2002 17 November :: 12.12 am
 What Sign of Affection Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
*does the whole breathe spray thing*
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me |
2002 16 November :: 10.47 am
I opened a savings account, yay!.
I got this free mug. and i'm sipping chocolate milk. later.
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me |
2002 15 November :: 7.04 am
:: Music: Lost Prophets
hmmmmmm. I'm going to school, because I can. It's going to be boring, because everyones out shooting up dear, and everyone else is thinking that there's no point in coming to school because everyone else is shooting up deer.
Yep, I'm going, no, just as soon as this songs done. ok, now I'm gone.
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me |
2002 14 November :: 7.46 pm
well I never knew
I never told you
everything I know about breaking hearts
I learned from you it's true
I've never done it with the style and grace you have
but I've made loads of plans
based on these mistakes.
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me |
2002 14 November :: 2.58 pm
ah, another day.
I have to work today. Work is pretty gay. but it's money. I'm close to the $300 mark so I can get the new amp. Bam dogg.
Dusty might get some money to buy a stack which would be really nice. I'm slowly but surely figuring out this mixing board. The only thing right now that concerns me is that we might not have enough chords, but we had alot extra, so we should probably be ok. Well, I'm going to go, do something else. later days
1 Coordinated Ladies |
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me |
2002 13 November :: 8.33 pm
:: Music: lost prophets - fake sound of progress
the journey
I've decided to make a quest, a journy rather.
I'm going to find that special someone. and when I do, it's gonna be swwweeeeeeeeeeettttt. But I first must take 3 steps:
1.Stop being an asshole
2.Be more aggressive
3.Stop being so damn ugly.
after I make these preperations, my journey begins.
3 Coordinated Ladies |
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me |
2002 11 November :: 9.52 pm
forever jubilant: you can tell me something in french when we meet up
Tuwang128: yes, I'll whisper sweet nothings into your ear
Tuwang128: like
Tuwang128: L'arbre est sur l'auto
forever jubilant: which means?
Tuwang128: the tree is on the car
kevin, workin his mad people skills.
2 Coordinated Ladies |
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me |
2002 11 November :: 8.45 pm
nobody love me :-(
3 Coordinated Ladies |
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me |
2002 11 November :: 3.25 pm
:: Music: The Strokes - Someday
And now my fears, they come to me in threes, so I, sometimes.
I've decided that, urmmm, let me decide something real quick.......................
I've decided that work sucks, and I'm really tired. Oh well,it's money. and it' not like I have something better to do. well, I'm out, later. Leave a message if you love me.
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me |
2002 9 November :: 1.32 am
I just saw the blues travelers play on Conan O'Brien, and their bass player is FRIGGIN AWESOME!!!
hey, Sadam Husains evil empire, isn't that kind of close to Rome? isn't that right terry. " Uhhh, not right now."
3 Coordinated Ladies |
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me |
2002 7 November :: 6.57 pm
have a long day at school
go to work
get out of work early
eat cinnamon bread
take a shower
drink a coke
and it will be the best coke you've ever had.
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me |
2002 7 November :: 12.43 pm
Spud is going to read this, cuz he's sitting right in front of me. hey, chris, laugh right now.
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me |
2002 3 November :: 5.35 pm
no matter what I do, I get completely dissed on.
1 Coordinated Ladies |
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me |
2002 2 November :: 8.13 am
LAst night was fun. The first half of it sucked. It was just boring I suppose. But then when I got home I say, "Hey charlie, you wanna go get some food" so we did. Then we went to meijer, and in browsing the alchoholic beverage section, found us some nice, alcoholic free, white grape juice. We went into the boat launch near Jessica Benzers house, and drank the night away. We told stories about tongues, and discussed polotics. all in all it was a good night. Thankyou charlie.
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me |