2003 2 December :: 12.27am
:: Mood: busy
:: Music: TJT-If i told you this was killing me, would you stop
watch your mouth
ok no more keeping you in suspence if you were
tonight everything comes out...althought some things are better left unsaid,
this is my start of my brand new journal just bare with me
first i wanna say i came back because i got tired of just moping around and waiting, i took charge, whether things change in the next couple of days or not doesnt matter anymore, i realized that life is based on properties that exist only beccuase you make them exist, whether you want it to happen or not. just to deal with it. anyway...
i had an awesome thanksgiving
me and nicole are no longer uhhh how shud i say this, a couple anymore....but its ok, it wasnt meant to stay
i recently started dating a new girl name jessica, she's been in some bad past relationships and wants to prove to me that she can be a great and honest girlfriend...which is cool i guess.
i still work at the ice cream store but i'm looking for a new job
me and pat are discussing plans for powerline and figuring out wat were gunna go, member wise.
cars great, exams are coming up soon and i have to study and pass this stuff. it important my mom says
alex is getting involved with this new girl named emily, hopefully she wont turn him into a sell-out i dont believe she will...same goes for ricky and gina
christmas is coming up sooon and i recently today lost $50 cuz i'm an idiot.
so now i have to work my ass off for christmas $$$.
my birthday was pretty kickass with hamonfest2003. i'm sorry to all those who missed it.
i dont have much left to talk about, but i hope i can keep on wirting in here and just you know, try and make it like any other teenager. i think i'm slowly starting to get better at this thing they call life, but who knows maybe tomoirrow i'll have a real bad day and think the opposite, we'll just have to see. till then
Peac-E 0ut
4 bottles of beer on the wall |
spit it out
2003 29 November :: 11.30pm
:: Mood: ugh!
:: Music: listening to the cheetah girls
Everytime I try and fly, I fall without my wings.
Today was the longest day ever for me, I worked 11:15-8:00, but when it became 8:00, I didnt really wanna leave, weird. Tonight I got home, saw my mom, missed her, and then went to subway and blockbuster. I spent like a half hour in blockbuster, hoping someone would return Bruce Almighty, than trying to remember who I saw that movie with, but I can't remember if my life depended on it. So finally, I rented Finding Nemo, not like I havent seen it before, but I was in a cutesy mood. Got home, ate my subway, and now, I'm still waiting for the dvd player, so I can watch my movie, but my mom isnt sharing. grrr.
Tomorrow, I might hang out with Stephanie Gamm, if mama will let me out, that would be so awesome!! I miss her like whoa. La is still sick, otherwise I was gonna call her, but she's dying.
Im so excited about my Livejournal/Deadjournal icon's, wee lol. check them out, you should know the site.
i'm off to fight my mom for the dvd player, it's nemo time!
p.s. eh, nvm the'll only lead to certain people assuming. muahah
2 bottles of beer on the wall |
spit it out
2003 28 November :: 3.25am
:: Mood: relieved
:: Music: listening to the sprinklers outside
Step down from your throne, you've been pushed out and there's a new King
Wow, this week has been fun, a lot. I just like freedom. Today was Turkey Day, and I got up at 8ish, adn went to my dads, but I didnt feel good all day, so I slept from 9-12 and 1-5. It was well deserved sleep. Tonight I worked, but I did door, and some of box, I like box, its peaceful, and hey, i get to wear the headset, booya. I came home and talked to Dan, Lauren was sick, so she was sleeping. Me and Dan played mad libs, but I couldnt think of adjectives, lol. Tomorrow is suppose to be the biggest shopping day of the year, and I'm not going shopping. A. I dont have money B. i dont want to deal with the crowds and C. Im just not in that mood. Oh yeah, I got a call on my cell phone from Paris tonight, and someone claimed it was another calling me, well guess what someone, I believe the other person. Ya know, I use to think you were something special, btu now I'm starting to see that real you, the you that I dont like, the you that no one see's. heh, sucks. I'm gonna go do this survey thing, it kind of looks like fun. I stole it from geori's journal, thanks gurll.
p.s. yeah, so what if I'm looking at you again, I dont think you mind this time though. ;]!
spit it out
2003 27 November :: 1.34am
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: Numb-Linkin Park/Juliana Theory-If i told you this was killing me would you stop?
My Triumphant or pathetic attempt for forgiveness
here we go
i'm back yes i'm back
there is soo much top talk about
but first lemme explain why i'm writeing in here
3 bottles of beer on the wall |
spit it out
2003 26 November :: 2.09pm
:: Mood: B-O-R-E-D bored.
:: Music: no doubt // its my life
All it took was a simple no, but you took far into another category.
I was woken up today by Paige calling to see if I wanted to go to the Sawgrass mall with her, but I was sleepy, so I said no. Than my grandma called and said she was conviently in Boca, so lets do lunch. We went to Denny's in east boca, it was a nice lunch<3. I got home, and talked to miss jackie, and she said that stephen said, or ryan said, that stephen wasnt going. So I called mr. hudon up and stephen said he didnt feel good, so yeah, elf plans got delayed til Friday, if stephen feels better, otherwise its me and jackie. I'm working again tonight until 10:30. And tomorrow I have to be at my dads early in the morning, but that's ok, cause I'll just take a nap. Oh yeah, Patrick called me last night, but just bad timing, so we didnt get to talk, but I hope he'll call back another time, I wanna chit chat. Ok, I'm off, I'm trying to suck some poor soul into going to the mall with me. Holla.
x to the o.
spit it out
2003 26 November :: 12.55am
:: Mood: apathetic
:: Music: nothing
I looked and you were gone, I turn around and your back, now once again, your lost..
tonight was different, but a good different I ahd fun. thank you nicole and paris. lol.
*patrick, Im sorry I couldnt come get you! I totalyl picked up the phone, and you had just hung up, I was like dammit can't he jsut have a cell phone. Tomorrow, we can talk, i hope.
well, i have bad headache, and I'm sleepy, so i'm off to bed.
Jackie or Stephen, elf? let me know
spit it out
2003 23 November :: 9.56pm
:: Mood: sad, really sad.
With a blink of the eye, everything has changed
This process is harder than i thought, and it may take a while, so you have to be patient with me, promise me you'll only help me..cause I dont think i can do it alone.
3 me
spit it out