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User:veritedefolie (user# 551)
Location: Pasadena, CA
AOL IM:v314159265358979
Bio:Dima here. Means nothing interesting here ^_^.
Friend Of:None
Interests:(80) 1939, alice in wonderland, ansel adams, buddhism, building a fort (out of boxes/pillows), burning stuff, c++, carl jung, carving wood, catch22, christianity, cs lewis, ddr, desiderata , diplomacy, doodling, douglas adams, emily dickinson, etc., geography bee, getting pen pals from over the country + the world, go, going a month withut cursing (at all), going an entire day signging instead of talking, going an entire day skipping instead of walking, going caroling with some friends (not necessarily during holidays), going to a (real) summer camp, going to a Renaissance Faire, gomoku, html, islam, java, joining a community odyssey of the mind team, jonathan livingston seagull, jrr tolkien, jumping in pudles on rainy days, keeping a journal, kurt vonnegut, le petit prince, learning another language, making a board game, making a candle, making a website, making small figures/blobs out of wax, messier marathon, monty python, mud, nanowrimo, national geographic, new age bookstores, painting with watercolors, pavlov, piers anthony, princess bride, recorder (this is a musical instrument), richard bach, robert frost, satirewire, september 1, shelving books at a library (and noticing the cool ones), sherlock holmes, silkscreening, snowcrash, stephen hawking, sylvia plath, tarot, teaching someone to read, the lost world of arthur conan doyle, the world according to garp, tie-dye (how to do it on your own), violin, voltaire, weekly world news, wicca, winston churchill, wizard of earthsea, woodstock, write an article for a newspaper/magazine, writing an opinion about something and giving it to your friends, writing poems
Created:2002-05-19 19:34:40
Last Update:05 18 2003
Journal Entries:2
Comments:Posted: 31 | Received: 101
Member Of:None
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Journal Style:default