For one thing, I can't wait til I get my laptop. My mom got one with taxes, so we've got 2 computers right now. It's been 3 days and I'm going insane.
The Exies and Smile Empty Soul
Last night I went to see Smile Empty Soul and The Exies at the Intersection with my sister and sadly, my mom. It was actually a lot of fun. I had no idea who The Exies were, but they were really good. I got one of their cds and a poster and the whole band signed it. Smile Empty Soul looks nothing of how I thought they would look. Courtany took pictures, I'll put them on here in a new post sometime later today. Also, it was like drunken emo fest 2007.
Work was ok. It was pretty slow for the most part. I haven't talked to him at all today. It makes me sad. And I will not give names. I will keep you all in wonder.
Work, busy, somewhat exciting, and hot. Happened to see some people I knew through drive-through, Mr. Reed, Phil's dad, Justin. That was pretty sweet.
I ended up having to do lobby almost all of the 8 hours I was there. I scrubbed the high chairs which were disgusting. I swept the floor at least 6 times. It was pretty hectic.