2003 24 February :: 3.39 pm
:: Mood: not good
Ok I got home today to find my mail now working so i had 319 emails to sort through and delete most. If anybody at all sent me anything that i completely ignored im sorry i havent been getting mail for over a month, but it works fine now.
I havent really had a period of being happy for a while but at least im not angry and sad like i was earlier in the year. I just kinda feel like i need something to come along that will make it better. I just feel like something is missing but i dont know what. I can't wait for next friday, i love going to concerts...and then Sebring is the week after. Because of that this time each is usually the happiest for me, but not this year. Going to Sebring helps me forget about everything, i wish someone could relate, but im the only dork who would ever want to go there...time to go to my dad's and stare at the ceiling...
2 Songs |
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2003 23 February :: 10.39 pm
I'm so mad right now...I have to go to my mother's house to finish my world lit. Only two days but she has to wait for me be in the middle of just talking to some friends to make me realize why ive been at my dad's in the first place. So, because i turned off a fan in my room that she wanted on, i can't keep talking, so i'm sorry to the people i was talking to...
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2003 23 February :: 7.33 pm
tclonyl: i wish i could just go 4 months into the future and let some third party take care of my lfie until then, cause caring about world lit sucks
Gypsy10071: what if that third party is jeffery dahmer and you end up in a small apartment w/ his half-eaten, post-coital corpses in 4 months?
Gypsy10071: i bet he sucks at world lit too
tclonyl: lol
tclonyl: can i put that in the profile?
Gypsy10071: please do
tclonyl: excluding the sexual reference of course
Gypsy10071: c'mon
tclonyl: lol
Gypsy10071: pleaseeeeee?
tclonyl: no!
wouldnt fit in profile anyway...
Sing for me... |
2003 23 February :: 3.42 pm
I don't need no walls around me.
And I don't need no drugs to calm me.
I have seen the writing on the wall.
Don't think I need any thing at all.
No. Don't think I need anything at all.
All in all it was all just the bricks in the wall.
All in all it was all just the bricks in the wall.
More and more each day I fall in love with this song. It also makes me feel more and more sorry for Roger Waters, losing your dad in WWII as a child must be the worst situation to be brought up in.
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2003 23 February :: 1.06 am
:: Mood: soaking wet
strange night...went to clematis around 6:45, got to the concert place at about 9, but unfortunately they didnt start til 10:15. Saw the first band..pretty good, havent really seen any style like what they played, many diff styles with i guess a little metal. Then gargamel played 3 songs before quitting due to the "its raining hard and we dont want to get shocked" factor. so yea i just got home and am still soaking wet...
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2003 22 February :: 10.02 am
ok, i have now seen the strangest movie ever. let me see if i still have this right: paul likes sean, sean likes lauren, lauren likes victor, victor likes himself, they all like smoking...lol.
3 Songs |
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2003 17 February :: 12.24 pm
Goin back to my dad's house now, seeing my cousin and aunt was nice, but i wanna leave before my mother gets back, so bye...
1 Song |
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2003 16 February :: 11.08 pm
waltrip won the race, and it was ended early due to rain...jimmie finished 3rd, gordon 12th....pretty good showing...party was good, even though i was really bored at first.
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2003 16 February :: 3.56 pm
:: Mood: happy
daytona 500
yay! Jimmie Johnson is leading and Gordon is in 4th...im so happy. Too bad tony stewart is in second....
Sing for me... |
2003 16 February :: 1.42 am
:: Mood: why am i still awake??
I just came across this site and i must share it. supposedly this guy translated some rock songs into his language and then lost the originals and translated them back to english...well anyhow ill let his translations say the rest:
Pink Floyd - Money
Money, receive away
receive a good job with more payment and you become GUTGEHIESSEN.
Money, is it a gas
seize the fact that cash with both hands and forms you a Stash
new car, caviar, star four dream
think me buy me a football crew
Money, receive back
I am good, Jack, hold your hands away from my pile
Money, is it a success
do not give me, which do goody good bulletin hit
I am in hello loyalty first category traveler sentence
and I imagine need a Lear jet
Money, is it a crime
divide, it rather however take you not a disk of my Pie Chart
Money, thus it say
is the root of all evil today
but, if you ask for an ascent, it is not a surprise that they are
none away give away away
Sing for me... |
2003 15 February :: 12.12 am
:: Music: remember the mexican hat dance?
Am i the only one who was kinda freaked out my the valentines day cards from ms schillit? its funny that she forgot to make one for will...poor will, lol.
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2003 14 February :: 5.57 pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Rush - Tom Sawyer
well...im back at my mother's house because my aunt and cousin are over. She wont be home this weekend, just them and my stepdad so i decided to come. got a cool new rush cd so im havin fun with that, gonna be bored tommorrow, daytona 500 sunday and then a birthday party so ill be busy then. Oh and btw if anyone read my last entry...I did terrible bowling, plus my dad getting near 200s everytime didnt help.
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2003 8 February :: 12.14 pm
:: Mood: tired
able to update since im at a friends house...Just took ACT and it was harder than the SAT in my opinion. Was gonna go to marley fest but since its in miami my dad wont let me stay late so im not goin cause theres no point, i wanted to see george clinton there but oh well...im not too disappointed, ill probably go bowling...dont bother replying, i wont be on a computer for a while to see them...
Sing for me... |
2003 31 January :: 3.17 pm
:: Mood: feelin fine...
just updating my last post...i was pretty much kicked out last night for forgetting to put something away, and i'll be at my dad's for a lot longer than a week, probably 2 months or more. I've finally realized that i am happy about this, because even if my mother suddenly did become nicer it would not change the past, so...i can't wait to move in tonight/tommorrow morning.
Sing for me... |
2003 30 January :: 1.35 pm
:: Mood: sad/depressed
wow, i've never said that i was depressed before, but i almost feel that way right now...because of something my mother said to me i'm going to stay with my dad for at least a week and a half, and if she tries to stop me she will have to use physical force because nothing she says is going to make me feel better about these things that she says. Exactly what she said that made me decide to take my dad's advice and leave i am not going to discuss in this journal. I wont be online or checking mail or posting more entries for a while...i'll get to see my cats everyday and i'll get to live with someone who cares about my feelings so i should be happy. I guess the only reason i'm not is because i wish i could get alnog with my mother. I hear all the time about people who don't get along with their parents and tell me that its natural...i know they are just trying to help but the way in which i detest my mother is beyond just being a typical teenager. starting saturday afternoon, my home phone will be 330-0126
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