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:: 2008 4 June :: 2.18pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: Insanity

I forget the last time I updated, but I'm only going to start with Friday, I think. I got to go see Tom Petty at Van Andel, and holy shit was it awesome. Best concert I've ever seen, and I still think he has THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST personality of any rocker. Just...I can't describe it. If you ever liked him and didn't go, you should feel ashamed, and then totally jealous of how awesome I am compared to you.
After that was a party at Emily's, and I could take or leave that. Had fun until Chris and Kevin left, and then it was just, "How long can you deal with drunks until you snap?". The answer was not very long, save a couple people that weren't preps that were fun to be around.
Saturday night was just a crazy excuse to go pick up the new mountain dew flavors and, allow me to give you my professional opinion on the matter.
SuperNova tastes like a weak weak weak strawberry candy.
Revolution tastes like berry drain cleaner.
Charged(?) tastes alright.
I'm just as disappointed in pepsi right now as I was when they unleashed that blue pepsi crap.
Monday I got to hang out with Chris, and it was like a breath of fresh air. Nothing but screwing around, clumsy gay innuendo, and watching the red wings take a million and a half shots and miss them all, while the penguins fucked around like a bunch of tards and won. As bad as it sounds for all 10 of the hockey fans out there, watching it just made me really really REALLY want football to start up soon.

3 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2008 30 May :: 11.16pm

So things have been going pretty good. I am loving first shift, its actually pretty easy. Its great having a normal sleep schedule, also being able to do whatever I want. I'm taking total advantage of it. Chillen with everyone has been great and fun. Hoping to party some more tomorrow. Softball has been going pretty good, we are tied for first right now. I'm loving the new place. Just gotta get the york creek shit worked out now. Hopefully that wont be too much of problem, otherwise I will have to be a real bitch. I got my hair done, its a lot more blonde then I wanted, but its growing on me. Other then that its just the normal work and partying.

1 Spine | Ruptured


:: 2008 27 May :: 4.15pm
:: Music: Blaq Audio

The Love Lettter

What could you see?
What could you find?
If we meet please avert your eyes.
What I'd never show, what you'll never find
Is explosive so hide your eyes.
So hide your eyes.

What should mean nothing to you
Has left a poison running straight from your lips
And into (lead to) the poison I'm becoming.
Walk right through me, I'm not really there.

What could you see?
What could you find?
If we meet please avert your eyes.
What I'd never show, what you'll never find
Is explosive so hide your eyes.

Once it meant something to me.
I find it rather stunning.
I draped it cold and in clarity.
It's true, I find the look becoming.
Walk right through me, I'm not really there.

What could you see?
What could you find?
If we meet please avert your eyes.
What I'd never show, what you'll never find
Is explosive so hide your eyes.

It's a day, it's a day gone away.
Turn away from the day, it's explosive.

What could you see?
What could you find?
If we meet please avert your eyes.
What I'd never show, what you'll never find
Is explosive so hide your eyes.

4 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2008 23 May :: 1.21am
:: Mood: melancholy
:: Music: Aerith's Theme

How do we decide where other people fit into our lives?



:: 2008 20 May :: 8.13pm
:: Music: Saving Us

Yeah, I'm in a state of confusion these days. Don't really wanna blab about it here though.

Been trying to get a job and had absolutely no luck. I have no idea why. There isn't a 'convicted of raping children' tab on my resume or anything else, but I don't get shit for responses from anyone. I call back and its like talking to a guy I just caught jerking it.

"Oh...OH OH OH, hey there. Yeah, we hired someone last week. Sorry about that...yeah, I know I said I'd call you soon, but I'm a FILTHY LYING FUCKER"

It looks like I'll have to work at home all summer which I really really really really REALLY don't want to do, as I'm 22 and I should be doing something, but nope, no dice. Only other option is to go work at my Uncle's farm which is sadly looking more and more viable as time goes by.

Other than that, not much going on, just really bored in between failed applications, interviews, and constantly redialing the internet. Still have a few people that I need to call and hang out with, and I'll probably get on that in the coming days.

3 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2008 18 May :: 7.47pm


This is my new nephew born a month ago....

I've given all my nephews and niece nicknames.... his shall be


because his name has two a's in it.... Aaryn

2 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2008 16 May :: 6.37pm

my last huge post got deleted because of my stupid ass computer long story short. mandy pj and kelly thanks for visiting sorry that i could talk go go go all day long.
andrew came and that manager that has a thing for me gave him the staredown. it was really funny. I was pretty proud of myself having some guy giving my man the fisheye. lolz.
anyway it was a good day. gonna be a good night.

1 Spine | Ruptured


:: 2008 14 May :: 7.51pm

happy birthday to me.... yay

8 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2008 12 May :: 9.06am

Hehe, so I finally did it. I handed in my crap to the Nazi on Friday morning, and it felt sooooo wonderful. So as of now, I have a ton of free time. =] Until I find a new job that is. So if you want to hang out, call me! And I will probably be calling some of you as well. =]

8 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2008 10 May :: 11.33am

Going to the drag strip today! Yay!


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