when we met.. the angels whispered perfect >>>Welcome to my page<<<

I lOove mUh BAbEe'z!! I LOVE NICK'S MY LIL SISTER KAYLA BOYD SO F'N MUCH!!! <3333 I LUHV SARAH ELIZABETH ANGELL !! Sarah, Jill, Court, Marissa, Steve, JAY, Steph, Jamie, Tyler, Carissa, Daniela, Shannon, Matt, Kevin, Daniel, Kimmy, Daniela, Lindsy, Kaela, Evan, Adam, Alex, Amanda, Markus, Mark, Brock, Ryan, TJ, Ashley, Cassanda, Chelsea, Danielle, Chris, Geoff, James, Jeremy, Justin, Roo, Michelle, Leighanne, Kayla n sOo many more.. i luhv yOu guys sOo much !! I LOVE NICK!!!! if my ship should sail from your sight It does not mean our journey ends, It only means the river bends. I think about your face And how I fall into your eyes The outline that I trace Around the one that I call mine So I close my eyes Let the whole thing pass me by I'll run away with you, by my side Love at this age is nothing but sex, sweet talk, and compulsive obsession your the reason i breath i lOove yOou sOo much jillane elizabeth dahms I LOVE MY LIL SISSY CHELSEA!! pick me up now, i need you so bad.. Dance as if no one were watching, Sing as if no one were listening, And live life eachday as if it were your last. break the ones y0u thought y0u loved..when i went d0wn .. all i th0ught to say is hello i will see y0u in hell t0nyte -->im all yourz babii t0nyte --> iLl be y0ur *naughty gurl* i l0ove t0 l0ove y0u babii *

I l0ve
y0u nich0las

i lOve y0u!



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:: 2003 29 November :: 12.38pm
:: Mood: Quiet and Cold
:: Music: Brooke Talking on the phone

hey hey,
LaLa herr... im in kentucky right now, pretty bored because i think bailey is sleepin.
yep today i rode four wheelerz thru the woodz. (yep i drove) n i was a good driver to! lol yea... itz snowin rite now, stickin to.
i hav a newz flash that should be put to public use my wgms... i dont like chris ne more. thatz right. if he is alwayz gonna be OBSESSED with calli then screw that... y waste my time with sum 1 who would never luv me back. ya kno? ne wayz brooke ( my olda' sista) (well, not really but like) iz tellin every one to go to bed because shez really anxious to go home tomorrow morning and wantz to hit the road early. so ima listen ight.. if ne one carez, bailey n i will be home prolly around 11 or 12 ( pm) bounce

<3 to all ( cept chris who broke my <3) ( but it happenz)


cant handle this


:: 2003 28 November :: 6.24pm

Last Cigarette::Never..
Last Alcoholic Drink::last nite.. *grins* =)
Last Car Ride::Earlier t day..
Last Kiss::Jus 2 seconds ago..
Last Good Cry::A couple of days ago
Last Library Book checked out::I dont knw it was like last year..
Last Movie Seen in Theatres::The chainsaw masicar or somthing?
Last Book Read::Please stop laughing at me..
Last Movie Rented::Last nite we rented 3 but watched one..*Orange County*
Last Cuss Word Uttered::Fuck
Last Beverage Drank::Dr. Pepper
Last Food Consumed::Ice cream
Last Crush::mhmm Steve.
Last Phone Call::Steve gain..
Last TV Show Watched::Cribs rite now..
Last Time Showered::Last nite =)
Last Shoes Worn::
Last CD Played::Chingys
Last Item Bought::mhmm a shirt
Last Download::Tupacs new song..rach made me download! =)
Last Annoyance::Wilson
Last Disappointment::Ashley couldnt go to da mall wif us =/
Last Soda Drank::Dr Pepper
Last Thing Written::An email to Courtney
Last Key Used::I dont know.
Last Word
Last Sleep::Last bout 3 hours lol
Last IM::Courtney
Last Sexual Fantasy::Wtf nice questino haha
Last Weird Encounter::it would have to still have been bout a week ago last sat when i met meg n mis
Last Ice Cream Eaten::Ben and Jerrys cookie dough ice cream
Last Time Amused::When Steve and Joshie were argueing lol
Last Time Wanting To Die::How bout rite now..
Last Time In Love::T nite..yesterday..mhmm dunno
Last Time Hugged::when steve got here..before dat when court got here..
Last Time Scolded::A min ago by my mom
Last Time Resentful::I dunno
Last Chair Sat In::The one im sittin in rite now..DUH!!
Last Lipstick Used::Cherry cola lip gloss
Last Underwear Worn::THe ones im wearin rite now..DUH!!
Last Bra Worn::omg does this person think im friggin naked?!
Last Shirt Worn::This aeropostal shirt im WEARIN!!
Last Webpage Visited::duh this one u fag!!

"Last" Survey brought to you by BZOINK!

3 alone | cant handle this


:: 2003 28 November :: 6.05pm

What makes you laugh?:When ppl get hurt..ex joshie =)
Who is your hero?:Brittany Marie Gamester!!
Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?:Brittany Marie Gamester
How many pairs of shoes do you own?:mhmm let me go count..14 pairs!! Geesh i need some more shoes..*screams MOMMY*
Seriously... Where does the other sock end up?:Wat other sock? Did u lose a sock?
Who do you blame for your mood today?:My mood t day..well i blame..Steve!! =)
If the Internet were sex... I would:Be a fuckin whore!
Have you ever seen a dead body?:yesh..=/
What is something scientists need to invent?:Oh we had this question in history last and marci said they need a thingy like on the jetsons like wher eu stand in da tube and can go anywher ein da whole house!!
What should we do with stupid people?:Give them a million dollors seeings how im stupid =)
Have you ever broken a bone?:Yesh lots of em!
Do you watch local news? Why?:No i get confused too easy..ask Amber
What happens after you die?:Well i will go to hell where will u go?
How big is your bed? Big enough?:Queen..and yesh its friggin huge!!
How long do you think you will live?:Fo another 2 and a half hours!

Random Thought Provokers brought to you by BZOINK!

1 alone | cant handle this


:: 2003 28 November :: 5.42pm

+ Basics +
Are you emotional ::Yesh very!!
Do songs make you cry? If so, name a few ::Mhmm not really..cept one *Angel* by Shaggy..
What about movies ::Yesh lots..Save the last and basketball..Hardball..lots!!
What emotion do you usually feel ::Sadness..
+ Sadness +
What does it take to make you cry your heart out ::cry my heart out? mhmm..lately..not too much.. =/
How many times have you done that ::i dont even know where to start countin..
Where do you cry ::In my room
Do you hate crying used to it by now..
Do you like it when others cry ::Why would some1 like something like dat? Dats cruel..
Do you think tears make eyes look pretty jus gives them some kind of glow.
Who looks good when they cry ::Adam!!
How else do you express sadness ::I dont wanna say.. =/
Are you sad all the time ::not all da time..
+ Anger +
What does it take to make you mad ::Oh gosh..i unno..but 1 thing is when ppl talk shit behind pplz baks..
What do you do when you're angry ::Swear, yell, scream, bitch alot..lots of stuff..sometimes fite..
How short is your temper ::Actually im very tolerent..
How long does it take you to calm down ::mhmm i dont really know..dont seem like too long..
What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad ::I dont wanna say dat either.. =/
Do you freak out when others are angry ::yah sometimes..some ppl
Has anyone ever recommended anger management to you ::Only my mom but she dont count..
What's the worst thing someone's done to make you mad ::I dont know..i dont really get mad..i get sad..
Do you anger people ::Yah alot of da time..
+ Joy +
How often are you happy ::well sometimes..
What makes you happy ::Being wif my friends..makin someone else happy..doing something fun..i unno
What do you do when you're happy ::I dont get this other ppl do something diff when thier happy? I jus go about my business..
How optimistic are you ::not very!
Do happy people make you mad ::No not at all!!
What's the worst thing someone can do while they're happy ::Ruin my a shit..i unno
Ever been so happy you were dying to tell everyone ::yesh!!
Ever been so happy you cried ::yah hehe good example::Last summer::2nd time i met britt::
Do you smile a lot ::Not anymore..
Kiss people a lot::Hell yesh!! =)
Who really makes you happy ::My bestest friend britterz!!
Do you like doing things for people when you're happy ::I luv doing things fo other ppl regardless if im happy or not..
+ Fear +
What do you do when you're scared ::depends on wat im scared of!
What scares you ::Losing my bestest friend..and other friends..but failing too =(
Do you like scaring people ::oh yesh!!
Do you like the trill of being frightened ::sometimes!!
Does fear accompany anger in your case ::uhm no
Ever been so scared you couldn't breathe ::yesh a few times.. =/
How often do you panic ::Not too often..
What's the one thing that scared you more than anything else EVER ::Jus one thing?? mhmm anytime that ive ever felt like id lose britt
What do you do to calm your nerves ::I used to write poetry..nuffin anymore tho
Do rollercoasters scare you ::hell no!! i Luv rollercoasters!!
+ The strongest emotion +
What song never fails to get your strongest emotions going ::*Perfect* by Simple Plan
Movie ::Hardball
Commericial ::i hate commercials they drive me nuts!!
Person ::Brittany korse
Thing ::My monkey..happy!! =)
Sight ::Someone crying
Sound ::Someone yelling/cryin
Food ::food? lol wtf?
Thing you're looking forward to/want ::Going to FL this winter vaca!!! =) *hopefully seeing britt* =)
+ What do you do +
When the emotion suck ::I dunno pout bout it..
When the emotion rocks ::I dunno..Smile =)
When there's no emotion ::There usually isnt any.. =/
+ Would you rather +
Never feel again ::yesh
Feel loneliness or anger for the rest of your life ::I do now..and it sucks so no..
Be happy forever and never experience bad times ::Well dat would be kinda boring wouldnt it?
Cause misery ::NO!!
Feel misery ::NO!!
Be alone ::NO!!
Be with everyone you know ::Yesh! =)
+ Who +
Cheers you up more than anyone else ::Brittany or Courtney!
Angers you more than anyone else ::Brittney Stewart!!
Scares you more than anyone else ::i unno..myself..=/
Makes you think about your emotions more than anyone else ::Becky Dawn or Courtney
Makes you really care about how they feel and what they think ::Courtney

Emotions brought to you by BZOINK!

cant handle this


:: 2003 28 November :: 2.48pm
:: Mood: content

Wtf is wrong wif me?!
Urgh i really dont know wat to do anymore..Sometimes i can be soo happy..and then the rest of the time..i jus feel like id rather die the most painful death than take another breath..

I dont know wat to do anymore..I hate skool, and everyone there..dat used to be my escape place..that used to be da place where i would go to get away from my house and my fucked up i go from hell to an even worse hell..and den bak to hell again!!

*I had another crazy episode t day brittany =( ..mhmm this is crazy dude, this one was worse..ill tell u bout it another time if u remind me*

Steve is all mad at me now..Britt dont like him neither..i dont know why..but im sure it has something to do wif how im always leavin to talk wif him..well im not sure..dats jus wat i think..i dont have any idea tho..

Well im gonna go now..gotta go shoppin wif my slut/bitch/cunt/fuckin asshole mother..*gotta get britts present* and duffey and becky dawn n the rest of ppls presents..but ive still got a bit of pplz left!! =)

well bye now!!

1 alone | cant handle this


:: 2003 27 November :: 11.10pm
:: Mood: relaxed
:: Music: My baby~~By::Bow wow

Well lets see here..t day was fuckin awesome!! lol it started out shitty..and den i got to see my baby Steve. I luv him soo much! I cant even begin to explain how i feel fo dis kid..Hes so sweet and sensitive..and *sucha great kisser* My mom likes him kinda..but my step dad loves him lol!! They were talkin upstairs while watchin the game fo like an hour or something lol..Oh gosh and my mom found out dat he was turnin 17 t day..and like kinda freaked out lol..but shes kool wif it now..

Lets see wat else to write bout..Well okay i know..

Okay Chelsie thinks dat like i dont luv her and all of this shit..and same goes fo sidnee n becky n ashley n all of those pplz well ya know wat..i do care bout em..its jus britt means more to me..and dats more needed to tell..ya'll need to jus accept da fact dat your never going to amount up to brittany..ur never gonna mean as much to me as brittany..but i do care bout all of you..jus not as much!! SO JUS ACCEPT IT..MOVE ON..STOP ACTIN LIKE YOUR ALL DEPRESSED OR SOME FUCKIN SHIT!! Ex stacey omfg!! Shes not my best friend..brittany matter wat..and she jus wont accept dat and jus be friends wif drives me fuckin nuts!! *chelsie dont u dare take this da wrong way..i do luv you, alot!! Your a really really great dont think dat i dont car ebout you*

I dont jus in a really good mood..Steve omfg he makes me feel so comfortable and loved and relaxed *maybe da was da massage tho* lol I dont know..he jus is soo sweet, and fun and funny and caring and oh gosh i done..

latah everyone!!! =)

2 alone | cant handle this


:: 2003 27 November :: 9.59am
:: Mood: *In A sHiT LoAd oF PaIn*

Looks like everyone around here is really happy..i sold be really happy seeings how its yah thanksgiving t day..but yah dats nothing to really be happy about this year..its more depressin than it is happy!! We've gotta go to my step dads moms which is going to suck cuz everyone there hates me and i hate everyone there. And then we've gotta go to my moms parents which is going to suck cuz i really dont like my grandmother on dat side..and cuz my grandpa is gone and ainnt gonna be there..its gonna be so awkward..and Kirsten or my brother aint going..katie is still i think? Not sure..but im glad Joshie is going..*ill xplain him latah..* But yah also a good thing is Steve is coming over..WOo HOo!! =/ Im kinda glad but kinda not..i still in alotta pain, i really cant move my arms or my legs, it hurts to walk, it hurts to even touch something, joshie gave me a hug this morning and i thought dat he was stabbing me in da bak a million times!! But yah im gonna get going..a bubble bath sounds nice bout rite now..*plus ive gotta clean mwaha* and leave soon..but yah ill be bak latah! Bye!!

P.s. *Joshie* is kinda like my brother, ive known him my whole life, he was my moms friends son, and he wa smy and my brothers friend too, and like his mom is a crack addict and his dad is a drunk and leaves him for long like he comes over to our house cuz my mom feels bad fo him kinda ya know? My mom is like his mom really..hes over soo much, and we see him soo often..but yah i luv him!! =)

Latah everyone..

cant handle this


:: 2003 26 November :: 7.36pm
:: Mood: numb

Its all outta contral..
Omfg t day..has to have been one of the worst days ive had in a raelly long time..nobody likes me at skool anymore..everyone fuckin hates grades r soo fuckin shitty..i hate skool!! And oh gosh then my family..

Well my mom is gone physco cuz of my grandpa n everything..and hey i dont blame step dad is still his dickhead self..kirsten cant even stand up shes soo sick..everyone if fuckin crazy lately!!

My family hates me too..t day i couldnt even sit up arms my bak my whole friggin body hurts to move..i seroiusly wanted to kill myself it hurt so fuckin bad..And so my mom gave me one of her vicondins and like i went to go lay down and i slept fo a while..and den i came out a couple hours latah and my mom and bro said to jus leave and go bak to bed..*how sweet* and den like i come britt or anyone..i feel so damn alone..steve is surposed to be comin over 2marro but i havent talked to him all day so i unno now..and dude then i go bak to my room and like i said tell me when dinner is done..and i like go in there n stuff and come bak out latah on, and like i come out into the kitchen and everyone is already ate and my mom is puttin everything away..and i said wat bout me and she said well get something dont bitch at me!! WTF?!?! I cant even eat wif my family..see the hate me..they dont wanna be around me..i dont wanna be around them..ive been screamin and crying and kickin and punchin and yellin all day long and nobody even notices..i feel like im jus da lil child they had but have forgotten about..dat they dont care bout..dat they lock up in her room forever..i dont wanna live dead serious!! I fuckin hate everything..i jus wanna die!! Plz someone kill me..before i have to..

cant handle this


:: 2003 26 November :: 1.26pm

Everything dat once meant something..
Dnt mean shit anymore..

Everyone that used to care..
Dont give a fuck anymore..

Everything dat once was good..
Is fuckin hell now.. =(

3 alone | cant handle this


:: 2003 26 November :: 6.34am

WOo HOo!! =) Half day t day!! YaY!! I cant But dat means i will barely see Steve!! =( mhmm oh well ill get to see him thurs!! On Thanksgiving!! YaY!! =) lol well nuffin else to write..hes really mad dat im not giong to be here fo christmas tho..he said he wanted to send christmas eve wif me.. =( oh well..i get to see da best person in da whole world sometime during break!! =) Wat a wonderful christmas present!! YaY!! lol im jus in a happy mood..

da only thing bad is my grandpa is going into open heart surgery in a few hours, and i cant even go to be wif mom is and wilson is and everyone else is..but if i miss anymore skool i lose my credits fo my classes..*either days* phewie!! neways i hope hes okay..oh gosh..=(

neways latah!!


1 alone | cant handle this


:: 2003 25 November :: 5.53pm

MWAHAHA DAT ENTRY WASNT BOUT BRITT AT ALL!! WOo HOo!! lol srry jus had to say dat..jus fo chels to read!! =)

I luv you britters!! Best friends forever!!

cant handle this


:: 2003 25 November :: 5.47pm
:: Mood: frustrated

Urgh i hate being home mom is god knows where..prolly at da hospital..and wilson is prolly wif her cuz like her lil friends on da bus told me dat she got sick all over da classroom and had to move classes..ICK!! Poor lil shithead..i wonder how my grandpa is doing..i hope hes okay..i dont know wat id do without him..*sigh*

but on a happier note..I was wif Steve all day t day..and we skipped lunch and hung out in bak of da skool da whole time..hehe..and omfg he is like one of da BEST kissers ive ever went out wif or kissed lol!!!!

I really like dis kid..hes soo sweet!! oh well latahs!! =)

cant handle this


:: 2003 25 November :: 6.31am

skool..urgh.. =(

Yippie everyone is all like happy wif eachother again!! YaY!! =) Dats glad!! =)

awwe omfg u sould have heard some of the stuff that steve was tellin me on the phone yesterday..he was sayin stuff about how he wanted to take me up to his cabin durin the summer *its up north* and he was talkin about how he wanted to take me to this certain place where we could lay on the beach and watch the sunset, and he said, exact words *We could lay together all nite and watch the suns beauty from the lakes shore, and nothing could be more perfect..* AWWE!! if u really knew me..youd know how im in luv wif sunsets/stars!! YaY!! He was also tellin me about how he was in luv at first site..and how he wants to know everything about me, and how he wants to be wif me forever, and how he wants to be my baby's daddy *long joke behind dat* And how he wants 2 kids, and how'd he be a stay home dad, and how he wants to be near me all the time..and when hes near me he feels like a king *haha* and how when he has a girl he mite be tough in front of his friends, but when hes wif his gurl, its all bout da gurl and da gurl is da princess!! Awwe =) Im glad i talked to him last nite.. =)

This one is by FAR VERY FAR better than Mikey..mikey was nothing compared to him!! Nobody can ever compare to him!! =)

Oh and i already told him dat he mite be second but nobody will ever be my 1st cept fo britt..and hes kool wif dat SOO BOOO YA!! *sticks tongue out at certain ppl den giggles* Plus he said dat i will always be second but, his younger brother dats *handycapped* will always be his 1st..AWWE!! hehe..his bro is really awesome and sucha friggin sweetheart tho!! =)

neways latah!! =)

3 alone | cant handle this


:: 2003 24 November :: 9.22pm
:: Mood: confused

I wish i could kill myself rite now..if only i had da fuckin guts..well i guess ive got da guts..jus hmm i unno..

haha they all think im soo happy now cuz im PERKY..haha im soo good its not even kool..rite now i jus wish i would die..and omfg my grandpa could be dead rite now..i wouldnt even fuckin knw..aint dat a surposed to be offline in case something does happen so my mommy could call..but i wanna talk to britt so me stayin! =)


1 alone | cant handle this


:: 2003 24 November :: 8.09pm
:: Mood: confused

*sTiLL c0nFuZeD*
Ya wanna know wat i figured out..


cant handle this | Random Journal