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:: 2003 7 September :: 10.40pm
:: Mood: lonely
:: Music: sweetest sin // jessica simpson

it can kill a person
I dont know why, but lately, i just feel so lonely, so empty. I know that i have friends, good ones too, but sometimes i wish that..not that i had more, but almost like more groups, i want to hang out with different people sometimes, i need change, a big one too. Jon said he would try and go on the hunt for a b/f for me, but reall, that wont happen. so i shouldnt get myself to excited. Awww, danielle told me tonight that i'm always invited now to her little get togethers, and she'll make sure i know in advance, thank you danielle i love you. Emily, I'm so sorry <33

Ok i'm out like a habima girl in sports...


p.s. 3 days til i get my liscense, whee =D

1 bottles of beer on the wall | spit it out


:: 2003 6 September :: 8.45pm
:: Mood: disappointed
:: Music: that sweat drip off my balls song..die!

Two hours of sleep, bowling league, city place, and my mom bitching, not a good combination at all..
I'm soo bored. I've been up since 8:00, and i've been running on less than two hours of sleep...I'm soo tired.

My mom and I went to City Place today, i hate going there, it's boring, and no good shopping there, but tomorrow is my moms birthday so, it's her weekend. Then for dinner we went to Crazy Buffet, only one of my favorite places <333.

I'm suppose to call Paris now, cause she's down the street at Nicole's, but i'm so tired, and i dont feel like walking to nicole's, so i think, i might stay in tonight. My mom is going out with a friend, and I dont know, we'll see..

I like a new boy <3 haha, i'm so excited lol...but people keep telling me he is dumb :-\.

I missed Emily's party, and i'm so mad, Miscommunication with me and emily, and i could have gone, could have slept over, but it didnt happen...I'm gonna celebrate with Emily, i promise. :-\

Ok I'm out for now..


2 bottles of beer on the wall | spit it out


:: 2003 5 September :: 3.02pm
:: Mood: stuck
:: Music: keyboards being typed

the fuck up
ok i'm at school right now, and i feeel really pissed off. school just ended, i'm waiting for my mom to come to the student pick up around 5:30 and thats a long way away. looks like i'm stuck here for another 2 hours and 30 minutess..pleanty of time to do my hmwk though.

ok now on to the real reason i'm writing in my journal after school is done.

at first i just got really fuken angry and now its a mix of determination as well. its probably not as obvious but i am the jealous type, all i need isd a spark and i get going. its not fault tho i dont understand. some times its yes like earlier this morning when she was waiting for me out side the 1st hour room and some times it s hell no when she just goes off completly disregarding everything i say to her it soo fuck up....ughh...but now on to the determination part. i know now that i cant be want i want her to see me as, i'm nto gunna act like a thug just cuz thats the kinda boys she likes. and i dont know what she does over the weekends now cuz we dont hang out anymore...thats my jealousy taking over me....maybe it was me maybe i was to afrid to say what guys are suppose to say when they get this close to someone...myabe i skipped oput on the " do you wanna go out" and now i'm way overdue and she doesnt wanna hear it, or maybe she does and i can't see it..... or maybe i'm fessing over sumthing that is absolutly nuthing at alllll. heh this is me right now. this is my life as it is right now. this is me pressing the period button in frustration. stuck.forever.

2 bottles of beer on the wall | spit it out


:: 2003 4 September :: 11.22pm
:: Mood: okay
:: Music: Mest - "drawing board"

well well well
Today was my first day of work...it was pretty cool, made 12 bucks tonire in tips, and got to hang out with my good friend ricky....this means i will probabaly to buy a new guitar hooray!, ok but today i didnt do any hmwk and i didnt study for my french test so i'm fuked schlasticly, but w/e
there is this new gurl that works, her name is anna hmm an ice cream anna how ironic, ohh and she is hot. but i dont think i have much more left to say so i guess i'll see you later....bye

spit it out


:: 2003 4 September :: 10.45pm
:: Mood: weirded out
:: Music: none..my moms talking..ugh.



I miss and love you <33


spit it out


:: 2003 4 September :: 9.52pm
:: Mood: touched
:: Music: none.

I'm Belle <3<3
You are Belle from Beauty and the Beast!

What Disney Princess are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

spit it out


:: 2003 3 September :: 10.47pm
:: Mood: bipolar
:: Music: clouds <3<3

I got my work schedule today, and you know what?...I WORK FRIDAY NIGHT 6-10:30. Yeah what's at 7?...Emily's Birthday party..can i go? FUCK THIS!...

So I asked my mom what should i do? cause i mean, honostly, ic annot call in sick for work, it's my third day in there. So she said she would take me to Emily's after work, so 11ish, I was all excited, then i realized... how the hell am I getting home? Fuck me in the ass...of course not literally.

shout outs: my mom..and 102.7...the oldies make me smile, when i'm down <3.

1 bottles of beer on the wall | spit it out

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