy and i couldn't get over in the left lane for some people who were merging but i figured we'd be okay and just kind of window each other and we'd all be fine, so that plan worked out. everyone was able to squeeze in but then a few cars ahead of me they all breaked suddenly and by breaked i mean pedal to the floor , HALT, kind of break. and so everyone was sqealing their tires and like 1/2 an inch from each other and i was SO close to hitting the person in front of me and then BOOM someone hit me from the back. yeah so i started freaking out and i got off at the next exit and the person followed me but nothing was wrong. not even a mark..................
but it was scary and it made me shake and cry. lol dumb. i just wanted to share.
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2007 24 January :: 2.05am
and im starin down the barrell of a 45.
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2007 18 January :: 12.10pm
The other day kyle said he wished that he had never been born.
I feel the same way.
My mind is running wild, and i have a crazy idea. I need to talk to someone, and see what its going to take to accomplish. However it is totally possible that this could back fire just like everything fucking else.
Im going to be exactly like Eric Zane. Pissed at everyone, 300,000 in debt, but i wont be married or have kids or a job.
Hehe, maybe I should call RJ, see if he can help with my debt. Laugh. Inside jokes, some of it.
Fuck me.
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2007 16 January :: 5.03pm
i got a really cute new haircut and I love kelly clarkston
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2007 15 January :: 1.20pm
make me go grocery shopping.
i dont wanna im sick but i need food and right now i actually have time
free time
yuck on being sick
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2007 15 January :: 12.53pm
:: Mood: lethargic
I can deal...
I took a nap after my morning class and was out for an hour. I woke up stretched and then went back to sleep for another half hour. I didnt realize how tired I actually was. I believe that my lack of sleep last night was from the abundance of energy from the events that played out this past weekend. It was more thought proked energy than physical 'ants in my pants' energy. But now I am just lethargic. My eyes hurt because they still want to be closed.
I am just a friend. In both cases. Its better than not being anything at all.
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2007 13 January :: 11.53pm
is something wrong with me? i dont even know. i dont know what it is . everyone is imperfect but what is it? do i make people run away? do i deter people from being near me. what is it. do i give off this poison or something. i'm not that bad. i'm certainly not as negative as i used to be. i now i am reclusive and kind of a loner but i'm not that bad.
i dont get it.
i'm missing this SOMETHING. i'm missing something. every time i walk there my eyes fill up with tears. my heart is telling me that that is what i am missing but i can't take the first step and i fear i never will be able to. it was that thing that pushed me away about 2 years ago and i still dont understand. if that is what i am missing and i was trying then why was i pushed away. why do i feel like i dont belong there if it is the thing i need the most. sometimes i feel like i have hit it and i'm finally there but then a week passes and the feeling is gone. sometimes i feel liek its not real. sometimes i feel like feeling that is wrong. what is faith?
i dont want to be preached to but i dont want to be told i'm wrong. and at the same time i want advice.
i'll never understand it. i know i am missing the joy of playing music. i know that that is something i miss dearly but what else is it.
i am stuck in a rut and at the same time never been happier. how does that happen? i just dont want to miss anything. why can't i just be that kind of person. almost a freeloader.
why do i feel that precious time is being wasted. with every day. with every hour. i know it is. god i know it is. what am i missing and how can i get it. i just want to be told. i just want someone to have all the answers. im so scared when you ask me that but i dont know if i'm scared because i dont think i'd be okay or if i'm scared because i'm just confused. probably both . but i dont feel wrong in what i believe. the world is too skewed for it to be straight black and white by the book. the people that live that way are being nonsensical. i'm not trying to adjust it so that i can get away with everything , it's just i am trying to make sense out of something that makes none.
why do you just roll over and go to sleep when i need you the most. what i need out of you, i have no idea. i just know that i need you.
please young ones- do not get caught up. dont do it. love and be loved but just ........................
why do i do the things i do. i can't even do things anymore without thinking about how i am not supposed to be doing them.
i didn't used to feel that. and that is why i know what i'm missing.
i know what im missing but i'm so afraid of it that i dont think i will ever get it. someone please please please help me. plesae help me please. please. i dont want to be like this anymore. i want to be happy like you. i dont want to be scared anymore.
and even saying all that i know i wont put forth any effort and i will be living like this tomorrow and the next day and the next. goodbye
i was going to drink tonight but then i thought i shouldn't since you were coming and all. Now i wish i had for an hour straight. i should have..............ugh
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2007 13 January :: 11.51pm
why is it that things are the way they are?
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2007 13 January :: 2.56pm
i dont have any food in my house.
right now there is:
cheese slices
stale animal crackers
stale cereal
peanut butter crackers
a frozen dinner that i will never eat
canned veggies
some macaroni
jello mix
candy canes
.....i think i'm gonna see how long i can go until i buy groceries. or at least see how long we can go before roman breaks down and says lets go grocery shopping.
i'm hungry though.... i'm really hungry!!!
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2007 13 January :: 1.14am
suck day.
but i love him so its cool
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2007 11 January :: 10.35pm
ahhhhh it was so stupid of me to take an accelerated online class. i have not started any homework. i have something due tomorrow and something due monday. in fact, i think i'm supposed to have a topic picked for my research paper and a short essay thing saying what it's going to be due by like next wk or something. ugh how dumb!! and you're supposed to participate by replying to other people's comments but their comments are too advanced for me... i dont even know what to say... like what iam i supposed to say "hey, nice answer to the question Mary....good job!" you're supposed engage and advance discussion ... i dont even know anything about this crap. well maybe i should start by reading the book.
ugh i suck i have no motivation and no self discipline so needless to say this was a stupid idea to take a class where i just like get to pick when i want to do stuff and push myself to do it. yeah.
i'm an idiot.
i'mgonna lose my scholarship i just know it.
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2007 9 January :: 2.12pm
okay so i got a job at Beaners coffee hooray. who wants a carmel marvel?!?!?!
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2007 8 January :: 1.27pm
yay school
not yay books
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2007 4 January :: 1.52pm
:: Mood: Sore
:: Music: Randy Travis
Toot Toot....
I have hit the point where I want my car back. I am stuck at home until somebody gets here. There are two farm trucks but one in uninsured and the other one...well I am not quite sure what is wrong with the other one but I cant use that one either.
We drove home from Ohio last night at about 9:30. We arrived home around 3:15am. Long trip but it was nice to see my grandma. I know she misses my grandpa but I think most of all she just hates being alone and with us being there it allowed her to enjoy life a little bit again. I am glad to be home though. I missed my horses and they missed my too. I rode Pete this morning and I think he is sick. Not horribly ill but enough to make me worrie. But then again I always worrie about my boys because they are old. If he doesnt get any better with the electolytes I will call the vet and see if they can help me out over the phone.
I need to breakaway from my everyday life more than every six months of so. I need to be with different people and actually enjoy my life while I am still young.
Any takers?
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2007 3 January :: 4.29pm
you say I only hear what I want to.
you say I talk so all the time so.
and I thought what I felt was simple,
and I thought that I don't belong,
and now that I am leaving,
now I know that I did something wrong 'cause I missed you.
yeah, I missed you.
and you say I only hear what I want to:
I don't listen hard,
I don't pay attention to the distance that you're running
or to anyone, anywhere,
I don't understand if you really care,
I'm only hearing negative: no, no, no.
so I turned the radio on, I turned the radio up,
and this woman was singing my song:
the lover's in love, and the other's run away,
the lover is crying 'cause the other won't stay.
some of us hover when we weep for the other who was
dying since the day they were born.
well, this is not that:
I think that I'm throwing, but I'm thrown.
and I thought I'd live forever, but now I'm not so sure.
you try to tell me that I'm clever,
but that won't take me anyhow, or anywhere with you.
you said that I was naive,
and I thought that I was strong.
I thought, "hey, I can leave, I can leave."
but now I know that I was wrong, 'cause I missed you.
you said, "You caught me 'cause you want me and one day you'll let me go."
"you try to give away a keeper, or keep me 'cause you know you're just so scared to lose.
and you say, "stay."
you say I only hear what I want to.
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