2003 22 September :: 7.22pm
:: Music: girls just wanna have fun..again
Goodluck Jenna! <33.
1 bottles of beer on the wall |
spit it out
2003 21 September :: 9.01pm
:: Mood: mad
:: Music: girls just wanna have fun
I think it should be called incest
Ugh, i'm so mad that I missed Dave's surpise party. Happy Birthday Dave i hate work so much >:O! Wow, I'm reading journals, and it seems that last night was very sexually oriented...honostly not surprised guys. Work was fun, went by so fast, i think cause it was me and jess working. Im' beginning to think that Chuck (one of my managers) doesnt like me, cause me and jess always fool around. eek.
Tomorrow Im going snorkeling, I'm going with Laura Burstell, should be fun. (it's a TLE) then i'm off to Lake Worth, for a bowling match. wish me luck
2 bottles of beer on the wall |
spit it out
2003 20 September :: 11.30pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: listening to the movie..anger management
I am not related to him
My dad just called, its 11:20pm, my mom told him he's an idiot, then he told me its my fault, cause i called him at 10:45ish, but i called his cell, he should have called me back on mine. grr.
I jsut found out Powerline might be playing at Stephanie's bday party <3 aw that would rock.
I'm out like whoaa
1 bottles of beer on the wall |
spit it out
2003 20 September :: 5.35pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: limp bixkit // eat you alive
another one bites the dust
I'm talking to "him" and he's going on a date tonight with "her" he'll ask her out, she'll say yes, she'll brake his heart, and he'll be sad again, I'll be here for him, as usual..I'm the shoulder for everyone.
Oh yeah, Jon and Megan broke up, i think its kinda odd, they both claimed they loved each other so much, she ended it, but she said she still loves him, just wants to be single. He didnt seem to care, as much as he said he loved her, he didnt show it. I dont know, weird. Sorry Jon.
I'm off to mrs moody..try and see what i see
2 bottles of beer on the wall |
spit it out
2003 18 September :: 7.48pm
:: Mood: tired but ok :-)
:: Music: at your funeral // saves the day
=D i got money =D
So today started out with a call from Victoria at 6:30 saying she was walking over, so i was greeted by her in the a.m. Then we left and went to go pick up Krysta shortly after, then we were off to school.
Today was gay and pointless i didnt do anything in any of my classes, not a single one. Thats soo dumb. After school me and jenna took a trip to Bank of America, and cashed her check, for some food. Then we went to my house so i could do laundry, then we went to TACO BELL and bought food for ourselves, and for pat. Thank you Jenna. WE went to Pat's house and got tehre, and Pat, Hamon, Chris, and...David (?) were there? Well we listened to them play, lol pat makes funny faces when he plays the drums :-)...Ricky wasnt i wouldnt call it band practice i guess, but it was fun. Then Pat asked me to take him and Hamon to the beach, god I need to take mean lessons, so I said yes >:O..he seduced me..kinda..damn you jenna. lol. haha, him and hamon brought beach toys, they rock. Then i took jenna home, and then went to Boynton for my match, i think girls won. =).
Then met dad for dinner at Hops, i dont like that place, btu w/e. Then I came home, and I'm here now, getting ready to go finish some more laundry. Ok, so I've narrowed my list down, but its still big, 5-6 people, ridiciulous. I'm out...try and see what i see?
"shout outs:" Jenna, Pat, Hamon, Alicia, Laura, Paige, Molly, Gitto, Devon, Josh P, and i think i'm done...peacee <3
2 bottles of beer on the wall |
spit it out
2003 17 September :: 11.34pm
:: Mood: like hell
:: Music: Powerline "can't understand"
today was not a good day
woke up...tired as usual. many hmwk assignments due but none of them done.
went to first hour, heh we dont even say hi anymore, wats the point. i went to the office to change my scehdule to get out of mr tillman class, ...i have like 4 tests tomorrow...after school i went to work....hard work...made 6.25 in tips...i'm only $430 dollors away form my half stack.... pay day is i'm here talking to thiago about his dad who has stomach rememeber how bad this hurts. this christmas it will be 4 years...
i wanna die
but tomorrow is another day.
i g2g later
5 bottles of beer on the wall |
spit it out
2003 17 September :: 8.31pm
:: Mood: thinkign a lot..
:: Music: simple plan // perfect
I found this on an old card my dad gave me for my birthday one year, it kinda made me sad though, considering it doesnt have much meaning anymore...but i still like it...
Never knew a face could be so beautiful,
or an imagination could be so big,
or a little girl could grow up so fast.
2 bottles of beer on the wall |
spit it out