The Time Spent Here, Is the Time Wasted elsewhere.
I was asked to say what's on my mind at any given moment.
Below is the excerpts of raw brain power being wasted twisting knots and going in circles.


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:: 2007 15 April :: 3.26am

Great Success!

Expert Delivering Delights and Yeses

Get Your Sexy Name

That's funny. XD

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:: 2007 14 April :: 4.42am

So very tired...

New journal look. Check it out. =]

Plus, I'm proud to say, I made my own icon ^^

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:: 2007 13 April :: 7.15pm
:: Mood: cold/sick
:: Music: the storm

I am so miserable. I'm sick and grouchy and stressed. I think I was kind of rude to Kelly earlier and then now he's not on and I didn't mean to be but... ugh. He'll be fine. I've been mean to him before.
I was hoping I wouldn't be sick for Prom but there is no way that I'm getting over this by tomorrow. *le sigh*
Tomorrow we're apparently getting sleet and snow and blah blah blah.
Last years Prom was shitty too because it was all windy and our hair died.

Monday I brought up that tonight Kandace, Tessi, and I should go watch Disturbia. Then they were like "ooh let's bring Travis (Tessi) and Kyle (Kandace)" which left me the fifth wheel so I decided not to go. KC heard about this and is pretending to be Kelly for me tonight. lol it kind of makes me laugh. So I'm going to go watch the movie and I'm excited. Scary movie on Friday the 13th. Fun.

Now then, my dad ordered my boutineer for Jacob because I didn't have time to stop by and do so. I gave him very specific instructions. He brought it home tonight... it looks like shit. It's ugly, small, and doesn't even match my dress. So before I go get my nails done I'm going to stop by a different floral shop and see if they can get one done in an hour for me.

Anyway, it's storming like fuckin crazy so I'm gonna go.

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:: 2007 9 April :: 9.08am
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Diamonds and Coal - Incubus

As I predicted Unipeak is blocked, along with every other proxy they made me look up.
Poor little souls; their lives are now over.

5 days until Prom.
9 days until State.
16 days until Senior Trip.
30 days until Baccalaureate.
31 days until Graduation.
79 days until I see Kelly.

It's dwindling down to the end of everything.
I'm happy.
I'm sad.
I can't wait to graduate.
I can't wait to see Kelly in June.

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:: 2007 7 April :: 11.17am
:: Mood: ditzy
:: Music: Taylor singing Joy to the World (wtf?)

I finally got my prom dress!
It's red and poofy and really hard to explaine...
I'll just post pictures of prom. It's going to be great.
We can't all decide where we want to eat though. Some want to go some place dumb like Burger King or Taco Bell.
Others want to go to Hooters.
Some want to go Chedders.
And still others want Ruby Tuesday's.
Who the hell knows.

I worked Thursday night for Bao because she was really sick, then Tessi and I went out to Kyle's to hang out with Kandace, him, and his roommate Joey. We drank, played a ton of drinking games and had a great time. We played Circle of Death (I think that's what it was called) and someone got the rules card and said that any time you had to drink you had to stand on your chair and yell "I love cock" at the top of your lungs. Problem? The ceiling fan was on and directly above the table. lmao we all almost got beheaded but we were too smashed to care. It was great fun.
Kyle has this huge ass poster of Johnny Cash on his wall, the one where he's flipping the camera off, and I swear his middle finger looks like a dick. It's hilarious.

Last night I finally got to talk to Kelly after shopping all day. <3 him!

Anywhores, I am going to Neosho with Ashley now in a desperate attempt to find something to wear for tomorrow. I <3 shopping.

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:: 2007 4 April :: 8.33am
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Pain - Three Days Grace

Lets review how great my sub is in Accounting:
1. Starts the day off telling us to be quiet so she can call her boyfriend
2. Makes me go down and get the bullitan because she "doesn't want to walk that far" ... wtf. I'm fine with getting it, whatever, but her excuse is lame. Our school is so fucking small.
3. Stops in the middle of reading said bullitan to text people. This goes on for about 10 minutes.
4. Finally finishes the bullitan.
5. Hops on a computer and starts checking her myspace.
6. Gets asked about what our assignment is, goes "oh yeah..." and hands us a worksheet.

Oh golly, we're so lucky to have her.

Anyway, apparenlty I'm getting sick. I've been losing my voice at random intervals and I've started coughing and I've been sneezing all morning.
This needs to be gone by Prom. How miserable would that be.

The school got everything blocked again, gg them, whatever.
Everyone was freaking out about not being able to get on myspace (because it's obviously a life line) and they were informed by some one of greater knowledge than they that they could find a proxy to get around the block, and so they latched onto That would be fine, but when you can hear people informing others of it by screaming it down the hallways wtf do they think is going to happen? Are they so dense they actually believe they'll NOT block unipeak as well? Dumbasses.

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:: 2007 3 April :: 8.02pm
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: Thumbilina (Trevor's watching it...heh)

Annual Ferris Fees
Estimated Budget Cost
Tuition and Fees - $11,502
Room and Board - $7,532
Books and Supplies - $1,246
Travel Expense - $1,282
Personal Expenses - $860
Loan Fees - $50
-Total - $22, 474


BUT!! There may be hope yet...

Aid I'm Recieving
Federal Pell Grant - $4,310
Fed Sup Educ Opportunity Grant - $2,400
Residential Life Scholarship - $2,000
Fedreal Perkins Loan - $4,000
Federal Direct Subsidized Loan - $3,500
-Total - $16,210

That leaves me with the amount of $6,264 a year to pay, or $3132 a semester. Still a whole whole lot.
Kelly mentioned that I should look into getting ... something, like citizenship to the state of Michigan. That would drop my total to about $10,972 which would help me a LOT. I could then get rid of the $4000 loan and still be getting $1,238 more than owed.

My brains bleeding. I quit for now.

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:: 2007 3 April :: 8.09pm
LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

I feel so overwhelmed. And it's making me feel lost, and confused. I don't know where to go =(

P.S. That had nothing to do with the name thing.

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:: 2007 3 April :: 5.10pm

Hilary Shick:
LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Hilary Miller:
LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

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:: 2007 3 April :: 9.09am
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Suicide is Painless

We were sitting in Accounting doing our worksheet and then BAM a computer shuts off and starts smoking really bad. It was so effing cool.

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:: 2007 2 April :: 11.16pm
:: Mood: tired/cold/pissed off
:: Music: Wonderboy - Tenacious D

I just got home from Districts.
We qualified for state, but we did awful. We got 5th, and I personally did worse than I have ever done. Plus we got beat by our rival school so that was just fucking fantastic.

I was hoping I would get back in time to talk to Kelly because I've really wanted to just talk to him all day. That obviously didn't happen, so that just bums me out even more.

This was a really, really bad day.

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:: 2007 31 March :: 10.24pm
:: Mood: busy
:: Music: Kyle Quit the Band - Tenacious D

I made a little over $60.00 tonight. I was happy.

Vault - Red Blitz tastes exactly like Mikes Hard - Down Home Punch.
It's crazy. And delicious.

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:: 2007 29 March :: 11.02pm
:: Mood: bitchy
:: Music: Shiver - Maroon 5

Well... I signed on around seven or so, but had to go help Taylor do something so I told Kelly I'd be right back... I get back and he has said "sorry" and is no longer online. He's not gotten back on at all tonight and I am therefore sad.

Anyway, I need to go to bed, but I need to study Poultry some more.
We were given another set of reasons to memorize.
We already have RTC reasons and Keep and Cull reasons. Now, apparently, we might have to give Hen reasons at District and State.
What a load of horse shit. If that was a possibility, he should have given us the reason structure when he gave us the other reason structures. Dumbass.
And yes, I'm aware no one will understand wtf I'm talking about, but it's upsetting and I wanted to rant. I can't fucking wait until I'm out of FFA. Sure, it's great, it's fun. Until it's contest season and your teacher turns into an asshat. I understand that he wants us all to do good, to make it to state, to win state, but good freaking lord, give us a break once in awhile. I study all the time at home so he doesn't kill me, I don't want to study all the time at school as well. I'm so annoyed and ready for this to be over with. I don't even want to go to state anymore for poultry. Maybe as a deligate so that I won't have as many days of school left and so I can hang out with my friends, but definitly not to compete.
I'm sure Kelly can't wait for it to be over with as well, I complain about it all the time. Poor him :(

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:: 2007 29 March :: 4.01pm

Way to crush my dreams, asshole.

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:: 2007 28 March :: 8.49am
:: Music: 45 - Shinedown

Well... I'm having a good day so far. I like it. I got the Powerade I wanted, the poptarts I wanted, and we had a really easy assignment in Accounting that I actually understood.
The only downer of today is that it's raining and we've got a tornado warning. That's nothing new though, but it does make me want to sleep.

Last night messenger was messing up and not sending anything I said to Kelly so he said I should just go and we'd attempt it tonight. I wasn't very happy. It better work tonight. I need my Kelly time!

I'm excited for June 27 to get here. I'll be leaving and heading to Michigan for my Orientation on the 28th (Friday), and then I'll be staying until Sunday. I'm so excited to see that gorgeous red-head of mine. Flowers would be nice...*cough*
lol just kidding sweety... kind of >.>

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