[x] I came to shut you up..I came to drag you down, I came to tear your little world apart, and break your soul apart. [x]


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† I watch you burn in humid hell... †

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:: 2012 29 June :: 4.04pm

Hot date tonight with the boyfrand. I love his scruffy face. I really could not be any happier.

† hell †


:: 2012 25 March :: 10.38pm

I love my boyfriend. He makes me happy. I always get those same butterflies I did when I first met him every time I look at him to this day.

† hell †


:: 2012 1 March :: 12.09am

I don't get today. First it was freezing rain, then it got pretty nice outside. Then it started raining. Finally snow. Mother Nature must be going through menopause or something. Michigan. The only state where you get to experience all four seasons in one day.

2 x escaped from x | † hell †


:: 2012 19 January :: 10.26pm

Well, in a week I will be getting a scope done on my knee. Again. I will have to stay off my leg for 6 weeks. And if this scope doesn't help, in a year, I will need to get a graft from a cadaver. Still so much to do and very little time to do it all in.

† hell †


:: 2012 2 January :: 10.54pm

It's weird. Being someone's girlfriend, finally. After 3 years. Didn't think I would actually find someone I care so much about and someone who cares about me. I love my bear so much. He's been good to me. I don't think I can be any happier.

I loooove this song.

† hell †


:: 2011 24 November :: 6.16pm

Happy Turkey Day!
Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net

† hell †


:: 2011 12 November :: 11.28am

Zombie Beagle

Jethro Beagle.

† hell †


:: 2011 9 October :: 10.57pm
:: Music: August Burns Red- Composure

Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself. -Harvey Fierstein

† hell †


:: 2011 27 August :: 2.13pm

My mom sent me a text and asked me to dust with pledge because her wood is getting all dry and scratchy. How I responded? That's what he said

† hell †


:: 2011 4 August :: 9.03am


† hell †


:: 2011 16 May :: 10.29am

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net

† hell †


:: 2011 13 May :: 12.46am

I love my waitressing job. I have met sooo many sweet people. Been hit on a few times. Whatever helps make that money right?

† hell †


:: 2011 8 May :: 6.17pm

How it really went

† hell †


:: 2011 30 April :: 5.03pm

In the past month, I have gotten 2 new jobs. Altogether now, I am working 3. I start the third Monday. Whoever said finding a job in Michigan is hard, you aren't trying hard enough apparently.

2 x escaped from x | † hell †


:: 2011 6 April :: 1.13am

Got a new tattoo tonight. It's on my ass. Drew it myself. Just kind of happened. Wish I was kidding and I found this online somewhere, but, it's real.


† hell †

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