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:: 2009 31 October :: 12.56pm

Oh wait this isn't facebook, I'm in the wrong place.

2 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2009 30 October :: 12.36pm

windows 7 pro is fast

1 Spine | Ruptured


:: 2009 19 October :: 11.39pm

2 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2009 19 October :: 7.51pm

You will be punished for your shittyness.

4 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2009 18 October :: 8.59pm

Life.....just sucks. Still in a rut that I'm trying to pull out of. I've changed so much in so many ways since a little over a year ago. I don't even remember the person I used to be. But I AM getting better, and I'm becoming a better person and I suppose that's just the way I should take it.

7 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2009 4 October :: 12.13pm

I bring the lulz with me throughout my travels in the world.



:: 2009 2 October :: 2.06pm
:: Mood: curious

So what's going down tomorrow night?

1 Spine | Ruptured


:: 2009 24 September :: 11.44am

Hey you're not allowed to rent here anymore!

3 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2009 23 September :: 9.37am

Well its been forever since I updated this, mostly because am mainly on facebook all the time. Well I finally moved into my house, got alot fixed up already. Just waiting for the governement to send me my money so I can get my floors done. I will be so happy when there done. But I love having the house, defintely was a good investment. I got a interview on tuesday for buttorworth hospital, which is awesome. I've been trying for years to get in there, so that would be awsome if I got that. Anyone know how to sell stuff on craigs list. I have a brand new water softner and my inspector guy told me to put it on there and I would prly get a decent amount. Well school is going good, hopefully graduating next winter with my LPN. Then one more year for my RN, but I might take a year off in between. We will see how sick I am of school at that point. Other then that its just been the normal partying, working, and hanging out.

2 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2009 22 September :: 1.31pm

PhilHimself is my xbox live for all the XXXBAWKSSS folks

2 Spine Bones | Ruptured

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