2011 23 October :: 7.40pm
All Hallows Eve
I miss the old version of Halloween. Everyone these days seems to be obsessed with the gore, guts, and violence version of the holiday thats starting to form.
Remember when it was about outfits from the colonial era and stories that scared you because they played on original fears? Fears of the unknown the unexplained. The emblematic stories!
Stories of creatures that went bump in the night. Werewolves, vampires, and headless horsemen. Creatures that were able to take victims then disappear into the shadows they came from.
These days all I hear and see is zombies and godlike killers like that of Jason. Its all about how much blood will spew from a wound, how many people they can kill, or how much guts they can show.
It all seems Psychotic murderers and stories of undead walking the earth.
Zombies are dumb. The idea of an apocalypse revolving around them is even more stupid. People who like them are stupid. Common sense alone would suggest that something thats dead doesnt make sense roaming around. The only case of undead walking is Jesus, and he didnt go around eating people now did he?
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me
2011 23 October :: 1.34am
I think I got across to her today. She might understand things now, even if it was only a few brief statements. That might be wishful thinking, but lets hope not.
Might go hang out with her soon.
She might show up for Thanksgiving still. Sounds like she was planning on that already, regardless of what she wont acknowledge or requite.
2011 20 October :: 7.02pm
And it's gonna be hell to pay.
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me
2011 19 October :: 2.23am
SEPTEMBER 1st 2011 It all began spiraling downward
Why are you so callous about my feelings?
How many times had I brought the issue up. You make me want to flip the switch and ignore you forever.
I hate knowing you right now. What could I have done with the time Ive wasted on you?
"Men can never be just friends with women"
You can be coworkers, colleagues,related by family, married, divorced, or roomates. Never just friends though.
2011 16 October :: 5.46pm
Ya um fuck.
Another downer day. Not as bad as last time but its on its way.
Today was a day full of more being pushed away and being scorned. I dont like being made to always feel like I should be apologizing.
Im more than setteled on this issue. I gave up. Ill be friends but not like it was. I cant let her use me like this. I wont be her emotional feel better about her self person. Fuck that.
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me
2011 13 October :: 11.29pm
I have conversations with Nathan sometimes, they are pleasant. We talk about our lives and the world.
1 Coordinated Ladies |
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me
2011 13 October :: 1.40pm
At this moment, I feel like Im good on the withstanding issue. Ive contemplated the issue, Ive skirted the issue, Ive wrestled with it multiple times. I think Im okay now.
Im drawing the line.
Im pulling back now.
I may not be the most comfortable now but I think Im good baring some unforeseen curve ball.
Friends it is. I wont always try to be there. I wont try to go the extra mile. If you want it, YOU have to ask for it. I tried doing it and got nothing but headaches and heartaches. I dont need to walk around with those chips on my shoulder anymore.
I dont go out of my way for just anyone. I go out of my way for everyone in some fashion, but this one I cant go any further with. I will withhold.
You cant assume the privileges of a status you dont accept the consequences for. Take responsibility of your actions on my feelings. Express more than just a terribly overplayed statement.
That wont cut it. Return to sender.
EDIT: Ive been searching for the words on this kind of statement forever now. I cant believe it never came to me. Commitment. Bam! Make a commitment to me. Ive been alive 24yrs and seen plenty of stuff to know what I require out of this word. So get to stepping.
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me
2011 12 October :: 11.42pm
:: Mood: listless
Im going crazy. 2 steps forward one step back all the damn time.
Ugh. The thoughts racing through my head.
Take a step back Kelly. Stop jumping to conclusions.
Nope. Im drawn.
Oiy vey
2011 11 October :: 10.27pm
Seems to be easier when you can distract yourself with work.
I feel a little better today. I hope this is the case for the next week or so.
Friday when I get home from Cadi I guess I have to set a show at the YMCA for the GR Marathon. Tear down on Saturday.
We'll see how things go. One day at a time.
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me
2011 10 October :: 1.52pm
Show me you care Marley. Go over the edge. Show me some emotion behind this.
If you want me around, make me see it. Go out of your way to show it.
EDIT: You wish you could fix me. You can. Ive given you the tools, use them. Dont skirt the issue and Ill be on stable ground way faster.
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me
2011 10 October :: 12.25pm
No gods, No masters
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me
2011 9 October :: 3.48pm
Just finished[still going] a 30min shower.
EDIT: Just finished breaking down
EDIT: Having a break down
EDIT: Broke
EDIT: Broken
Ya....glad Im alone at home today.
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me
2011 6 October :: 6.47am
Her responses are just so dead. I dont have a better word for it. Does she even know how much shes torn my heart?
Im really sick of being alone.
I had such high hopes about her. About us.
Thats been torn to shreds.
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me
2011 5 October :: 12.54pm
Beans were spilled last night, albeit abruptly[read: poorly].
I probably left her in a mess around her friends. If I did I bet theyd say "dont go" "hes an asshole" or something of that nature.
Those sentiments really help right now...NOT.
I didnt mean for this to happen but it happened. I cant help that I feel this way about her. What I can help is whether or not I should bother trying to feel this way about her. If she cant tell me that, then I can try to decide.
Shes mad/sad about not having answers for me. Im mad because I need answers. I told her I would make them for her if she cant. I really dont like the answer Ill end up using but I know that its probably the best I can offer since shes "a free spirit" and she might "wake up one day and not like you[me]."
Isnt this what a relationship revolves around? Liking someone, then being with or without them over time. Changing with or without them. Then deciding if you dont want to be with them one day or staying with them for more days?
I really hate this.
This whole thing makes me think about Rachel and how I had that issue come up again and again. Makes me hate myself when my self esteem is already basically at rock bottom.
If bad things happen to good people, then do good things happen to bad people?
2 Coordinated Ladies |
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me
2011 4 October :: 11.13pm
:: Music: The Beatles- "Eleanor Rigby"
Fleshed "IT" out
Thats just a dirty title. Ha....*empty laugh here*
All the lonely people
Where do they come from?
All the lonely people
Where to they all belong?
Im one of them. Where I belong is up to who I open up to. She is that person. So...I need to know if I put it away behind its lock or I make her a key. I cant just showcase it for everyone. That's not who I am or how I work.
Special attention, special treatment, and expectations from me are opened up.
This is how I show my love
I made it in my mind because
I blame it on my a.d.d. baby
This is how an angel cries...
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me