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I love YOU , coordinated ladies!

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:: 2003 23 November :: 12.22 am

~***~Ur teasing only makes u more apeealing to me.~***~ says:
u make my heart jump when u say/do those things
~***~Ur teasing only makes u more apeealing to me.~***~ says::
i dont know why
We can make sure you have fun. Yes we can, yes we shall, yes we will!! says::
like say I'm going to take a shower?
~***~Ur teasing only makes u more apeealing to me.~***~ says::

3 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2003 22 November :: 11.59 pm

I take a look around; it´s evident the scene has changed.
And there are times when I feel improved, improved upon the past.
Then there are times when I can´t seem to understand at all
and yes it seems as though I´m goin nowhere...
really fucking fast, nowhere fast.

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2003 19 November :: 6.51 pm

so, I've read on it, and I'm finally pissed enough to take some time out of my life to bitch about it on my journal.

Reasons Mitch is a Hypocritical Bastard
(I'll be doing this maddox style, so Mitches nimwitted copying ass will get it)

1. Your plain and simply a Hypocrite. Hmmm, let's take a gander to the past entries in your journal:

November 16

god damn it.
Here's why all religions should be outlawed, and all deeply-religious people should be rounded up and put into death camps. Wait, did I say death camps? I meant happy camps!

Now if you believe that all the religious people should be rounded up and killed, based on the acts that were committed by the certain religious group that you continued to tell the story about in this post, then that would lead me to believe that you know all about every religious group. Do You mitch?:

This is a comment on that same journal entry in reply to one that was left by phil:

Re: religion
@ 11-16-03 10:06pm

I know very little about the Jewish religion

I guess not.

2. You say God Damn alot. For example:

-:: 2003 16 November :: 9.25 pm

god damn it.

Now tell me, if you don't believe in God, or a God in general, then why do you say this? If you don't believe God exists, then how is he supposed to damn it? Why are you calling upon someone to damn that you don't even think exists? Is damn even an action in which you can do to something? You obviously don't believe in hell, and in damning someone you are condemning them to hell. And surely you don't mean clog up a river.

3. You are a fucking clone of your environment. Choose it or not , you soak up witty banter from Penny Arcade and Maddox and use them against people. hmmm, let's see where this applies:

:: 2003 1 November :: 9.41 pm

New rules for emailing me:
-If it begins with "FWD:" I'll delete it on sight.
-If it's full of dumbass shit that you could tell or ask me any other time, I'll set fire to your mother and kill your dog.
-Don't send me any chainmail, unless it comes with a matching sword.
-I don't care if little Mike has cancer, I'm not gonna send a hundred e-mails to everyone I know becuase it's his one last wish. Fuck him.
-Before you send me an e-mail, think, "is this going to send Mitch one step closer to going on a shooting spree?" if the answer is yes, then don't send it. Think of the children!

gee, does this look familiar?
needless to say that maddox's post was months before mitch.

Not to mention you constantly quote Penny Arcade. You should hang out with Marty Bonomoni, you guys could quote the hell out of everything while you simoultaneously lick eachothers assholes. Well, I guess you like maddox because he likes to "stick it to the man" like you always say. Oh wait, that's ripped too...

4. :: 2003 8 November :: 11.09 pm

::07 Things That Annoy You::
1: Ignorance

5. Why do you quote the bible? As far as your concerned, you might as well wipe your ass with the bible. Therefore, what is the point in quoting it, even if you are using it against Jesus and God? Jesus and God are only made up according to you. Why are you Dissproving "imaginary" people with a Book that is untrue? Fucking Hypocrite.

6 You say I have a small penis... Theres a reason I call you a pussy bitch...

19 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2003 17 November :: 9.52 pm
:: Music: Atmosphere - One of a Kind

The way she listen to what the emcee said
She might as well plug the RCA cords into her head
Takin that into consideration at the center of creation,
Cats still criticize my frustration raps.

Well off he goes, coming cop some flows
Cross your toes and hopes that I don't climb you like an obstacle
Mission impossible, fishinEin the kitchen sink
Ya'll fall for anything so what you think this kid will bring?

Poker face, let me hold my place.
The name is safe as Slug, but you, you can call me grace
Open invitation to catch today's ejaculation all across the front
of your pretty little apron.

This goes to those that own a mouth full of Sean's load.
Thanks for starting, now you're barking down the wrong road
Sacrifice plays a part in grabbing mics,
from now to the afterlife I'll continue passion-like.

I love this fuckin whore with all my heart
And ain't nobody gonna stop me from doing my part.
It gave me life, it saved me life, it raised me right
So slideshow and deciding please hand over that mic.

Who am I? One of a kind, Send emone at a time
You're all the same only separate by kick snares and names.
And some of ya'll even share the same names,
So fuck you and your lies baby, show no shame.

So point a finger at the sucker that's having a good summer
Ain't got no bread, no needto know wonder
But I got the phone number to this weakness,
I know who can put me back together, make me feel whole

So take me apart, try to break me down,
Spend all you got just to hate the clown.
You can fake the frown, imitate the sound
Underworld, world-wide, wide world of underground
It goes, one little, two little, three little indie rap
Headphones, backpacks watch emEall piggyback
Switch up my styles, they all complain
But see which kids next year sound the same as me?

The same shit yesterday was like today
Only difference is I trust even less of what you say
But all in all I still make the noise, I still break the toys, I still hate your voice
I still say fuck a major label till it limps,
Put your deal up our table and we'll show you who’s the pimp.
There is no sympathy for the careless,
Fuck the extra credit and fuck the demerits.
Class dismissed.

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2003 4 November :: 10.51 pm

So I'm not really a Used fan(except for a couple songs) but I'm listening to the CD today, and I get to Poetic Tragedy. I'm not really paying attention to it. But I start paying attention right when the part when starts singing really high and it echoes, and the strings come in. HE FEELS ALLLOOONEE. HIIISS HEEEARRRTT IN HISSS HANNND HE'S ALLLOONNNEE!!! not that the lyrics apply to me in anyway. But it made the hairs on my neck stand up. I've had this eerie feeling all day.

4 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2003 26 October :: 8.15 pm

I tried reading my friends page... got to about robby's last thing, read that, then decided I didn't care and was too tired.

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2003 21 October :: 11.00 pm

::15 Random Favorites::
1:Apple Dumplings
2:Brownie Pudding
3:Double Cheeseburgers
6:cool people
::14 Favorite Foods::
1:Apple Dumplings
2:BBQ ribs
3:parmesean chicken
4:Brownie Pudding
5:Chicken Fajitas
6:mac and cheese
8:specifically cinnamon cereal
12:strawberry shortcake
13:ham and cheese subs
14:peach flavored things
::13 Most Watched Shows::
::12 Good Bands in your Opinion::
2:Taking Back Sunday
4:Saves The Day
5:Motion City Soundtrack
6:Senses Fail
8:The Used
9:Silver Chair
10:Relient K (live as far as I can tell)
::11 Memories::
1:making out with judy
2:making out with robby
3:making out with you
4:making out with myself
5:making out with bah
6:making out with I got nothing
7:making out with you suck
8:making out with your mom
9:making out with your dog's butt
10:making out with dont' know
::10 Close Friends::
5:Jessica Cubed (as to add all of them in)
::09 Things you're looking forward to::
1:getting out of highschool
2:being able to drive
3:making out
4:getting out of highschool
5:starting a new band
6:playing shows again
7:writing songs again
8:talking to you
9:writing a 7 page essay
::08 Things you wear daily::
::07 Things That Annoy You::
2:people who cry about nothing
3:people who cry to get attention
4:people who are depressed for no reason
5:people who talk about suicide for attention
6:people who do heroine
7:not you
::06 Things You Touch Everyday::
1:My balls
3:Jessica Wilde
6:my clothes
::05 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over::
2:school of rock
3:Ladies Man
4:Saving Private Ryan
::04 Of Your Favorite Childhood Toys::
1:Power Rangers!!!
2:my monkey Hagar
3:Ninja Turtles!!!
::03 People You Have Kissed::
1:Judy Muniz
3:Jessica Wilde
::02 Of Your Favorite Songs::
1:311 - Confusing Use of Time
2:Atmosphere - Fuck You Lucy
::01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With::

Countdown brought to you by BZOINK!

4 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2003 20 October :: 8.35 pm

Prisa Adabavbeh, 15, said she had come to the site every day for all 44 days, part of fan group called "Camp David." She carried a placard saying "we will believe in you forever."

"He's such a beautiful person. I think the speech explained it all," Prisa said. "We came here all the time and set him riddles and asked him questions."

But 15-year-old Stacey Harper was disappointed that Blaine merely shuffled out of his box. "It's quite impressive what he's done but me and my friends were expecting a big stunt at the end. He is meant to be a magician," she said.

You suspend yourself in a 7x7x3 box for 44 days without eating, And then perform some "BIG" stunt afterwards... stupid bitch...

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2003 18 October :: 10.36 pm

What is Your Destiny? by Valcion
DestinyReluctant Hero
Date when you fufill your destinyOctober 18, 2006
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2003 3 October :: 6.09 pm

Wearing your black eye like, a badge of honor, soaking in sympothy, from friends who neve loved you nearly half as much as me... says:
well, My mammory glands definitly aren't as big as yours... so go milk yourself and leave my nipples alone!

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2003 20 September :: 1.08 pm

lilChickenWiken: your in my mood
lilChickenWiken: : give it back
Tuwang128: : *hands mood back*
lilChickenWiken: : hahha your the best
lilChickenWiken: : *hits kevin and runs off with mood*
Tuwang128: : hey!!
Tuwang128: : *chasin down because judy can't hit hard and didn't even phase him, and not to mention he was giving it back in the first place so that was completely unneccessary*
lilChickenWiken: : but fun
Tuwang128: : *tackles*
Tuwang128: : *rapes face with tongue*
lilChickenWiken: : haha
Tuwang128: : need I say more
lilChickenWiken: : thats what i like to hear

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2003 15 September :: 9.06 pm

three things were accomplished at homecoming this year:

I was never turned down when I asked someone to dance during the slow songs (thankyou all for dancing with me even though I smell bad)

I got to shake my ass and have an excuse for it

I had an excuse to make brownie pudding, and it was good... need I say more...

2 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2003 28 August :: 9.35 pm

Now, when you come to apply for a job
Don't tell 'em you're homeless
'Cause I promise they won't hire you
And if they like your songs
Just nod your head and play along
Never tell 'em what inspires you
I bet my fans know me better than my friends do
Because my friends don't pay that much attention
The fans memorize every single sentence
Which makes them far too smart to ever start a friendship
I need to start writing pieces about other people's problems
'Cause strangers are starting to get worried
I'm in a hurry to try to slow the system down a bit
And find happiness before I hit thirty
OK, OK, I've said too much
I wear my heart on my sleeve
When all I need to do is write a hit
Somebody shoulda showed me how to shut up and breathe
'Cause there's a time and place to bite your lip
It goes peace to phobia
For the boots made for walking
Now if only Best Buy could break me off with a Walkman
Everything would be fine
I could spend time smiling
Instead of pulling a sad clown around this island
I've got no suggestions
Well, maybe one
Leave my type alone when you decide to touch that microphone
See, me and you
We're on different pages
We're in different stages
We've got different flavors
I'mma let you do your thing
Just as long as your thing
Ain't got a single thing to do with me and what I'm trying to bring
But if my name crosses your lips
You better guard your tongue
Pardon me, give me my respect, and keep it all in fun
If I had extra time I'd walk around and shake everybody's hand
(Like, how you doin' my man?)
But I'm not allowed
I'm trying to beat the clock now
So I'm out, right after I rock this crowd
It goes: ola ola olaaa (yeah)
Ola ola olaaa (2x)
It goes: one two three four five
Six seven eight nine ten
And all I ever wanted out of live was rhymin'
Either from me or an innocent bystander
I wasn't that picky, just give it to me quickly
Whatever it takes, to cook these cakes
You wanna hear your voice but don't know nothing 'bout the breaks
And it's obvious you haven't found your place
Got me askin', 'Who is he?"
"How did he end up in my city?"
I'm the crocodile that the trucker tried to wrestle
I'm the main ingredient from yesterday's special
Close the hole and push that level
I'll chop the head off the devil and I'll throw it at you
And I'll be damned if I ever climb another tree
From here on, the squirrels and birds can come to me
From sun to sun and from sea to sea
(Girl, they call me Slug, do you wanna make love?)
Now all the leaders in the place, throw your hands in the air
All the feeders in the house, throw your hands in the air
All the thinkers here tonight, put your hands in the air
Anybody we forgot, you can stand there and stare
Yeah, you remember, tracksmart (?), off to a bad start
The way I used to carry got buried in the backyard
Caught between a scotch and a cinnamon Pop-Tart
The bell doesn't work, foo, you better knock hard
Line by line, I'm doing fine
Ideas on my mind for my time
Hail when my kind does leave behind
They'll find that I was the one that died trying
I would never trade the way I am for the way I'm not
My crew is kinda popular, we get to play a lot
And my son thinks that I am the coolest thing in the world
'Cause he's still too young to fall in love with girls
It goes: ola ola olaaa
Yeah, you're listening to the cool sounds of Atmosphere
Ola ola olaaa
From Minneapolis, Minnesota
Ola ola olaaa
Givin' a shout-out to the whole world
Ola ola olaaa
And we'd like to tell all of y'all, it goes:
Ola ola olaaa
To y'all
Ola ola olaaa
To us
Ola ola olaa
Now band, shut up, let the bassman do his thing, shush
It's like that and
It's like that and
It's like this and
It's like this and (2x)
It goes: ola ola olaa
Ola ola olaaa (3x)
It goes...

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2003 19 August :: 4.15 pm

From a head full of pressure as the senses that I clutch
Made a date with Divinity but she wouldn't let me fuck
I got touched by a hazy shade of God, helped me change
Caught a rush on the floor from the life in my veins.

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2003 16 August :: 6.49 am

I'm an insomniac

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me | Random Journal