2003 15 August :: 11.24pm
:: Mood: pessimistic
:: Music: T.I.V. - "learnings fun"
i hate loving you
well the third day of school is over, and it was ok. today i woke up went to school and came back did some stuff, this sucks oto cant drive me to school anymore so now i have to take the bus i think, that if i cant get ride from someone else....but tonight i went to pompano indoor with alex, ricky and pat, everytime we gop there we get a little taste of wat we should sound like when we are ready to perform, and thats good, after that we dropped pat off, and me ricky alex went to borders to hnag out, then i got home.
i'm gunna go to winn-dixie and beg for a job, hopefully they are hiring. and then i'm gunna hang out with justin/haley/ali and maybe ricky and alex to see a movie and do some fun stuff like FACE or sumthing, but i wont now till tomorrow so i guess i'll c-u then
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2003 15 August :: 6.35pm
:: Mood: mad, annoyed..sad :-(
:: Music: you cant stop the beat // hairspray
sick and tired
grrrrrrrrr >:O!!
I'm going to my dads this weekend, i'm not looking foward to it what so ever, you know, i've been trying to be so optimistic lately, and everything just back fires in my i have to be a pessimist for things to look good. :-(
p.s. pray for sunshine of saturday so it can be a beach day...i'm out :-(
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2003 13 August :: 10.51pm
:: Mood: ready...
:: Music: Staind - "so far away"
its not it was before.
today was the FIRST day of school, everything was pretty good i have classes/lunch w/ good friend of mine. i went to school (oto drove me) and went to all ym classes, then iw ent back to alexs and ate burger king after goign to the Ft Lauderdale Airport, to give Nick his phonebook or sumthing. after that we went ot fusion (oto youth ministry) and tonight he had an epiphany, i'm happy for him, he now want to change and become a better person to everyone and ebrything, he is giving up alot of the things he used to pelaseure to get in God's heart. i admire that, if only i could do the same. i try everyday tho, i think i am getting better.just give me time. tomorrow....another day,so have a goodnight and i'll c-ya tomorrow
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2003 13 August :: 7.59pm
:: Mood: content
OstrichSackMxPx: i dont have the aids
OstrichSackMxPx: yet
2 bottles of beer on the wall |
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2003 13 August :: 4.55pm
:: Mood: hungryyy
:: Music: the ataris- in this diary
better then expected
Ok, so first day of school is over, it definitly started out kinda first of all i set my alarm for 6:00am, yeah no, i set it for 6:00pm. so i woke up at 7 today, in a panic! but i made it to school just as first bell rang, got to first hour, English 3: Ms. Nesbitt but i walked in with Jessika, and we found miss jackie, so that swas cool, sad thing, i might be getting out of that class. Then on to second hour Drama 3: Ms Hasko, everyone's in that class, 45 people. Then third hour, omg omg omg American History Hon: MR MURRAY i love him, haha, found samahab and paige, exciting. Then 4th, Pre Calculus: MR. Cinelli seems ok, Ivy, Alex, and Sam, and oh yes joey are in that class, hehe. 5th hour can die Drawing 1: Mr N it's so gay and pointless for me, but samahab's in it again..wheee. Chemistry: Mrs. Chandrasekr (?) i love it lol, it's me, miss jackie, stephenn and pj..I'm soooo excited. Then 7th hour...bleugh..Marine Bio 1: Mr. Servos i only found Julia Gordon, and oh yeah, laura burstell..but she talks alot..oh awit, i kinda made friends with Danny McFadden lol he's in there.
So all in all, i'm ok with my first day, tomorrow my mom is calling to get me into photo, 1st hour and move my english to 5th our, that'd be so awesome, cause then i'd have 2nd lunch, with everyone, and hopefully i'll get heirholzer and have english with jenna<3. if i get 2nd lunch, paris hott boy searching <333 haha
oh yeah, went jon hunting today, never saw him once, talked to him all day, couldnt find him, hmm?
p.s. I made friends with a girl named precious...haha, she said she's the tightest freshman ill ever meet <3 ha
2 bottles of beer on the wall |
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2003 12 August :: 9.28pm
:: Mood: inpatient or impatient
:: Music: 2 days since - "walking alone"
here it is....
ok i just wrote a whole buncha shyt of wat we did today and it got messed up so now i'll just summerize everything, me pat ricky and alex all hung out ad did some FACE we had a good time and then i came back here aroung 7 and finished some stuff that i needed to do, i made modifiactions on my website, the adress is...
just copy and paste that and i pormise you, you will love it. anyway umm yea, another summer has passed, and i usually make this big speec about what i regret doing and other shyt, but honestly. i'm tired of doing that. most time i would just sit in my room and write in my legacy and take about all the good times i used to have with my friends but its not that i dont care anymore but i'm tired of regreting, hell i know we will always regret but i'm not gunna go along with it and just self defeat myself. so i'm gunna be cool about it. you know, just be cool about it. anyways it was a hell of a sumemr and i had a good time...great time. tomorrow i'll be starting my 3rd year of high school, and yea i cant friggin wait. anyway umm i'll c-ya tomoorw J. goodnight
spit it out
2003 12 August :: 3.57pm
:: Mood: bored bored and bored
:: Music: nothing
i apologize to you
sorry, i guess you can say i've been neglecting you, sorry, i forget about woohu sometimes, im beginning to like my other journals a tad bit more, but its ok lol.
Well summer is coming to an end, and tomorrow we start school, thats gross. Last night as an end of a summer thing, i guess, i dont know, anyways, it was ok, for the most part, i've just never met such a sex driven group of people, can they ever have a get together without someone hooking up, or without a penis being touched? no biggie
Today, i got up to my cousin standing over me telling me to get dressed and we were going out to eat with my grandma, i claimed sick so i didnt have to go, i jsut didnt feel like 2 hours of them, sorry.
I got up, watched Mr. Deeds <3. Then sat on the computer for over an hour with ms. jackie, fixing my virus, and fixing my computer, i thought for a minute i lost kazaa, i was gonna have a heart attack, last night i finally got up to 1004 songs...amazing :-).
Tonight is the American Idol concert, the concert I should be at, the concert I should be going to, and getting ready for, and is that FUCK YOU! ....sorry, but i cant belive you're mom paige, thats fucking bull shit she's taking my ticket...fuck that, fuck you.
I'm off for now, sorry if its lengthy, but i missed woohu <3. haha. ill write again tonight.
p.s. I wanna give my journal a make over, maybe something celestial, i dont know, maybe something to do w/, i dont know, anyone have any suggestions?
p.s.s. i got the tan back pack <3
p.s.s.s. I think I'm falling for you, Im not suppose to, but i am. eh, no worries, you dont even read this...doubtfully
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