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:: 2008 1 May :: 10.36am
:: Mood: optimistic

Everyone should vote for me for the Chevy Riders!! [[PLEASE!!]] Text 'VirgilineD' to 28546! You can be entered to win a brand new Macbook Air and I will be voted for to get a frickin' sweet job! So do it, even if you dont know me or dont like me! Please do it!! And tell your friends to do it!! You have from today until 5 pm on May 7th!! YAY!!



:: 2008 28 April :: 12.50pm

Today I fell and felt better
Just knowing this matters
I just feel stronger and sharper
Found a box of sharp objects what a beautiful



:: 2008 28 April :: 8.25am

Sometimes I wish you were more open and clear. So I could just get past this rut and decide which way to turn...



:: 2008 25 April :: 11.04pm

I don't want to be alone tonight....

2 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2008 22 April :: 12.15pm

Best Deal Ever

8 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2008 21 April :: 9.19pm

Does anyone eat oatmeal and toast?
Now if you do, do you put your oatmeal ON your toast?
Like, do you dip your sliced toast into your oatmeal and eat it?

4 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2008 21 April :: 7.04pm
:: Music: Love is a long road

God dammit, I said I was going to keep at this, and I took another X month break. Well whatever, I'm going to try again, if only to try to be social.

These past few months haven't felt real in the least. Its just like I've been dreaming or watching everything from the outside. Everyday at school has just felt more temporary than anything else. Its scaring me because its the same feeling I had at central my first year. Where nothing was real, and I was just being pushed through something.

I'm horribly fucked for physics. Once the professor told me not to bother coming to class anymore, I took it to heart quite well. The rest of my classes are so blah. I'm most likely doing well, but who knows? Professors don't talk much til the end, though you are welcome to go to their offices that they aren't in during their office hours. Terrific. But thats all kind of meh right now. I've been in kind of an immunity type mood for now. No idea why, but I'm not going to question it.

Went with Chris, Kevin, and Chris's friend ben out to FOUNDERS, not POUNDERS like I thought I was hearing. Whoops...
But, went out and had a pretty good time. Lucas showed up with his new fiance Heather and friend Dusty. Good times. Things got and felt awkward a bit later on during the night, but I feel like that all the damn time, so I'm sure it was nothing. Was nice to see that Finger band that Chris and Kevin assured me was on par with the second coming of christ. I hope to get out and do more shit like that in the coming months since being anti social is starting to bother me, but we'll see.

Anyway, gotta get back to work on this lab report, so you woohu kids keep...uh...woohuing it up.

Oh, and go Delpha Omega Phi!

3 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2008 21 April :: 8.31am

Put me out because I'm a fucking fire.



:: 2008 20 April :: 3.10pm

"Piss, piss piss piss piss" - Andrea's mom

1 Spine | Ruptured


:: 2008 18 April :: 7.52pm

This is a bit late, but...

Hooray! :P

3 Spine Bones | Ruptured

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