2008 11 August :: 5.35pm
I'm starting to think these scars go a little deeper than I had first thought...
2008 10 August :: 1.36pm
my awesome puppy on i has a hotdog
 moar funny pictures
2008 6 August :: 12.07pm
feels good man
2008 31 July :: 10.16pm
Pineapple Express is over 9000 laughs, I got to see it tonight before it comes out
I lol'd, then I came
2 Spine Bones |
2008 28 July :: 11.15am
My bike needs it's handlebars right now...
2008 26 July :: 7.31am
I just found $105 siitting on my apartment walkway. How badass is that? It's a beautiful ray of sunshine in this shitty week I've been having.
2008 21 July :: 4.49pm
Hooray! We now have internet again. =] So the apartment has just become that much more enjoyable, lol. I don't have to sit here and be bored on my days off anymore.
2008 18 July :: 5.44pm
A WoW joke in The Dark Knight?
SO the Joker asks what happens when the [Unstoppable Force] hits the [Immovable Object]. My reply is, Chuck Norris Dies!
5 Spine Bones |
2008 18 July :: 2.46pm
:: Music: Weezer: Pardon Me
Why so Serious?
Whelp, its been awhile since I updated. I've been randomly flicking on my friend's page here and there babbling randomly about things but I figure I'm due for an update.
Lets see, I'm employed now, still stuck with the rents, and single. 1 out of 3 ain't bad, I figure. Specially as I'm not even sure I want that last one fixed. Bringing a girl into my life has done nothing but cause hell, so maybe I should stay away from the chicas for awhile. Other than that, I'm trying to hang out with people as best as I can, but I'm sucking at it. I'm due to call Chris soonish and engage in some drunken shenanigans, kevin's been blowing me off, and I really need to go see kelly and PJ. Its on my to do list, among other things.
Everything's kind of been a blur lately too. I hate this stupid dreamstate that I'm in where nothing seems real, like I'm killing time for some grand finale.
Went to see the new Batman, and I was completely blown away. I really didn't think Heath Ledger could play the joker well at all, and was surprised. Saw it at the imax and I'm honestly tempted to do it again.
School is still slowly approaching, bringing a looming shadow with it. I'm on academic probation AGAIN, and I didn't do too terrible last semester, I just was short a credit or two. That and the constant feeling that I'm wasting my time with this plastics thing. Ok, I know I am, but once more, its way too late to pick something else, and its my own fault for picking it for the reasons I did. I'm just hoping I can halfass my way through the rest of it unlike what happened at central.
I'm going to go try sleeping for a bit, though with my back torn to hell thanks to kitty litter, I'm wondering how successful that will actually be. Later.
4 Spine Bones |
2008 13 July :: 10.43pm
Well, time for a real update I suppose. We got our apartment, and even at this very moment are in the process of moving in, hooray! The point is, It will probably be a couple days before internet is set up, so I may be away for a little while. But anyone can call and come hang out with me if you would like. I don't work until Wednesday night. =] Ummmm.....other than that, there really isn't that much else that is new. At least not that I can think of right now, and my brain is in a frenzy right now from moving and all that that I could very well be forgetting something. =]
4 Spine Bones |