The Time Spent Here, Is the Time Wasted elsewhere.
I was asked to say what's on my mind at any given moment.
Below is the excerpts of raw brain power being wasted twisting knots and going in circles.


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This thing called life

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:: 2008 15 January :: 5.05pm
:: Music: Impulse

So my last entry was apparently two hundred, and I felt the desire to cut it off for awhile. Or something. I'm finally back at ferris for another 15 weeks of furious plastics action, meaning explosive car chases, loose women, gun fights, and the occasional sex scene.

I'll settle for that last one, karma god, pretty please.

So far its been the same ol' same ol' for classes this semester, and I'm beginning to see how I can suck at the second semester of college. My attention span is gone and I constantly lose faith in my own abilities and give up to sit around and do nothing. Nobody can match my skill in that. Though I am determined to try and make it through this semester of school with at least A's or B's. Last semester I got hosed, so I should be giving it my all, but meh. I've never done that for anything, far as I can remember. Well, a few things, but I can't mention them without sounding like an emo twat.

I'm also determined to get this guitar thing working. Though chords and simple hand movements are preventing me from even playing a scale yet. The book I'm using isn't doing me any favors, by having half a page dedicated to chord fingerings then mentioning, "It might take a few tries to get the fingerings down, but don't give up!" I hope you mean a few hundred dozen tries good sir, or I'm going nowhere.

I'm also trying to work out a bit more AND restart my comic. I'll have time to in my math class til about the 9th week or so. Stupid having a math class thats too hard yet the next lowest too easy, grumble. For the comic though, if I get it rolling and actually going to what I view as well, I might need some help actually drawing it *COUGH EDDY COUGH* but I don't know who would help me with that.

Other than that, not much going on right now. I'll be at the shindig on friday if you are gonna be there, so if there is anyone out there whom I haven't talked to in forever, come bump into me before I'm a wheezing pile in a corner.

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:: 2008 15 January :: 10.54am

I got a birthday card from beyond the grave this year...

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:: 2008 14 January :: 11.13pm
:: Mood: crappy
:: Music: Relentless - Jason Aldean

My class was canceled tonight because there wasn't enough people who enrolled in the class, so that kind of screwed me.


-Personal Finance
-Intro to Literature


It's not too bad I don't think, though the Personal Finance class will bore the shit out of me. However, I need it for my degree so there isn't much that I can do about it.

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:: 2008 14 January :: 1.13pm

Happy birthday to Kelly!
I wish I was there to properly celebrate this with him.

To Kelly:
Sorry I called you "bitch face" on your birthday :(
I love you.

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:: 2008 13 January :: 5.56pm
:: Mood: ditzy
:: Music: Don't Tread On Me - 311

Mom made a cheeseball, which she's like famous for because it's delicious and I'm eating it right now, while singing Spice Girls to Kelly and talking to pJ. Life is good and pJ is a squirrel.

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:: 2008 11 January :: 4.40pm
:: Mood: dorky
:: Music: Ashley Screaming. hah

I am in like a really good mood for whatever reason. Maybe because I've slept a lot these past few days and I'm all caught up and ungrumpy now. It's nice.
I start school Monday! I'm nervous. I haven't had any of the teacher's that I have this semester, and Ash said I had a lot of tough ones. Joy.
I'm excited though too. For once I feel like I'm doing the right thing, like I've got my head on straight and everything's going to work out.
I do wish that Kelly and I were together like every second of the day, but we're okay I think. At least I'm okay, sad and missing him, but okay. He seems okay.... I think he's okay. Ha.... freaked myself out.

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:: 2008 9 January :: 6.14pm

The storm a couple days ago really really fucked up our road. We have two bridges out, like completely gone, and then a huge ass tree hit the edge of the asphalt and caused it to buckle, which allowed water from the creeks to go under it and so we have a huge section of road that has to be torn up because there's just huge pits in it.
It was totally the most awesome storm I've ever watched though. I sat outside for a couple hours watching the lightning, but then it started raining so I went in.

That's really the only thing that's happened.
Kelly's birthday is Monday, which is the same day that I start school so... yeah.
Also, I'm officially broke. I have like $30. It's totally lame.
I applied at Lowe's and Wal-Mart, and a couple places, so that should be getting fixed though. Not that I'll be making amazing money, that's impossible atm, but it'll be cash. Plus I'm expecting quite a bit of money back from school so... yeah. That's that.

Jacob goes back next Wednesday on the 16th, so that's going to be a little depressing. I won't see him again until possibly March, but that's all depending on what happens with Kelly and Ashley and the road trip. Really don't know.

I think I like broke my fucking hand in my sleep. Not really, obviously, but the fingers on my right hand are really sore, almost like I pulled every fucking muscle in them. idk what's up with that, but it makes typing a little painful.

Anyway, that's my life.
Oh, and Taylor ruins almost all of my nights. She's a constant noise maker and I hate it. I imagine bad things happening to her though, and that helps a bit.

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:: 2008 9 January :: 8.05am

"Damn Mujigis bothering me while I'm trying to put on my pants!"


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:: 2008 8 January :: 4.27pm

Congrats to Jake Mellema, I wish him the best!

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:: 2008 3 January :: 10.40pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Born For This - Paramore



and that's all. I'm really hyper atm and it's fun and Kelly loves me and all is good for awhile.
I'm super happy. I love him!!

/end girly moment

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:: 2008 3 January :: 8.51am

I saw my Dentist drinking pop yesterday. It made me giggle on the inside.

My Birthday in 3 days! I'll no longer be a 'teen' and that feels really weird to me.

Welcome 2008! I sadly worked during New Years eve, so I ddnt even get to sit home and watch the ball drop, let alone be out with friends. =(
Damn Meijer Nazis.

On another note, I heard Vitamin C's "Graduation" while working the other day. I admit it brought on a couple tears.

EDIT: Haha! Gotta love Wee-man dude. This was posted on his myspace blog yesterday.

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:: 2008 2 January :: 6.50pm

So I went and signed up for classes today. I ended up with 14 hours, which is two more than I wanted. I needed at least 12 hours to get my full financial aide, because I have to remain a full time student. Anyway:
- Monday -
Intro To Business - 3:30-6:15
- Tuesday -
(a) English 102 - 5:00-6:15
(b) Biology - 6:30-9:15
- Wednesday -
Intro To Literature - 6:30-9:15
- Thursday -
Biology - 6:30-9:15

So.... yeah
Other than that, dad's trying to get this car we have up and running again. After working for awhile I'll be able to trade it in and get something better hopefully. It gets like 40 miles to the gallon though, so ... fuck. But it makes me cry because it's like OLD and ... yeah.
Anyway, that's my life atm.
Kelly's still gorgeous and far away.
We're talking about Spring Break possibilities though. Fun fun.


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:: 2007 31 December :: 3.35pm

The only thing that excites me about the new year is that it will finally be an even number.

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:: 2007 29 December :: 2.26pm
:: Mood: depressed

I don't really know how to put all of what's just happened and is currently happening in words, so I'll stick with Kelly is the most amazing man in the entire world, too understanding for his own good, and I love him more than anything.
I'm sticking around here until I finish school, I don't want to, but I'm aware that I need to. As ready as I am to be with Kelly, I simply cannot bring myself to leave my family yet. My grandparents are old and sick, my parents and I are getting along better than we have in my entire life, Ashley's ... Ashley. Taylor's scary, but I love her anyway, and if I moved away she would be full of resentment towards me, which I don't want because she is my sister, and Trevor's just the most amazing brother in the entire damn world and I don't want to miss getting to know who he is and having the ability to change it if I don't like it.
Hopefully everything will be better when I'm done with school, which I have a year and a half left of, then another 2 years. If I'm good by that time I'll take the next two years in Michigan, if we make it through this.
I guess it's like a little break from the seriousness. Breaks aren't so bad ... right?

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:: 2007 25 December :: 8.59pm
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: Shadow Of The Day - Linkin Park

We had a little family thing last night, we didn't open anything, which we got a PS2 and Guitar Hero 3 and we were supposed to have opened that but whatever, and once that was over Jacob called and asked if I wanted to go hang out with him, so I did and we went to Monett to Richard and Ben's again. On the way home I stole a road cone. It's amazing and I love it. It smells like dirt though.
I got home a little after 3:00 am, took a shower, set out cookies and milk because everyone fell asleep without doing so, and then everyone woke up for some reason and it was just crazy for a little bit, until like 5:30. I finally get to sleep, only to be awakened by Trevor jumping on my stomach screaming that Santa came at 7:00.
Then it was up and unwrapping presents -I got 2 movies, a 2gb flash drive from Taylor, which she had to have had help on because wtf on that one, a Very nice straightner, and 100 cash.
I then went back to sleep at like 8 until 11:30, got a shower and went to my grandparents (I got $50) and then back home to sleep some more until 5 then to my other grandparents. I got the Paramore cd, a shit load of earings that are gold so those go to mom and Taylor, my perfume, and some lotion.
At Grandma Prewitt's I was allergic to someone's perfume and my throat started to close up and my eyes were just like pouring water so I went home early. It was fucking crazy.
Other than that it was an uneventful day. I was very blah during it due to lack of sleep. It was nice though, I hadn't seen a lot of people in awhile and it was good to see them. I got hounded about going to Michigan though, which I could have done without.

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