2006 29 January :: 8.39pm
:: Music: BEP - Where is the Love?
We are some crazy little peoples i tell you what.
This is Ron
And this is The www.OrderMoreRon.com advertisers
And Repeat with the "Ron" symbol
7 wrote! |
2006 27 January :: 7.01pm
Stacy: Oh my God, my forehead itches like a bitch.
Josh: Oh Christ, my balls itch.
We seriously both said that at the same exact time.
It was fucking scary.
2 wrote! |
2006 27 January :: 1.41pm
:: Music: Elliott Smith
No school for me today, biotches.
I had an eye appointment at 10am, so I figured why even go.
I got new glasses, because my other ones broke in half! I was sad, but the new ones are basically the same exact style. The only difference is they're brown on the outside instead of black, and some sort of greenish/yellow color on the inside instead of red. I like them better than my older ones.
I am still not a glasses person. Ick.
My grandma bought me a $6 chocolate covered strawberry from Godiva. I thought it was quite ridiculous, but she insisted. And I'll tell you what...it was the best damn chocolate covered strawberry I've ever had. And the only. Mmmm.
Anyway, I am bored off my feet. I hope someone wants to hang out tonight. And by hang out I don't mean go back to school and waste money on a lame basketball game.
Edit>> Oh, and new layouts for all three journals!! Exciting, eh?
3 wrote! |
2006 26 January :: 9.20pm
Ahh, fuck you! You're grounded!
What for?
Because you don't think that the garbage disposal sounds like chewbaca taking a shit! That's why. Now go to your room!
2 wrote! |
2006 24 January :: 9.38pm
Well work is beginning to get so slow because of winter, which makes it very boring and seems to take forever for time to pass. Next week is spring hill, I'm excited its going to be tons of fun. Things are beginning to pick up and get better. Which is a great feeling.
2006 24 January :: 6.42am
:: Music: Taking Back Sunday
Tagged! haHaHA. So funny. Not, bitch.
I am so sick of this "tagging" bullshit.
Stop for Christs sake!
It's not like when someone leaves a lame ass comment about how you got "tagged" there is some uncontrollable force making you leave this comment in about ten thousand other journals, because the fucking comment says you must.
Guess what? You don't have to do anything a comment tells you to do, ever! Even if it says you'll die if you don't pass it on, you won't. I mean you may die, but not because you didn't send some bullshit to ten thousand other people. Unless someone is pointing a gun to your head, threatening to set your house ablaze, or killing your puppy you're perfectly fine not passing it on.
/end rant
6 wrote! |
2006 23 January :: 4.26pm
So, after school we're bringing Erika home and we're having this conversation about how it's stupid when people mess around while they're driving and blah, blah. etc. So we drop her off then Dustin decides to try and "miss the pot holes" (in other words, fuck around). So, while missing these pot holes we go straight into the dtich, after swirving for a little bit. And it's not like we just went into the ditch. We full on ended up completely facing the opposite direction from when we started. If there would have been a tree [which there was like 10 feet away] I'd pry be hurt right now or dead (D E D).
You know Dustin...he has to do everything with style, lol.
So, yeah.. I'm home now and not really looking forward to any more rides with my good ole bro. Just playing.. *shifts eyes*
Thanks for the help, Joey.
Other than sitting in a snow bank for an hour my day was good.
My crush on Mr.Young is clearly not a crush anymore. It's true love, baby.
And Mr.Hazel still can't stay on task.
4 wrote! |
2006 22 January :: 9.18pm
Well the weekend is already over. I feel like it flew by with all the working and all the extra cleaning I had to do. I guess were having some major inspection soon. I really hate cleaning lol. I did do one thing besides work. I went to go see underworld revolution with David and Chris. It was pretty good, didn't know what it was about at all when I chose it, but there was nothing else playing. I got my letter saying I got into North western. I think I'm going to use the money I get back from my taxes to buy a lab top computer for college. I'm so looking forward to college and not going to school. I only made it to kctc once last week lol. I have to start going more now though, cuz I got my internship deal thing.Well I best get to bed, so I can wake up for kctc tomorrow.
2006 22 January :: 7.23pm
:: Music: Tom Petty
Can I have your tonsils?
This weekend was really good, beside getting made fun of for sounding like a little boy who just hit puberty. Ah well, I'll be a good sport and admit that it was funny.
Saturday night Lisa picked me up and we headed down to Skelles, excuse me, "The Euclid" *rolls eyes* and Devin was there, luckily. I think he was really happy and surprised to see us 'cause we didn't plan on hanging out. Anyway, Dani met us there, then we all headed to Big Nasty's house. Have I mentioned that I fucking love Big Nasty before? Well just in case I haven't.. I LOVE BIG NASTY. All right, anyway.. we hung out there for a while then went to Jimi's and Torrell's house to chill. After that we just drove around until like 4am then crashed at Lisa's for the night. After sleeping in until around 1pm we decided to head down town again. We as in Lisa, Devin, and I. Dani headed home early to sleep for the day. Yeah, so today was a lot of fun too. Overall the weekend was just awesome. I love my friends. I really do. [Ashley: I can't wait until you can join us again. We miss you!]
He is just so great. I'm so comfortable around him. I could see us becoming great friends and him being an important part of my life. He really cares about me. And I can't wait for him to see that I care as well.
Spring Hill is pretty soon. I guess I'm excited, but not really.
The [Advanced Drama] play is soon as well. I'm so nervous about it, yet very excited at the same time. Please go. It's going to be awesome if we get our shit together. And for once I have more than one line. I have two damn pages all to myself.
Anyway, I have tons of things to say, but you've heard it all before and it's all over thought bullshit that I don't need to ramble on about. So yeah, tomorrow starts a new semester. Yay.
7 wrote! |
2006 22 January :: 4.11pm
:: Music: adam's song - blink 182
welp, ddr tonight! (score!) no school tomorrow (double score) yay! life has been nice to me lately... =)
oh yeah...mike called a few nights ago.... =|
2006 21 January :: 5.50pm
I need a job, or a life, or something...
Holy crap, just finished Episode number 34 of Sailor Stars. I've been watching since like 9 this morning. All I can say to that is.....Pathetic. But fun! lol. So I have officially finished the entire show. No more episodes. And no more to come i dont believe. Oh well. Time to move on!
P.S. Yes, new icon again, if you can't read the sides, it says "Ville's Milkshake" lol.
5 wrote! |
2006 20 January :: 7.19pm
Don't tell anyone, but...
Ashley is a ROBOT!
10 wrote! |
2006 20 January :: 3.23pm
I feel like death.
Edit>> I guess I'm going to Ashley's now so we can be sick together, lol. We're gonna watch movies and just enjoy the germs filling up the room. :)
I think my voice will be completely gone by tomorrow.
3 wrote! |
2006 18 January :: 8.34pm
a bit emotional
i really feel like i havent done such a good job as to being a good friend lately. i feel as if i've drifted away from some of the people i felt i used to be around that made me feel like i couldnt go two days without seeing them. it's quite sad really. i really wish things were like they used to be. me and ari arent close like we used to be. i miss her, i miss her a whole lot. bri too. ha...that girl and i had some good laughs between us. i miss that. i feel like noone really wants anything to do with me anymore. like...i dont know...i felt like that before me and ash became so close that everyone just wanted to be friends with other people and i was like whatever. than me and ash became friends and now they are all mad at that. its just ash is one of the bestest friends i've ever had and i havent had a friendship like that in a while. like sister, ya know? but it makes some people upset to see us together i think. i dont know why....i hate high school drama. i really cant wait until i turn 18 and leave. it really makes me sad. cause i miss all the friends i used to have. like yesterday i was thinking i wanted to call someone but the only people i really ever talked on the phone to on a regular basis was ash, mike, and ari. now me and ari...i dont really know what happened. and then you know that whole mike thing is over, so now it sorta feels like i only have ash. which i am not saying is a bad thing. i love ash to fricken death but still...i would be nice to a few other good friends around when me and ash cant do stuff. and i know i have you guys (mindy, jessica, and eddy) but i mean like tc people...it just sucks. i wish things were....easier...*sighs* but...in the words of Mick Jagger..."You cant always get what you want.."
4 wrote! |
2006 18 January :: 3.52pm
Today turned out all right. I didn't exactly start the morning off well, but I tried to get over it and just get through the day.
Last night was a lot of fun. I went shopping for some people, then hung out with Lisa, Chris, and Devin. I love how whenever Devin and I hang out we never do anything, but we still end up laughing the entire time and just having fun. And nooo, we're not dating, just to clear that up for some people who've been asking. I just love being around him and we're good friends. I mean do you really have to be dating to have sex? Really now, ahahaha.. I crack myself up.
So, I get to Econ today and we get our tests back... 102% BIOTCH.
I cannot believe it. I was $7,000 off, when we were only allowed to be $1,000 off! Did he just not notice?! Ahaha.. hey, I am not complaining. I am passing that class and I'm extremely happy about it.
I am excited for the new semester simply because that class is OVER.
Anyway, Dani's going to be getting me and we're gonna go visit poor Ashley in hopes of making her feel better!
Today was good. I need to just remember I have so much to look forward to and stop living in the past. It's over and I need to accept that. Hey, I'm working on it.
Oh, and Jess.. thanks for the poem. It made me smile, haha. I love you, my bitch. :)
6 wrote! |
2006 18 January :: 1.22pm
I miss someone that doesn't even exist anymore.
2006 17 January :: 10.50pm
That kid is great and he deserves people to give him a chance.
Why do people judge on looks all of the time?
Try to understand a person for once.
I'm just pissed and surprised.
Ya know what? He's an awesome kid. And I'm sorry that you don't see that. Just because someone isn't like you doesn't mean that there's something wrong with them. It means they're different and that's it.
I'm so fed up with all these people. Just, grow the fuck up. Being shallow will get you no where.
Ughh.. I don't even know. Nothing I say can express how entirely mad I am. Just.. change how you look at people. CHANGE. No, you're not perfect.
You're far from it.
Edit>> No, RON I am NOT talking about a retard or deformed person. He's normal!