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I got nothin'

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:: 2006 28 June :: 10.53 pm

Man, Its been a long time since i;ve bveen this drunk, on a weekday tooo.
its ghing to be such a bitcht to rtry and try this shit fucking toasted,

but anyways, Kyle Earl cought me comming hiome from doing more fucking hhay with Uncle HJohn, and he was like, follow m,e to my house, its my birth day, we gtotta get drunk , I was like ok! I was like ok, I ill only have one beer, and that one beer turninfg into like 6 duces which is liek what? 12 beers? I have no idaea , hahah loook art myu trying its sooo shittym oh biittsszzle call me tomarrow otr somthing ir you know, I forgot my ohphib. phone today and we didnt get hay with until like 10 last night, I saw I had a missed call but it was larte and II was sleeptty I think im going to go pass out, maytbe i;kk try this tomarrow. when im sober ir sinething Goofd Knihgytm Peace out, Grand PRix for the wing! bitchers, hat
car rocks! she goers soo fasrt, if it was a women Id bone her till the cows came home, but then idd be cheatubfg on the Fiero and thated piss eer off and sheedd divorce me and than idd have tio paty money and I love money and I dont like to piss it away, whn kyle leaves for CA ilmi going to be pretty bumved hes pretty cool, if I wasn I cant find the enerter key soo i;m gouing to try adn clock this journal buttn, fucking litle brohters wont leave me alone, if fucking drunk i thnk i have to start hitting bitchedsm so they get off my case, mom s lseeping soo she canlt bitch XD man ive tyoed alot time o

go to bed good night sleep sitight im passing out hahaha haha hahahaha onluy 2 more dats of work wererereeeee!!

16 Put the pedal to the metal | Left in the smoke?

:: 2006 31 May :: 11.25 pm

So yeah

My parents are being kinda stupid atm, ok let me explain,

heres a shitty self made drawing of my driveway/house

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so you seen the Trees in question? wwell the power company wants to chop them all down, and thats not making my folks real happy, Dads pretty pissed about it, and so it mom, They've been looking into solar power and windmills or whatever there called. I guess the power people are going to shut our power off if we don't let them shop them down, but I dunno, They make the place pretty and this is the U.S. not commi China, so they really IMO have no right, but meh, shoud be pretty interesting to see how this plays out...

and you, I'm not done, I'm reloading, but just to tide you over, grow a pair learn to drive, My little brothers in drivers ed now, at this rate he'll be driving by himself before you do.

5 Put the pedal to the metal | Left in the smoke? | Random Journal