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Just a fool in the rain

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:: 2002 17 May :: 2.55pm
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: Subhumans-No more gigs

i left school early and ended up going out to lunch w/my dad and some of his friends. Fun. Anyways. Yearbooks. Fun i suppose.. for about a day... i'm soo sick of signing yearbooks... i made a whole collage in Izzy's last night and it took me FOREVER! Grr.. tonight i'v gota do Kevys. Damn senior friends leaving me lol :0) No.. i'll seriously miss my 2 best senior buds moer then anything in the world :0( Kevs goin all the way to Cleveland! Today was uneventful. Sara made me a very pretty bracelet and i'm the idiot that lost it :0( I have no idea what happened to it at lunch :0( grrrrrrrr i'm guna go cry. (very emo of me) haha <- that was Sara's comment :0)

9 Songs | Sing for me...


:: 2002 16 May :: 4.44pm
:: Music: Bad Religion - Generator

i'm a lipstick. what type of make up are you?
quiz made by muna.

2 Songs | Sing for me...


:: 2002 14 May :: 4.34pm

What's Your Sexual MO? Find out @ She's Crafty

Now.. as Sam has requested I am actually doing a REAL entry.. ::sigh::: today has been just a crappy day to begin with. School blew. Once again I didn't REALLy do anything productive cept 4 in Spanish. Mrs. French was being a bitch though.. she was talkin 2 Josh bout leather and whips again lol it really is quite amusing :0) I bet she wants him..but then again how could you blame her ;0) hehe okay.. well on w/my bad day grr Carlin's class gets to watch Pearl Harbor and we have to watch Gandhi(sp?) well we got animal crackers and twizzlers though :0) hmm.. well I got locked out. 4got my stupid keys in my stupid purse. I had to sit outside for freakin 40min waiting for Vinh to get home from school (kid brother) well I got in, made some food then went online. My stupid brother proceeded to be really loud and obnoxious and grrrr I think i'm guna kill him if he comes in here again. I have a piano lesson tonight which is very unfortunate considering that I have yet to memorize any of my pieces.... Better yet, i have 2 tests 2morrow. Yay. GGRRR Josh is doing a project and I ought to go do something. GRRR i need $3. to buy a literary magazine.. lots of Josh's stuff is in there :0) It rained 2day during 7th hr. that made me happy cuz the rain makes Josh happy and I knew that he'd be happy hearing the rain. I never wana sign another yearbook ever again as long as i live. grrr... on a better note.. wait, there is no better note. This sux.

11 Songs | Sing for me...


:: 2002 11 May :: 3.54pm
:: Music: Finch - Three Simple words

twelve things that annoy you:

1. annoy me.. everything? lol ummm stupid people
2. my cat when she won't sit in one place
3. people that hate me for no damn reason
4. too much or too little dressing on salad
5. haters.
6. people who piss me off
7. the stupid haitian girls at my school who wana kill me
8. losing money
9. being sick
10. IB
11. bad grades
12. hypocritical band people

eleven people you'd want to spend more time with:

1. Josh
2. Brighton
3. Dre
4. Matt
5. Tal (Cali Tal)
6. my Blue Ridge Buddies :0(
7. i guess my IB friends?
8. old friends
9. uhh running out of people.
10. umm... habbohotel people :0)
11. i don't know.

ten things you're looking forward to:

1. The Juliana Theory
2. School ending.
3. Seeing Spiderman tonight
4. getting my bassoon fixed
5. Europe i suppose
6. Warped Tour! #5 i believe.. although it could be my 6th one.
7. umm.. making friends. o wait, i don't know how.
8. finishing stupid HS
9. getting some food
10. uhh my cat getting off my lap

nine things you wear daily:

1. underwear.. although Sam, Dave & Tyler will tell you otherwise haha
2. well my pink elephant tattoo. but it died.
3. my puka shell necklace cuz i'm too lazy to take it off
4. my super duper cool changy color bead bracelet thing
5. umm... clothes.
6. bra.
7. i need to find my Mr.PotatoHead watch
8. shoes i suppose
9. umm.. fat.

eight movies you'd watch over and over:

1. Empire Records
2. Mallrats
3. Can't Hardly Wait
4. The Fast & the Furious
5. Clerks
6. all the Disney movies :0)
7. i duno.. movies w/hot guys?
8. umm... right.

seven bands you've seen more than once:

1. umm... H2O
2. Less Than Jake
3. Midtown
4. Dashboard Confessional
5.Green Day
6. MM Bosstones
7. Bush... lots of others too considering i'v been to numerous Warped Tours and Zeta Fests and Bakesales and yadda yadda yadda.. i like goin 2 shows.

six objects you touch every day:

1. Mi gato
2. Mi computadora
3. Mi telefono
4. My microwave
5. My bed.
6. someone else.

five things you do every day:

1. go online.
2. Talk to Josh
3. go on my journal.
4. listen to some musica
5. eat

four foods you couldn't live without:

2. Pizza
3. Chicken Wings
4. ummm... lots of stuff .. POP TARTS!

three of your favorite songs at the moment:

1. The Juliana Theory - I Blew it Last Sunday
2. Dashboard Confessional - A plain morning
3. The Queers - Today I fell in love

two people that have influenced your life the most:

1. Everyone that I have met at Blue Ridge and Wewa.
2. My parents

one person you could spend the rest of your life with:

1. mi gato. i duno.. hard to imagine me being w/any1 4 the rest of my life

2 Songs | Sing for me...


:: 2002 11 May :: 11.47am

Take the Online BULLSHIT fucktard tests:
How good are you in bed
test by dr jo0lie

What's Your Style? Find out @ She's Crafty

2 Songs | Sing for me...


:: 2002 9 May :: 8.02pm

What Psych-Ward do you belong to?

Haha... I seriously could have told you that one :0)

Which Rock Chick Are You?

Take the Which Breakfast Food Are You? Quiz.

Take the What Sex Position Are You? test by Ley Ley

Which "Natural Wonder" are you?

Find out what kind of driver you are!

See.. told you i'm a safe driver lol

Haha... this is what it says under that test "This test is garaunteed to be 100% accurate. If the test is not accurate, this test is garanteed to be 100% precise. If the test is not precise, this test is garaunteed to be 100% valid. If the test is not valid, this test is garanteed to be wrong. Otherwise, all bets are off. "

i'm a pup.

what kinda pet are you?

quiz made by muna.

Which annoying B-list celebrity are you?

My Mormon name is Viva Marie Taradawn!
What's yours?

Which Empire Records Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

Are you a ho? Find out @ She's Crafty

6 Songs | Sing for me...


:: 2002 9 May :: 5.56pm
:: Mood: still sick
:: Music: The Specials - A message to you, Rudie.

wow this took me almost an hour.
01. What time is it? 5:56pm
02. Name on your birth certificate: Vivi Tran
03. Nicknames: uhh whatever you wana call me i guess
04. Parent's names: My-Hang & My-Quan
05. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? i think 8 cuz we didn't have anymore.
06. Date that you regularly blow them out: December 20th.
07. Pets: my most favoritest kitty in the world, Princy
08. Height: 4'11" shut up.
09. Eye color: Brown cuz i'm full of shit ;0)
10. Hair Color: uhh black?
11. Piercing: ears & belly buttonn
12. Tattoos: a mad bumblebee on my left ankle and a pink elephant on my right one.
13. How much do you love your job: job? what job? hehe
14. Birthplace: Concord, Massachusetts
15. Hometown: hometown?? i guess Boca Raton, Fl??
16. Current Residence:Shitty ass Boca Raton.
17. Had the drink Calypso Breeze?: No.although it has my name in it lol
18. Been in love before?: eh. define love please.
19. Been to Africa?: stopped there.
20. Been toilet-papering?: WeWA!
21. Been drunk?: Urghh don't remind me.
22. Been toilet-papered? mummy wrap?
23. Loved someone so much it made you cry?: crying.. too much crying.
24. Been in a car crash?: Yes! on Yamato w/Kevy lol
25. Croutons or Bacon Bits: Croutons
26. 2 doors or 4: 4
27. Sprite or 7 Up: 7 up
28. Coffee or Coffee Ice cream: Ice cream.
29. Blanket or Stuffed Animal: My blanky.
30. Salad Dressing: Ceasar
31. Color of socks: ohh there are colors?


32. Number: 12.20.11.
33. Why?: 12=Dec 20=day i was bornn 11= soccer jersey
34. Place to be kissed: kisses are good.. kisses EvErYwHeRe!!
35. Movie: Mallrats, Can't Hardly Wait, Empire Records
36. Quote from a movie/show: urghh..maybe later. 38. Foods: Me gusta comida de Cubano haha umm lots of stuffs
39. Day of the Week: Saturday
40. Song at the moment: Finch-Stay with me
Favorite TV show: umm The Nanny :)
42. Word or Phrase: i don't know
Favorite toothpaste: uh... the one thats in the bathroom?
44. Restaurant: La Casita
Flower: Tulips
46. Least Favorite Subject: I think history would have to win this one...
47. Alcoholic Drink: ohhh hmm... rum & coke?
Sport to Watch: i can't remember if we're doing most favs or least favs... well i don't like sports cept 4 soccer.
Type of Ice Cream: Mint chocolate Chip
50. Zoo Exhibit: zoos smell.
Sesame Street Character: Snuffolufogus (sp?)
2. Disney or Warner bros.: Disney.
53. Fast Food Restaurant: Checkers or Taco Bell

54. When was your last hospital visit? sometime during marching season.. don't ask.
55. Favorite drink: haven't we been over this?
hat color is your bedroom's carpet? kinda off white i guess
57. What was the name of your childhood blanket?
58. How many times did you fail your Permit and/or Drivers License test? none :0)
59. What do you think of Ouija boards? yuck.
60. What happened to #60? right.
61. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?: nooo good girl here
62. Which single store would you choose to max your credit card?:ha, not the store yet have i done it already?!? no.
63. What do you do most often when you are bored? this journal. i'm a pretty bored purson huh?
64. What word or phrase do you overuse: uh
. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest from you?: proly Tal in Cali
66. Most annoying thing is: lots of things annoy me.. when people go through my stuff
. Bedtime: I aim 4 before 11:30
68. What time is it now? 6:15

Have you ever...

01. Fallen for your best friend?: yes.
02. Made out w/ JUST a friend?: yes haha that was me & Matt all last year :0(
03. Been rejected?: ::sniff sniff::
Been in lust?: oh yeah
06. Used someone?: I'm sorry Dave.. It was the sex that was bringing me back :0)
07. Been used?: proly
08. Cheated on someone?: urghh...
09. Been cheated on?: yes.
10. Been kissed?: yes likkee kisses
Done something you regret?: yes.. many times.
Who was the last person...

12. You touched? Josh :0)
. You talked to? Technically Alan and Jason before they sold me out 4 Starcraft but now Dre.
hugged? Josh
15. You instant messaged? Dre. to which I responded "ok."
16. You kissed? Josh
. You had sex with? Dave last night :0) hehe sorry Josh. but oh wait, you were there too!
18. You yelled at? This morning i had a big bitch fest and bitched out Edward and Brad. Ask Jason, he was there
laughed with?. urghh... too sick to laugh.
21. Who broke your heart? Matt.
Do you...

22. Colour your hair? no sireee
23. Have tattoos? :0)
. Piercings? grr same ques suck
25. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? ohh so thats what i'm supposed 2 call him :0)
27. Own a webcam? no but i have a digi camera.
28. Ever get off the damn computer? ha.
29. Sprechen sie deutsche? My German friend died :0( <3
30. Habla espanol? Grrrrr hate spanish.
Quack? i'm a girlie duck.

Have you / do you...

32. Stolen anything? when i was like 6 i stole this little stamp thing from this store
33. Smoke? Never.
44. Schizophrenic? Vivi is not a schizophrenic, only I am. No wait but urghh...
Roses are Red
Violets are blue
I'm a schizophrenic
And so am I.
5. Obsessive? i guess sometimes
46. Compulsive? haha all the time
47. Obsessive compulsive? Tugeee lol
48. Panic? in IB, Yes.
49. Anxiety? I think i'm dying.
50. Depressed? Sometimes.
51. Suicidal? no.
2. Obsessed with hate? no
3. Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? eww
54. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? eww
55. If you could be anywhere, where would you want to be? Hawaii.
56. Who would you be with? If my head wasn't throbbing i'd proly say Josh. but i'm going to say myself.
57. What would you be doing? with myself? lol
58. What are you listening to? The Hippos - Goin' out to skate
59. Can you do anything freakish with your body? :0) wouldn't you like to know hehe
62. Is ice cream the best thing in the world? ice cream.. yummm
63. what are you doing? I REALLY ought to be studying.

A - Age: 8 according to up there :0)
Best Quality:boobies! ha .. i duno i guess i'm kind nice. or not.
C - Choice Of Meat: doesn't matter.
D - Dream Date: hmmm :)
E - Exciting Adventure: in the all so exciting world of Vivivivivi
F - Favorite Food: don't like repeated questions.
G - Greatest Accomplishment: lots of thingss...
H - Happiest Day of Your Life: i'v had quite a few happy days and i thank you for that ;0)
I - Interests: i'm a laser tag addict. only at Laser Quest though. ummm my bassoon/trombone. Stuff
J - Jimmy: Jimmy who.
K - Kool-Aid: Heyyy Dre Snorts kool aid :0)
L - Love: Love...
M - Most Valued Thing I Own: My cat.
N - Name: Vivi
O - Outfit You Love: ummm... i have lots of clothess
P - Pizza Toppings: Cheese. & pineapples.
Q - Question Asked To You The Most: ummm i don't know.. people ask lots of questions
R - Royalties: blah.
S - Sport To Watch: futbol.
T - Television Show: Actually The Osbournes kinda amuse me
U - Ur Favorite Song: I loveee music.. primarily harder punk.. no poppunk 4 me hehe noooo NFG urghhhh but Midtown's okay cuz Midtown rox but i like hard punk . a bit of emo but it gets whiney but i really like The Juliana Theory andd i LOVE ska!!! ANYTHING SKA rox!
V - Vrooom Vroooom: Noooo V is for Vivi!
W-Winter: my birthday!
X - X-rayed? i have a brain tumor i think
Y - Year Born: 1983 according to my fake id hehe
Z-Zodiac Sign: Chinese i'm an Ox or Sagitarrius

Yay.. done.

2 Songs | Sing for me...


:: 2002 9 May :: 4.31pm
:: Mood: sick

Very cute, very pink, and very feminine. That's you.

Find your inner rubber ducky.

yuck. i hate being sick. Stupid AP test tomorrow too grrr... i don't wana take it... i don't want to i don't want to i don't want to. i'm a girly duckie though :0) and Josh is wearing my pig hehe its cute. Wow i wana die. and i missed drum major auditions and guard auditions cuz i went home early :0( dammit. I feel as if i'v completely been screwed outa an officer position. The whole entire election thing bothers me cuz people are being really mean about it and i duno.. really competetive i guess.. for my office anyways. urgh. Grrr honestly though, i think i could do a hell of a better job then half the people and i'm proly guna get screwed. This sucks.

1 Song | Sing for me...


:: 2002 8 May :: 6.41pm
:: Mood: dizzy
:: Music: The Rocking Horse Winner - When Songbirds Sing

Today was just bad. Mom told me this morning not 2 plan anything for May 23rd. Coincidentally that is the same night as the Queers & Independents show that I had my heart on going to :0( (I think i had Dre's heart on me going too lol) Grrr i'm still working on it though cuz I REALLY REALLY REALLY wana go! Ohh yeah.. we were hanging out in the hallway between the 2nd 500 hallway & the auditorium & Mrs.Robinson caught Stephy & Alan making out hehe it was funny.. Steph had a look like "OMG!" hehe Josh & I were laughing and I dont' think she really appreciated that. Gym. I did Jason's algebra HW for him. It's been sooooo long since i'v been in algebra, I barely remembered the stuff ::yikes!:: Then... English. Mrs.Ammons made me cry. long story.. maybe i'll tell later. Then chemistry. Dr.Olshan was cool and let us study during his class.. Really really thankful for that. Lunch.. IB GEEKS!! haha a whole table full of kids w/their calculators out & AP Prep books... wow i felt dorkyyy! Its okay though.. Right. so lunch, yeah. Then the dreaded AP Stats test.. at 10 past 12 we were all clustered outside the media center (just like Dr.Baum told us to!) Took a while for everything 2 get settled but the exam was okay.. I might have passed! lol It really wasn't that bad at all (thankfully) anddd yeah. I'v felt dizzy all day and I haven't had much balance which sux.. I made Tom's year haha i'm guna go talk on Alan's journal nowww OOO I get Sean's Ice cream story lol

1 Song | Sing for me...


:: 2002 7 May :: 7.47pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: Alkaline Trio- My friend Peter

AP tests officially suck. I can't wait till this week is over. I might not be able to go 2 Whigham's bday party @ Hooters cuz of stupid AP test on a day off :0( GRRR! Blah. ummm today was FuN! I met (well officially) Tom and Alan. Jason & I had fun in gym today.. hes really funny and cool once you get him to talk. So are Tom and Alan. Sooo Alan isn't mute afterall :0) hehe They're all nice kids.. officially a cool freshman class this year :0) ohhh and guess what, Tom & I have the exact same bday :0) yay for us cept i'm a year older haha yay 4 me! We got new seats in Spanish but thankfully i'm still near Josh. The first time since the beginning of the year shes moved me! I don't like my seat. I'd rather be back up front. Matt is mad at me and it makes me really really sad. We were such good friends and it just deteorated. It was just as much my fault as it was his.. I just can't believe I allowed for such a good friendship to go to waste. I guess i'm currently trying to work things out with him. Stephy's sooo happy w/Alan & that makes me realy really happy cuz she usta b all like "i need a guy" well i'm happy she found a good guy (cute too! lol) I'm much happy w/Josh. He reaches out to me, tries to find out whats really inside and I really appreciate that. I do. Yay for happiness! Urghhh AP Statistics tomorrow SHOOT ME NOW!!!! well no cuz then i'd make Josh sad and I wouldn't want to do that :0( Blah.

1 Song | Sing for me...


:: 2002 6 May :: 10.57pm

and yet why can he not understand why i'm mad at him about bunny slut??? grrr it may sound stupid but hey, it bothered me. He says it was just a chatroom and he said things that he did not mean but they still hurt. To have another friend "pretend" to abandon you, to make you sit there and look dumb, to be the one left out. Ben stayed in there afterwards and read what they were saying after I left, even though he did end up telling her the situation, I am still hurt that it had to result that way. What started out as a stupid joke is now jeopordizing a good friendship of mine. This sucks really bad. Stupid bunny slut... whatever, he can have her.

Sing for me...


:: 2002 6 May :: 7.27pm
:: Mood: sleeeppppyyy

take free enneagram test

Sing for me...


:: 2002 6 May :: 3.39pm

At my mommys work right now awaiting to go to a doctors appointment ::yuck:: Happppppy Burthday 2 Sara yesterday :0) go visit her @ Lastplacechamp & say happpyyy bday :0) i saw josh today and it made me mucho hapiness hehe i'm glad hes back, yay! bored..

"You know why your eyes are brown?"
"No why?"
"cuz ur full of shit"
~Kevy Wevy

The seven qualities of a perfect husband ...



And if all else fails, well ... read the CAPITAL

A black man talks to a white man:

When I was born I was black,
When I grew up I was black,
When I'm sick I'm black,
When I go in the sun I'm black,
When I'm cold I'm black,
When I die I'll be black.

But you:
When you're born you're pink,
When you grow up you're white,
When you're sick, you're green,
When you go in the sun you turn red,
When you're cold you turn blue,
and when you die you turn purple.

And you have the nerve to call me colored!!!

6 Songs | Sing for me...


:: 2002 5 May :: 8.42pm

IsnortInKoolaid: ur hot as hell

Theres Dre 2 make me happy :0) Right now i'm feeling pretty achy and tired & i need 2 write my officer letter as well as get back 2 studying 4 euro ...urghh.. i'm hungry.

3 Songs | Sing for me...


:: 2002 5 May :: 1.48am

sleepy... just got home from an exhausting night :0( well it wasn't that bad... lets see.. had a stupid concert @ the Kravis Center (but i got 2 wear my pretty black dress) afterwards we decided 2 hit up Caroline's 18th bday party for some free food :0) also to say happy bday hehe It was fun, I got food & then Erin wanted 2 go swimming soooo i borrowed a pair of shorts & a t-shirt & ended up goin in tooo.. it was fun. Paul was my floateee person hehe You know, I didn't know that Bill was a junior.. I always thought he was a senior.. weird. Soooo Izzy took me home after that. We spent like 20min in my driveway just talking then decided to go visit Chris. Chris came out in his boxers and we talked 4 a while and cuz of stoopid Chris i got 3 mosquito bites:0( they itch and they're all on my hands. I'm not wearing underwear. I decided that I didn't wana wear wet underwear under my pretty black dress soooo i'm now not wearing underwear. Hmm.. ohh yeah, we were chillin out w/the Jazz band kids in the ATL dressing room cuz the DSOA kids excommunicated us. I was just prancing around and Paul and some other kid ( I 4got his name) were like "is that a real tattoo?" to which I responded "my pink elephant??" and they were like "no, the other one." "oh." hehe my mad bumblebee & pink elephant rock! I shoulda put on the Britney Spears tattoo toooooo! o well.. the concert sucked. I couldn't find the bassoon part to Guys and Dolls so i played the 2nd trombone part.. its a really stupid part. Gabe was sooo messed up!! Drugs are bad. Don't do drugs. ITCHY!!! I really ought to put on some underwear and go to bed. I'm trying 2 think of what else happened 2nite though or else i'll 4get and i'll never get to tell it hehe wow, my finger is swelling from the mosquito bite. That's probably not too good. After a mere 3 days, people have been associating Josh and I together. Some kids have been telling me some disturbing stuff about him but I would never judge him and if I want to know badly enough I'll ask him when he gets back which is technically later on today, yay! Donald says that everyone else is just jealous of what Josh and I have and they just say shit cuz they're jealous. I'd like to think of it that way. I'm glad I got to talk to Josh, to kind of get to know him. I was telling myself that I needed to find a guy that I didn't already know, Josh technically falls into that category though cuz although I knew who he was all year I never really got the chance to "really" get to know him. Sooo it'll be fun I guess, I know :0) okay.. it is now 2:02 <-- palendrome! and I think i'm going 2 bed. Gooddd nighties :0)

6 Songs | Sing for me...

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