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:: 2009 14 January :: 12.23am

I want to play a game

9 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2009 12 January :: 3.37pm
:: Mood: grateful

Brody Peter-Audley Dahlke was born January 8th 2009.
8 lbs 6 oz 21.5 inches long.
He is perfect in every way.
And I'm not just saying this because he's my baby, but he is probably the most gorgeous baby in the world. Seriously, he could be a baby model or something.
I love him.
=) <3

7 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2009 12 January :: 1.53pm

This was my windows 7 download speed

4 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2009 10 January :: 2.07am

Here is my rock band photo for my side project, CRUZ CNTL

5 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2009 7 January :: 6.32pm

Information warfare intrigues me very much.

8 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2009 7 January :: 2.48pm

I guess the advantage I have in life is that I use some sort of realism to keep me in check. I know what I can probably do, and I strive for greater things sometimes, but i don't really think beyond that. I just stick to what I know will work and I go with it.

So when it comes do dealing with certain situations I don't think about it too much if I'm convinced that there is only one really realistic solution to the issue at hand.

I see it, but maybe no one else does, but I do.

Its done me well to be in my "realistic bubble" where I know how bad things are and can potentially become...

but damn does it sure make it hard to dream...

2 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2009 6 January :: 10.51pm

I hate the internet and everyone on it.

5 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2009 2 January :: 5.30pm

5 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2009 1 January :: 2.54pm

4 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2009 1 January :: 7.16pm

Well that was fucking nuts. Happy New Years guys...

Thank God for this double espresso shot.

2 Spine Bones | Ruptured

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