2008 13 November :: 1.48pm
So yeah... I've got some time so I guess I'm about ready to update you guys.
Been pretty stressful here, as far as classes go. But I've managed to maintain an A- so I'm alright in that department. Plus I got an 88 on the last test with a class average of 62. My theory is that someone just didn't show up, regardless...
I really need to take some pictures of where I am at. I noticed that all my pictures are of me drinking. Not to say that I'm not drinking a lot, a problem I need to find a solution for desperately, but I'm not JUST drinking. I'm doing a lot of things recently. I guess the problem is that I have a hard time taking pictures of anything interesting because I feel like such a tourist. I will do a lot of things here because I don't really care what the people think of me, and it gets me somewhere usually. For some reason, though, I can't seem to take pictures. Soon enough I will get some real good ones.
Speaking of drinking, this weekend is sure to be packed to the brim of fun. starting tomorrow morning I'm going to some elementary school to play games with kids. It's mandatory, which kind of pisses me off. I've already volunteered to do a few of these kinds of things and I'd rather just sleep in, but you know, I guess I gotta do what I gotta do.
So after waking up at around 8 and getting back at around 12, I have 2 hours or less to just chill out for awhile, before I have to bike to the train station to catch a train to Kyoto. Luckily they are paying for the ticket for me. By them, I mean some Women's College of some sort or another. They are loaded, and have decided to pay for a few of us to take a train and a taxi (keep in mind that a taxi is about 2 dollars per foot, fucking expensive) to the school, and then for the ride back. I'm not actually taking the train back though...
Afterwards, Nate, Nick, and I are going to chill in Kyoto and see what happens for awhile. They claimed that the event won't end until 8, and I'm still not sure exactly what we are doing there. I think we are just trying to help them with their english or something, who knows.
So I imagine we'll eat some food, get some liquor, do some shopping or something, and maybe buy a burger and McDonalds so we can take a nap. Yes you just read that correctly.
Around 10-10:30 we are meeting up with Kelly, Yui, Shige, Adam, Megumi, and maybe one of her friends, at which point we will consume endless amounts of alcohol and then attempt to do some clubbing of some sort. This will last, I'm assuming until about 5 in the morning.
Then, I will be fucked, I'll die on the train home, barely crawl into bed and go into a desperately needed coma until about 2 or 3 that afternoon.
I'll wake up, try to get some homework done, and then head out to the bar to bid my friends farewell as they head off to live in Tokyo.
Sunday, maybe I'll rest, we'll see....
I have a meeting with my teacher now for some conversation time so I will catch you chaps later.