2003 25 August :: 11.55pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: alanis morissette // hand in my pocket <3<3
Ok, so I've actually spent like the past hour trying to come up with new comment links, as well as, a new title, and i just i dont know, i came up with whats there for now, i'll change it tomorrow, or later, whenever. I probally wont live up to my awards this time, but i can get them next month, once i master woohu. Goodnight all
2 bottles of beer on the wall |
spit it out
2003 24 August :: 3.49pm
:: Mood: curious
:: Music: happy together // simple plan
...a little poll...
I'm just curious who still reads this...comment if you do....please?
14 bottles of beer on the wall |
spit it out
2003 24 August :: 2.33am
:: Mood: scared
:: Music: bachelor number one // summertime
me and scary movies dont mend
I dont know why I do it to myself, but insist of watching scary movies, and insist of having to sleep with the lights on, oh maan.
I watched The Glass House, I lovedd it, but now im scared i have every light possible on in the house, and i went to the bathroom but not before checking to see if anyone was behind my shower curtain. i'm a loser.
Justin, sorry for the neglect of my journal, i'll try not to anymore...and still no make over for my journal, dammit. =(!
(even thought i dont think he knows my journal..hey, its the thought that counts ;])
p.s. I feel neglected :-\
spit it out
2003 23 August :: 11.43pm
:: Mood: boredom
:: Music: the ataris // boys of summer
ok i take it back
alright alright, i take back calling nicole a bitch..nicole you just need to tone it down, its not cool 1/2 the stuff you do..w/e
spit it out
2003 23 August :: 12.23am
:: Mood: really tired!
:: Music: none...shh, mama's sleeping.
I regret things
Ok, so this week sucked, but then today was awesome. Things were just in my favor lol. I made the bowling team, yay. And then today after school, i got a job! FINALLY! I'm excited cause now my mom doesnt have an excuse on why i can't get my liscense, i'm happy. The best part, I'm working with one of my best friends, Jessica, I'm soo happy. :-)!! Maury, the manager was real nice, and he told me that Jessica gave me this amzaing recommendation, i owe you Jecca. eek, i'm happy. Tonight started off fun, went to the mall, with Paris, Stephen, Paige, Nicole, and Jenna. It was fun, while we were there, it coulda been better minus Nicole. Only cause she's officially been labeled, a bitch, whatever, i dont care anymore. Then me and jenna walked to the triplets house, its in the colonade, um like a 45 minute walk, whateva, we talked a lot, it was fine. Then at the triplets, it was cool, it was Tina, Elena, Peasha, jimmy, simone, gula, eric, gina, courtney candice, melissa, kyle, and sean. haha kyle's hott 1/2 naked. lol
Umm, it was fun, best part was Mr. Diaz, haha, i love him.
Mom's out of town tomorrw, but step dad is here, til tomorrow night, or til sunday morning, gay, ruins my weekend. Umm, i dont know, i'm excited about my car..
16 days til i get my liscense..ALL SMILES!
spit it out
2003 19 August :: 8.14pm
school is school..I dont know, its just nothing special...
Bowling tryouts sad if i dnot make it...that will be failed attempt 4857 for anything
oh yeah...i have a new journal
my new LJ ;] ...but its friends only, so if you have a live journal, hollaa if you wanna be added <3
spit it out
2003 17 August :: 9.30pm
:: Mood: apathetic
:: Music: the ataris // boys of summer
i've always wanted to use that mood =)
um..weekend was ok..bowled a lot....i sucked even more..if i dont make the team this year, it's kinda sad..
I made myself a goal for the school year: become better friends with the drama welcome..that type of thing..
And also..Saturday night was awesome just the last 1/2... ;]
spit it out