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(You are now reading this in the voice of John Goodman) You are bad and you should feel bad.
1 Spine | Ruptured
Duh Merry Christmas one and all.
Working 7am to 3pm, yay ..... Meanwhile, at the Legion of Doom ....
2 Spine Bones | Ruptured
Bowling Tonight Game 1: 157 (Best Game Ever) Game 2: 100 Game 3: 138 (3rd Best) Game 4: 96 (practiced approaches)
The big boy knife is sharp I bleed just like you ... plus slipping cutting off a zip tie equals Good thing I know my way around a First Aid kit.
5 Spine Bones | Ruptured
Just blame me, I'm the one you love to hate. In recognition of this fact, Nate designed this:
3 Spine Bones | Ruptured
One of those days.
Bowling scores from tonight Game 1: 143 new personal record Game 2: 98 Game 3: 117 Game 4: 99 Overall I am getting much better Bowling makes life alright
I'm back in the mitten and very tired.
I'm in Chicago right now assholes.
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