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Wicked Thoughts

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:: 2003 26 June :: 7.55 pm
:: Music: hell ya - genuwine

whats u all nothing here . been a long ass time since i have updated this thing , nothing to new graduated , going to lincoln tech in 19 days , nichole and i most likely are going to break up till i get back . and maybe try it again after i get home, i just got home i have been on lake michigan boating off and on for the past 3 days that was fun , nichole is at camp right now i dont get to see her for like 2 more weeks that really sucks ass , i broke the sway bar on my car but thats ok im buying a new one as soon as i get to indy , i have an idea what i want but ill talk about that later, going to a party tonight cant wait , also cops raided my open house , i got away ha ha ha pigs , i got shocked in the head with an electric fence and blacked out when i was comeing back in. more to come lata

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:: 2003 26 May :: 1.56 pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Tech N9ne - tormented

Bored out my mind
well im sitting here in my room bored out my fucking skull, theres nothing to do i dont have an gas to go anywere or money to use for gas. i knw the second i get of the net nichole will call and tell me to come over but i wont be able to bc i have no gas this sucks. i miss nichole i havent seen her for 24 hours. i havnt even talked to her in that long:( oh well i know ill get to at least talk to her by the end of the day ,

My open house is June 21
2pm - ???
no drinking durning open house but @ the party afterwords if a diffrent story.
come have a good time and enjoy yourself ,
i leave for college july 15 or 16 im getting sad :(

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:: 2003 17 May :: 3.48 pm

I do alot for her yet sometimes she acts like i dont do shit. she said something to me last night and i told her it really hurt yet she didnt belive me. that really iritated me that she didnt belive me after i told her that i was serious. i went to a party last night after i droped her off and saw some old friends and made some new friends some chicks from rockford. they seemed pretty cool , im soppose to hang with them again sometime soon idk if its a good idea though ill talk about that lata im going to see matrix 2 again

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:: 2003 26 April :: 3.04 pm

Prom is tonight , i cant wait , its gonig to be so much fun. i have to leave to Nicholes house less than a half hour.

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:: 2003 16 April :: 10.34 am

well im just sitting here , does anyone know a good limo service? i need one . nichole and i , Ben and Tara , Ryan and Michelle , Lisa andher friend , Betheny and her friend are all goingin on a limo. i wanna get back to school , bc i wanna see nichole , i ent over to her house yesterday bc i wanted to see her and just hold her nothing else for some reason i just have the urge to hold anyways peace all.

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:: 2003 7 April :: 1.42 pm
:: Mood: calm

well nichole was over yesterday , we were around each other for a good 9 hours yesterday and enjoyed every sec of it.I get to go and get my tux for prom tonight , oh ya! i cant wait for prom night well its time for me to go so lata.

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:: 2003 3 April :: 3.08 pm
:: Mood: cheerful

Well today was the talent show , Fuzzy logic won. they sung freebird, it a very good song. they played it very well the einter time , i rooted for them and they won , good job gates and friends. it was also nice bc nichole as there andwe got to talk and whatever. anything is good as long as shes around . well i got things to do , shes gone for the night so its my night out today ......muhahahahah , lata

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:: 2003 2 April :: 4.51 pm
:: Mood: ecstatic
:: Music: ICP - Piggy Pie

Well today was a good day , classes went by really fast and I just thank God everyday for everything he has broght to me , includeing Nichole , one of the Nicest , prettiest , and best friends , and girlfriend that anyone could ever ask for. I feel like job , going threw all these trials that the devil put him threw to see if basicly he would stay with God , bc resently all this bad things involeing my car has happend. it sort of sucks . but when i see and im with nichole nothing else matters the only thing on my mind is her now adays.She may not be able to get prom off from work if she cant ill be so sad ill pry cry just bc im looking so forward to being there with her. i dont think anyone really knows how much i care about her , or idk if she even understands when i tell her either.The only thing that bothers me about her and I going out is that she wont have sex or kiss untill marrige bc she wants to be pure in marrige, i can deal with out the sex thing , but kissing idk its so damn hard not to even kiss her i look at her and there is that moment when u would kiss a normal person were its you look into each others eyes and you know they are feeling something emotinal as you are too then u kiss but i cant do that but it happens all the time , that moment happens and all i can do is really gets to me sometimes. but its nothing worth breaking up over i can wait for her till how ever long it takes.
Im so bored , i have about an hour b4 i have to leave ot go to Nicholes house and pick her up for youth group then after that we do our weekly thing of chiling in my car for 2 -2 1/2 hours talking about everything under the sun. I cant belive that we only have like a month left of school its sort of scary how fast these four years have gone. were did they go ? why cant i just start over again with my jr year and then go to my senior year , it would be so fun to do it over again.but i have to leave for collge a month after we graduate , july 21 is the first day of school for me lots of schooling ill have in one year. 1500 hours , usely its about 4-500 for a normal collage. im going to indionapolls , indiana , im sort of scared about that too bc the city is so big and ill be like 5 hours from home and most of all 5 hours from nichole , we dont know whats going to happen we talked about it a littlt bit but then i told her lets just enjoy every moment we have together and when the time comes we will deal with it then, no use looking into the furtre and trying to figure out what will happen , if i did that i wouldnt have nichole now i would have just asumed that nothing would have become of us more than a friendship , but i stuck with it and next thing know shes all telling me she likes me and all that good stuff , I just pray for the best with her and I and hope for my friends to pray for the best also , ill stay true to her if we decide to carry on when i move , id be back everyweekend to see her also . well thats all for now kiddies
Oh ya alot forgot i guess i got a job a Dominos pizza on 14 Mile ,all i have to do is go to the secrtery of the state and get a record of how long i have driven bc i need to have at least 2 years driveing experience. so imm going there tommrow. hopefully ill have a job there soon.:)

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:: 2003 31 March :: 3.26 pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: Greenday - Brain Stew

well i havnt updated this in a wile , i have been busy with nichole , nichole and I are now going out , its a great feeling to know that all my efferts have finaly payed off , she a know idea how much i care about her , i have tryed telling her but its idk i cant realy put it into words i said to her b4. but anyways ya so most my time is consumed by her , im so happy around her , im her first bf , she made thes thing with her self saying she wont kiss till marrige but i thought that would be a cake walk if we were to ever hook up , well its alot harder than i thought , and she said it is alot harder than se thought too bc she never had to deal with it until now . idk whats going to happen , all i know is i wish to kiss her alot , i just idk wanna be her first kiss. but if im her first kiss it means im going to have to be her last kiss as well bc it wont happen till marrige.......and i dont even want to think that far ahead lol .

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