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:: 2004 14 June :: 9.15pm
:: Mood: i want 2 party.
:: Music: one way or another // blondie

its life.
one day - fighting with ur boyfriend because ur jealous.... and selfish.

another day - hanging out with a friend... just a simple girl's night & enjoying loud music, laughs, talks & movies.

then u get a voice message from ur boyfriend & remember why u told him yes when he asked u out 8 months ago. and u spend endless hours of the nights on the phone talking & torturing. only he knows tho.

plus u get ur hair cut & do some shopping.... not spending any of ur OWN money.... its awesome. <333

confessions of a blonde bombshell. fun. sexy. pretty. innocent. lovable. cute. hot. wild. crazy. girly. glam. i want to party. dance on tables, dress up, & just have fun like paris & nicky. what a wild girl. <3 me. enjoy ur summer. cause i am enjoying mine.

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:: 2004 14 June :: 8.07pm
:: Mood: smiley
:: Music: breakdown-mariah carey

hellz yeah!!..i got a raise today!!
so far my summer has been completely about work..itz tiring but it definately pays off..i got a raise today!!..yay!!..itz about time..lol..i been work there for a while already..so im happy..i got all my envelopes and now i gotta stuff em..i cudd use alotta help..any takers??..love ya!!

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:: 2004 14 June :: 4.31pm
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: the starting line - "playing favorites"

nothing to do
another day passed by with nothing done except food eaten. thoughts thought. wishes wished. and music listened. eyes closed.

i should do some strumming.

my new favorite song. it makes me wanna go to california. or somewhere. to fall in love.

the best way i can extend the lonely words, i miss you.
i'll say it, but i'm sure you knew.
you're what i look most forward to, coming back to where i've been.
i'll just leave it at this.

i'm sure you always feel my eyes on you,
but i hope that you will never feel unwanted.
if you feel unwanted, wait for me to move out west.
it's ok if you don't. i hope you know you're my favorite thing about the west coast.
i wish i stayed, i hope you wait. so here i am...
counting down the days till california comes.

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:: 2004 14 June :: 2.40am

new background, thanks to tina <3

yeah, not falling in love with anyone quite yet, but if tina says it's true, then it must be.

i had a nice day today. this whole entire weekend was nice. mmm... you know why and if you don't, that's too bad.

talked to ashley today. coming down in july to accompany me to concerts... i really hope she does, tallahassee sounds like country-ville.
me: what'd you do today?
ashley: worked in the yard
me: all day?
ashley: yeah... i'm so sunburnt

... later

ashley: we have storms every night like right when it is around that time you go out
me: that sucks
ashley: our phones haven't worked since last night.

.... next conversation

me: what are you doing now?
ashley: watching tv in the guest bedroom, i don't even have cable in my room yet

all i have to say is thank god for cell phones.

i wish to get tanner tomorrow if the weather allows. i should go to bed, but i'm sure my thinking will keep me awake. why do i think so much about you? you leave me lying in my bed at night with countless thoughts. grrr....


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:: 2004 13 June :: 6.09pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: with you // jessica simpson

NOW count how many times ur name is mentioned in ONE entry. <3
i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah.

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