2004 1 January :: 11.20pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: the reverb urethra (Me and Alex-freestyles)
200four Happy Fuking New Year
hey wats up,
fast and sweet
my new year was awesome
(too long of a story)
right now i'm here with alex freestyling
ricky and gina and michelle just left
i had to work today , i work tomorrow
i am manager now
i g2g i'll update later
2 bottles of beer on the wall |
spit it out
2003 30 December :: 2.18pm
If you go to my journal site, and stay long enough, Girls just wanna have fun comes on..I swear.
::edit:: I took the music out, it made my journal freeze...damn.
spit it out
2003 29 December :: 10.54pm
I'm contemplating taking a "woohu break". I dont know why, but lately I've been thinking about resigning from my beloved journal..we'll see. I'll know after New years.
any thoughts?
2 bottles of beer on the wall |
spit it out
2003 28 December :: 2.13am
:: Mood: hopeful
:: Music: Me on the acoustic
going places...
today- i woke up and went to rickys house and we video taped some F.A.C.E. and then we chilled at alexs and his brother showed us his car/truck from the early 70's it fuking rusting all over lol, then we all went back to my house and we fuking just messed around at the DP
me and ricky were late to work cuz we fuked around too much
i made $20 tonite truuu
last week i bought a baker and i've already cracked the shyt so i have to get a new board
tomorrow- i might go to Spanish River to go work out with the football team cuz Spring Season is coming up and i need to get in shape for this shit
also tomorrow is band practice at pats house
me and geori are gunna chill tomorrow which was just confirmed about 1 minute ago, i'm gunna give "Tosha" a call if she wantes to chill cuz i'm writing her # down riiiiight now. i really wanna see the last samuri. anyway i'm madd tired cuz it 2 in the morning i'm out
3 bottles of beer on the wall |
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2003 28 December :: 12.19am
:: Mood: angry >:O
:: Music: its my life // no doubt
Yeah, my car died tonight, along with my life..
So I got home from work, and had an IM I realized I miss you in my life, a lot. Just as friends, as we were before..=( I need you back..
x to the o.
p.s. yeah, my car died at work tonight, my step dad's trying to save as we know it, is over.
1 bottles of beer on the wall |
spit it out
2003 27 December :: 1.12pm
Mommy wow, I'm a big kid now...FUCK YOU.
I got home this morning, and my mom tells me she is leaving on Tuesday and not coming home until Sunday, I got so excited....Christmas Break, a house to myself, New Years, a house to myself..than she says but you have to go stay with your dad. I freaked, I mean, I love my dad, but I hate going there, all he does is ride my back about stuff I should be doing, and what I shouldn't be doing. Than she says, well go stay with your grandparents? I don't understand the problem with me staying at home..I dont see an issue with it, I did it over Thanksgiving break...and it was fine, i was fine, everything was fine. But this time, she's scared, because the other day some people got arrested in my neighborhood? So it's not safe now, man, fuck this. I'm not the one getting arrested, I don't hang out with the ones who did, I"ll be fine. UGH, I refuse to leave my house.
spit it out
2003 27 December :: 2.03am
:: Mood: determined
:: Music: Thursday
the day after Christmas
hey wats up, wow its late and i'm tired
anyway i just got back from work...i got promoted today whooo shift manager fo sho
i made $15
today i woke up watched bad boys 2 and then terminator 3 and then i chilled with jose and we played drums and guitar in my room for like an hour then i left for work.
ahh my christmas was alright i didnt get anything special cuz i all i wanted for my b-day and christmas was a car and i got it, plus i got speeding tix to pay for so i got some money out of that so it was an alright christmas i went to midnight mass with ricky.
i didnt fuking open my presents until like 4 o'clock tho it was soo crazy i dont feel like typing it all out.
wow i need a girl to like hang out with....i feel kinda lonely when i'm hanign out with alex or ricky cuz they both have girlfriends that they are like in love with and all i have is an ex-girlfriend that keeps calling y friends and asking them to get me to call her, she bring nuthing but bad memories...someone talk to me
tomorrow- i'm gunna go to rickys house and burn some of his CD's that he gopt for christmas and then i;ll call geori to see wat she will be doin. i might hang ouyt with jeff and brian and edin and get drunk lol maybe
and then i'll go to work till then i'll c-ya
4 bottles of beer on the wall |
spit it out