when we met.. the angels whispered perfect >>>Welcome to my page<<<

I lOove mUh BAbEe'z!! I LOVE NICK'S MY LIL SISTER KAYLA BOYD SO F'N MUCH!!! <3333 I LUHV SARAH ELIZABETH ANGELL !! Sarah, Jill, Court, Marissa, Steve, JAY, Steph, Jamie, Tyler, Carissa, Daniela, Shannon, Matt, Kevin, Daniel, Kimmy, Daniela, Lindsy, Kaela, Evan, Adam, Alex, Amanda, Markus, Mark, Brock, Ryan, TJ, Ashley, Cassanda, Chelsea, Danielle, Chris, Geoff, James, Jeremy, Justin, Roo, Michelle, Leighanne, Kayla n sOo many more.. i luhv yOu guys sOo much !! I LOVE NICK!!!! if my ship should sail from your sight It does not mean our journey ends, It only means the river bends. I think about your face And how I fall into your eyes The outline that I trace Around the one that I call mine So I close my eyes Let the whole thing pass me by I'll run away with you, by my side Love at this age is nothing but sex, sweet talk, and compulsive obsession your the reason i breath i lOove yOou sOo much jillane elizabeth dahms I LOVE MY LIL SISSY CHELSEA!! pick me up now, i need you so bad.. Dance as if no one were watching, Sing as if no one were listening, And live life eachday as if it were your last. break the ones y0u thought y0u loved..when i went d0wn .. all i th0ught to say is hello i will see y0u in hell t0nyte -->im all yourz babii t0nyte --> iLl be y0ur *naughty gurl* i l0ove t0 l0ove y0u babii *

I l0ve
y0u nich0las

i lOve y0u!



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:: 2004 14 January :: 11.20pm
:: Mood: giggly
:: Music: always wantin u

2 months
me was sick today. me and ashley left early =]...felicia is transfering schools
but best of all tomarrow=two months with me hubby
best two months of my life
Jay Michael are the best hubby n friend i could ask for..i couldnt get any luckier.. You are so amazin n nice n sweet n HILLARIOUS..oooOARNGE!! beep poster just fell..the right side of me is WEIRD..Haiiiir =P..i didnt hear u omg yer blind!! heheh we FUNNY =] i will love you forever naw thats way tOo shOrt !! LonGer!!

Thanks for everythin..thanks fer puttin up with me n being so good to me..all i can say is i love ya =]


xx oo xx
xx oo xx

2 alone | cant handle this


:: 2004 14 January :: 5.50am
:: Mood: ________
:: Music: so good

hey hey lala herr
today was a _____ day [sorry i like doing that]
mia and christina r over and we r eating chipz n being men. bailey just left to get her braces changed [the colors]
ne wayz i feel like gettin my hair highlited lol not that ne of u care!
u know what... i looked in chris's wallet and all i saw was pics of calli grrr... she treatz her like crap n he still likes her... fag
but i still <3 him to daeth!! lmao! n hes gonna get me a stick for my b-day and im gonna get him one to n then when he givs me my stick i hav to write a thank you card made out of sticks. cool, huh??? lmao!!
ima go! hollA
`·.¸.·´ I LoVe YoU
(_¸.·* .·* Love always, LaLa~

cant handle this


:: 2004 14 January :: 4.16pm

Hey yeah..this is Jilly on britts journal..shh she dont knwo it yeah i jus wanted to say dat i luv you britt and i hope dat were still friends..

and yeah we need to talk..but i really do luvya lots!! =)

Jiggy n shocker say hey lol *kala n brenda* love ya

cant handle this


:: 2004 14 January :: 4.13pm
:: Mood: amused

Lol im jus sittin here doing NOTHING..watchin kala and brenda *jiggy* do thier exams fo this class..which i have no idea wat is is lol..but bored..whew

Yeah we went to see mrs blume and miss conrad, and yeah miss wait i mean mrs beer, yeah she had detention duty so we really couldnt talk, and yeah shes giong to da game t nite so dat we can takl n stuff lol..and yeah mrs blume and me and jiggy had a really nice talk lol..she talked bout how her students were really annoyin t day and how she had a bad day lol..neways yeah im gonna get going..luv you all..FREAKS..woop!! ::no comment:: No i didnt ask you about ur mother..yesh u uh i luv apples..not u..woop woop!!

Lol srry dat was messed =)!!

cant handle this


:: 2004 14 January :: 1.26pm
:: Mood: silly
:: Music: Some country music in da next room =)

Jus bored.. lol
Yeah i know dat i said dat i wasnt going to write in this thingy anymroe but yeah im like sittin here in uprights room *computer class* and yeah brenda is finishing her exam and arieanna is like playin on yeah i thought dat i woudl do this to give me somthing to do ya yeah

Wow t day was really fun really luving this exam schedule..too bad its going to end and soon =( oh wells lol

Today me and steve are talkin and he wants to talk bout wats going on cuz he talked to his mom last nite and everything and he says dat he really likes me n shit but yeah i dont know bout all of dat..i dont know bout him anymore

Yeah also t day was really fun..haha..and now im stayin after until like 5:00 and yeah den nicks mom is going to come and pick me up and take me to j high to go to my girlies v ball game..n den im going there yeah and den going fun =)

And wow..ya know im startin to become friends wif da ppl dat i was friends wif in like 7th grade..cuz yeah brenda *jiggy* was my locker partner and we were like best friends..and den we stoppped talkin after dat cuz she joined a diff group of friends..den she went back to he rother one..which ive been havin out wif all week..jamee is like being really weird lately..cuz of he rand mike but oh wells

And yeah guess who called me late last like 1 in da morning..Brittney..yeah she was all crying and all upset bout her mom and dad..they had gotten into a huge fight..and she was really shaky so i talked to her till bout like 3:00 3:30 and yeah it was great to hear from her again..were gonna get together this weekend maybe..but im not sure rite now cuz brenda n dem have a game and they want me to come over and go to it wif em lol

But yeah neways..i dont really have much else to say here rite now and im bout to help brenda cheat on her exam lol so yeah im gonna get going..

Chelsie i really luv you and im srry fo everything..<33

Megs i luv you too babe..

And brittany, u know dat i luv you more than life itself..tho its not da same still mean the world to me..plz talk to me babe..i miss you =(

2 alone | cant handle this


:: 2004 12 January :: 9.20pm
:: Mood: depressed

Well whew..i think i jus got dumped by stacey..and yeah maybe this one is fo good..i hate how she trys and makes me choose between her and my other friends..

And den brittany wont fuckin talk to me and dat fuckin sucks..but ya know if she dont wanna be friends anymore den fuck it..=( *tear*

And den my mom is fuckin drivin me nuts puttin me on this like weight contral program cuz im not as fuckin anorexic as she is..

And den ive got fuckin exams EVERYDAY THIS WEEK..which is going to be fuckin hell..oh well im jus failing every class anyway..

And then all of this bullshit wif steve..

Ya know wat i dont give a fuck jus gonig to drop all of my friends..move skools..and start all over..start fresh..but ya know..i bet dat wouldnt work either..ill jus fuckin screaw things up again..

Oh well im out..not dat any of you fuckin care..wateva fuck it..bye!! =(

P.s. im done wif this journal..i mean im not going to write in it yeah enjoy this luvly last entry..depressed..sounds like the begining of the rest of my life..*how cheesy*

3 alone | cant handle this


:: 2004 12 January :: 8.30am
:: Mood: _happy_

hey hey!! i hav great newz...
we won our volleyball game

yepee!! which means now we go on to semi-final and hopefully we will go on to finals!!
i gotta go!!
ps we were kickin butt and takin numberz... YOU KNOW!

cant handle this


:: 2004 11 January :: 11.02pm
:: Mood: lonely

This entry is all fo brittany..
Okay this is fo i go..

Okay for a while now britt things have been really different between us..and yeah just like today i was trying to talk to you and i would be like so you gonna talk to me and youd be like no and id be like okay and den like a while latah id say it and you be like no and den i was like well den ill jus go and ur like okay bye n yeah dat was really am i surposed to feel about that??

Yeah thigns are soo diff now..and i really hate it..i wish dat things could go back to da way they were before..wat happened between us? was it soemthing i did..or said? Come on dont even just say dat this is jus me dat feels this way cuz it cant be just me..cuz yeah thigns r really diff and im not just sayin feels to me like you dont even care anymore.. =/

But wateva, i jus really wanna know wats going on here..cuz i miss you and wish dat we were da best of friends like we were before..plz talk to dieing here without you..i luv you soo much..i dont know wat i would do without you..plz dont leave me..=(

P.s. im not jus sayin this to start a fight or nothing either so dont think dat either..and call me if you wanna talk..but im goin to bed..gotta lotta shit to think bout..=/


cant handle this


:: 2004 11 January :: 7.14pm

herez mah sn again!!
hey hey
itz OoOunfOrgiv3nOoO

cant handle this


:: 2004 11 January :: 7.11am
:: Mood: _ok_
:: Music: 3min3m

hey yall
i got a new sn!! im me some time...


i love you

cant handle this


:: 2004 11 January :: 5.39am
:: Mood: _yOU tEll Me
:: Music: unforgiven, fefe dobson

the good, bad & ugly...
bay. kayla, lilia, rachel, kristi, mia, katheryn, lacey, mark, meagan, heather, and anybody who's close to me i just want you guyz to know
I LovE yOU ALl SooOo MUch aNd I donT KNow WhERE I'd Be WIthOUt you GuyS

1 alone | cant handle this


:: 2004 11 January :: 3.24am
:: Music: miss you [blink 182]

hey hey
i just got back from kayla's house... SO much fun. we hav so many inside jokes now!!!
the green man, movies over here, kids fallin down, gummy bears, chasing liberty, mandy moore and the hospital, white boyz,serious talks, blink 182, chris chris, ice cream, the phone game folding chairs, short, cold walks, uptown girls, mad tv, dot!! just to name a few. [lol]
i love her like a sister. i hope we can do something next weekend!! luv ya babe.
`·.¸.·´ I LoVe YoU
¸.·`* ¸.·*¨¨)
(_¸.·* ¸.·* Love always, LaLa~

cant handle this


:: 2004 10 January :: 4.23pm
:: Mood: happy

Everything is gonna be okay...
wednesday wasnt as bad as i thought it was gonna be, everything turned out okay.
same with thursday...friday i went to daniel's after school n then ema spent the night..tis was fun. me and kevin had an intresting talk..=/..Today i got muh hair cut =] i love cost a shit loud of money cuz i got it colored 2wice plus cut.=D and in about an hour im going to Jamie's house to spend the night...yay!

6 days ..
tons left to go.

2 alone | cant handle this


:: 2004 10 January :: 3.00am
:: Mood: __bouncy__

lacey n me'szz songy!!
u think im there
but im really not,
gone forever,
never together.
u want me there
it's pain i cannot bare
my love for u
i alwayz knew
it wasnt true....
You broke my heart
tore it in two
just like the picture i had of you.
so now itz over
i think this is the end
i hav come to a conclusion.
our love was a mere illusion.
[ me n lacey made that up!!]

cant handle this


:: 2004 10 January :: 2.57am
:: Mood: ______ u tell me

kayla goldman
hey hey laLA herrr...
i had sooo mucho fun at the movies. though i didnt c chris :( j/p he told me on the phone that mona almost got into a fight with rachel. ne wyaz it was justme n kayla and we had such a good time we saw chasing liberty but we were laughing most of the time!!! i luv ya girlie. [so me n lilia r tied huh?] [that has to be changed!!! lol]
lacey spent the nigth last night n now we're gonna try to make a journal for her!!!
`·.¸.·´ I LoVe YoU
¸.·`* ¸.·*¨¨)
(_¸.·* ¸.·* Love always, LaLa~

cant handle this | Random Journal