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:: 2008 9 April :: 2.25pm
:: Mood: sleepy

We finally got internet.
School is almost over. I am so glad for that. I think I'm doing really good in my classes besides math though. But she drops the lowest test and 2 of the lowest 10 pointers so that's awesome.
I decided I am not taking classes this summer. I was going to atleast take a yoga class but I really dont have the money right now. I figure I will just work almost all summer and save my money. My parents are getting taxes figured out so I should have financial aid by the fall and then I will go to school full time and only work when I can. That's the plan for now anyways.
I have to work tonight and I am not looking forward to it. I am so tired. I probably will have to buy a monster without a doubt. I am so sick of work. I feel like I dont go anywhere but school and work all week and it sucks because I barely have anytime with AJ. That's one of the main reasons why I cannot wait for classes to be over with this semester. I feel soo worn out. I just need a good night of sleep. And a night away from school or work.
My neices and my nephew are all coming over to spend the night on Saturday. I am excited. AJ's dealing with it. lol
I need to clean.
I need to shower.
And I'm kind of hungry.
I'm done. bye.



:: 2008 8 April :: 9.25am

*sigh* Dammit, look what you've done to me.

2 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2008 3 April :: 1.23pm

John Stewart pretty much sums up why I hate polotricks. Because it all comes down to a game of bowling...

1 Spine | Ruptured


:: 2008 2 April :: 6.38pm

god damnit... now I'm back to this again.

3 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2008 2 April :: 4.38pm

la la la la wait till I get my money right >: /

I ain't no cosby no I didn't go to hillman

1 Spine | Ruptured


:: 2008 31 March :: 8.21pm

that must of been some concert...

4 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2008 27 March :: 10.34pm


1 Spine | Ruptured


:: 2008 27 March :: 8.34pm

My sister just called me.....to ask what the dinosaur with a horn on it's head was called......




:: 2008 27 March :: 5.40pm


3 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2008 24 March :: 7.41pm

I must have smoked crack today...

Today is the last fast food meal for what I wish would be the rest of my life... and being that i"ve eliminated pot already I decided to make a list of other things to get rid.

things left to eliminate:
-Hamburger Helper
-not excercising

oh right, why I would say that.

Well I kind of went on a cleaning spree, and cleaned everything.

btw, who would have thought?

MyHeritage: Celebrity Morph - Family tree chart - Dynasty

9 Spine Bones | Ruptured

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