2005 31 December :: 1.52pm
:: Mood: tired
I count the days that we have spent apart. I've got a bad liver and a broken heart. There's no salvation in the comfort of you. I finally realized your tearing me apart.
I think what hurts me the most is the fact that you don't hurt at all.
Bring a ray of hope...
2005 30 December :: 11.03pm
:: Mood: annoyed
Um, anyone want to buy a '92 Dodge Dynasty?
For those that might be confused with this entry, I bought a new car.
7 rays shine |
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2005 30 December :: 5.46pm
Puddin Flop (as Stacy/Dani says)
Last night once again was fun as always. Like Stacy said this is mostly just going to be more for my benefit than anyone else's. I went and hung out at Danielles house with Big Nasty, Ryan Case, Dan, Tyler, Shane, Dustin, and of course Stacy. Stacy and I decided we wanted to make bacon randomly and we had the worst time making it and then like an hour later we were finally finished. "The dacon is bangerous" lol one of Stacy's wonderful lines. Then at like midnight we went to IHOP and I said I wouldn't ever go there again after what happened to Erika and I but I went anyways since I wasn't just going to not go with my friends and it wasn't all that bad. Our waitress was extremely weird and we were all trying to be nice and all of the sudden she asked someone at our table "how they wanted their meats?" and I looked at everyone and they were all trying not to laugh and all of the sudden I just busted out laughing and I made Ryan and Dan bust out laughing too. She was definitely odd. And then when Ryan, Tyler, Shane, and Dan went by the Rockford Church some kids threw snowballs at Shanes car and they stopped and got out and beat them up. It was pretty funny to hear about but I didn't see it since I wasn't riding with them and at first when they called us we didn't believe them but it really happend because when we got back Dan's face had a huge hole in it and was bleeding and Ryan's face was swelling up. I couldn't believe it and then on the way to IHOP a cop pulled them over because Shanes lights went off because Ryan said "they were jammin' too hard"...I don't know but I just couldn't stop laughing last night. We always have some great times.
I should get going though because I'm hanging out with Logan, Emily, and Justin later.
So everyone have a good weekend.
<3 Ashley
3 rays shine |
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2005 29 December :: 11.33pm
Obsessive much?
I had a dream with Rammstein in it last night. Till especially. Rawr. *drools*
I'm home!!!! (if any of you care ~_^)
It's great to be back.
2 rays shine |
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2005 29 December :: 3.57pm
Wow, I almost completely forgot about this thing. Not like I keep in touch with most of my friends that use to read and comment on it. But never the less. Anywho right now I am at the library in Rockford. Yeah, I know much of a life right? lol. It is my Christmas vacation and I am spending it at the library. Anywho, I enjoy it. My life seems to be going by really fast. I don't know because it is my senior year and highschool. I am.. in a way scared to grow up. Babyish? maybe.. but I don't care.
2 rays shine |
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2005 29 December :: 3.28pm
Stop, stare, and watch me burn. Someday it'll be your turn. You can't fool me. I can see all the things that you didn't want me to see. You threw my heart away and thats the price I paid. I know it's never fair, you promised me you'd always be there but you never really cared.
2 rays shine |
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2005 28 December :: 11.53pm
What the hell am I supposed to say to that? Seriously. I don't think I have ever been so shocked in my entire life. That is the nicest most weird thing ever.
Stacy: I have to tell you something and I know what you told me wasn't supposed to be anything exciting but my news is. It's actually pretty much top secret. No joke.
2 rays shine |
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2005 28 December :: 11.09pm
I'm coming home tomorrows!
Another day full of riding the plane all day then in a car.
California's nice, but home's where I wanna be.
Caitlyn's been "helping" me pack. It's cute.
Bring a ray of hope...
2005 28 December :: 11.23am
Last night was so much fun. I love you Stacy, Mishy, Dani, and Brittani. Devin and Ben were also pretty awesome guys. Nate on the other hand, let's not go there. Stacy and I are sluts, we rocked their worlds, end of story. Kidding we aren't. We stayed out all night and we went to Morningstar, Vertigo, and Skelletones. It was so fun. We met Trisha, Natalie, and Brittani there too. Dani is the worst driver ever. I'm not kidding. We almost died a few times. She just drives downtown in GR and she doesn't even stop at red lights or stop signs. The worst part about it is that she doesn't even realize that she runs red lights and stop signs. So I figured that most of us didn't really want to die so I made sure to tell her where she needed to stop and go at. We went to Bens at around 1 and I was playing video games with Mishy and at first she was losing so she just quit and I didn't really realize this until afterwards but I got so into the stupid game. They have this video of me and I'm like freaking out while I'm playing it. It was hilarious. Anyways we didn't get home until like 4:30 and I slept probably about three hours so I'm sort of tired but I'll be okay. I had so much fun and we are going to do it again.
"Use my strong hand"
"105.4" lol
I didn't realize that if you wear a skirt in the middle of winter, it made you a slut but then again what do I know?
12 rays shine |
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2005 26 December :: 8.05pm
I'm seriously the worst minesweeper player in history. Ever.
6 rays shine |
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2005 26 December :: 6.25pm
I don't know why but I just have a bad feeling that you lied to me and I hate being lied to more than anything.The worst part about being lied to is knowing that I wasn't worth the truth and if thats the case then we have some problems. I don't even know, maybe, just maybe I'm wrong but right now that seems highly doubtful.
First Best Friend: Chloe
First Screen Name: I don't remember the very first one but one from millions of years ago was cutiepie15032
First Pet: Jackson (Dog)
First Piercing: When I was like 11 months old
First Crush: Curtis, my little boyfriend when I was four
First CD: Like I remember
First Word: Probably Mommy or Daddy
First Real Love: I can't really say that I have been in love
First Stuffed Animal: An elephant named Ellie
Last Alcoholic Beverage: A sour apple martini and then today at Olive Garden my sister told me to drink some of my moms drink (I don't know what she was drinking) and I thought she meant drink the whole thing but apparently I was just supposed to take a sip of it and I drank the whole thing and wow that was a mistake ;)
Car Ride: Coming home from shopping today
Last Movie Seen: I don't remember but I watched Laguna Beach this morning if that counts
Last Phone Call: Jessica (were talking on the phone right this moment and it's not going well at all)
Last CD Played: Taking Back Sunday
Last Bubble Bath: Like last Saturday
Last Time You Cried: Last night AND the day before AND this morning..wow I sound like a basketcase but each time was for a differen't and good reason.
Have you ever dated one of your best friends: Yeah but it was just a summer fling
Have you ever been arrested: Nope
Have you ever skinny dipped: Yeah in California lol
Have you ever been on TV: Yeah on the news here but that doesn't count because here sucks but I was on National Tv when I was in LA
Have you ever kissed someone and then regretted it: Oh quite a few times
Have you ever cheated: Thats just a sketchy question to ask
Have you ever spent more than 5 hours online: Oh yes
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep: Yeah and it's not exactly fun
1. Tank Top
2. Jeans
3. Earings
4. Sweatshirt
5. Socks
6. Necklace
7. Livestrong Bracelet
1. Watched Laguna Beach
2. Bought 5 cds and lots of clothes and a purse
3. Ate at Olive Garden
4. Fought with someone
5. Drank
6. When we were walking out of Olive Garden this car almost hit us and he was supposed to stop for us but he didn't so I hit his car really hard with all my shopping bags haha
1. California
2. Modeling
3. The O.C.
4. Music
5. Clothes/Shoes/Purses
1. Chloe
2. Lisa
3. Mishy and Stacy
4. Veronica (well before her memory loss)
(that was five but I don't really care)
1. Love
2. Career (be famous)
3. Kids
1. Go to where I'm from (ITALY!!) lol
2. Go on a road trip across America. Every state. ( I agree with Jordan on this whole little thing)
1. I'm scared to be in love.
3 rays shine |
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2005 26 December :: 12.13am
I seriously can't believe my friends sometimes. Okay let's just say one of my friends in particular. I thought we were supposed to be in this whole thing together but she just proved that it's now a competion to see who is better. Yeah well we'll see about that now wont we? Sounds like someones a little jealous to me. Whatever. I'm going to go cry now and be upset like I can be because this is our first fight over the dumbest thing ever.
3 rays shine |
Bring a ray of hope...
2005 25 December :: 5.43pm
:: Music: Rosenrot-Rammstein
Rosenrot-Rammstein's newest album
1. Benzin-Petrol
This is a fast-paced song, showing Rammstein's love of fire and their need for pyrotechnics. You can catch their music video here. Quicktime required ;p
2. Mann gegen Mann-Man against man
It's fitting for Rammstein to have a song for the gay men after making songs about sex and hermaphrodites. It's got a more serious feel to it as Till sings about "his sex calling him a traitor". Some words to look for in the song are gegen (against), gaygen (to be gay for), and schwullah (gay-ah).
3. Rosenrot-Rose-red
This is an extremely enchanting song, Till telling a story about a boy climbing a mountain to get a rose for a girl that he likes. According to Herzeleid.com, this song is based (to some extent) on Goethe's Heidenroeslein and the Brothers Grimm's Snow White and Rose Red (but to me, after studying the lyrics for some time, that isn't the case. It's based mostly on Goethe's poem). You can catch the Rosenrot music video here. You need WMV or RM.
4. Spring-Jump
The intro is calm, quiet, beautiful even, then goes onto some deliciously Rammsteiny music worth headbanging to. This song is about a man who stops and is standing at the edge of a bridge, looking at all the beautiful sights. People gather and shout at him to jump. In the end, caught up in all the emotion, he jumps. Although grausam to most, this is one of the most beautiful-sounding pieces I've ever heard.
5. Wo bist du-Where are you
I find this song as more of a "after the break-up" song. You're already broken up, what's said is said and what's done is done. Yet you still are looking for him/her, having second thoughts. There seems to be a tone of despair in the song, one that only those who have felt the way in the song could probably feel.
6. Stirb nicht vor mir//Don't die before I do
This isn't the first time that Rammstein has mixed some English into a song (although I'm much more used to them singing the mother tongue). It's one of their sadder songs, but is also a sort of love song. The female voice they chose for the English part did a good job. It's a softer song, very fitting for the lyrics.
7. Zerstören-Destroy
The song's title matches its content. It is full of destroying, full of passion. The song is about wanting to destroy everything. At the end, however, the song becomes slow and quiet. It is certainly a unique song, and one of my favorites now.
8. Hilf mir-Help me
I've wanted to listen to this song ever since I read that this would be based on Der Struwwelpeter's Die gar trauige Geschichte mit dem Feuerzeug (the quite sad story with the match). The lyrics are from the girl's point of view, which adds an interesting twist. The music is harder, more forboding. Delicious.
9. Te quiero puta!-I love you, whore!
This song is in Spanish. So I have only the lyrics to read and try to decipher. It's...interesting. Spanish suits Rammstein very well. The sound has bit of Mexican twang to it, which is a change. All in all, I loved it. Plus Kyle and Brett can listen to it and understand it for a change ;p
10. Feuer & Wasser-Fire & Water
This is one of Rammstein's more sexual songs (but not like Rein Raus, Rachel ;p). It's about a man noticing a woman and dreaming/fantisizing about her, knowing that she'll never notice him.
11. Ein Lied-A song
The last song of Rammstein's Rosenrot album, this song is the perfect closer. It's quieter than the rest, not grausam at all either. Perhaps it's a tribute to all of Rammstein's fans "we were born for music/we are the servants of your ears/whenever you're sad/we play for you". The melody is soft, yet full of power.
All in all, the Rosenrot album is really very good. I love it and will probably be listening to it constantly for the next week or five.
1 rays shine |
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2005 25 December :: 4.00pm
Merry Christmas!!!
Of course, the one day that Caitlyn doesn't get up early is Christmas ^^"
I got my Rammstein CD. ZOMIGOSH is it beautiful. Seriously, there's a certain tone of beauty in their new album. I'll update later with commentary on it (and yes, Tracey, I'll burn a copy for you ~_^).
Andy got the Family Guy movie, which we're about to watch. Le w00t le w00t!
......ich bin eine Kartoffel!
Bring a ray of hope...
2005 24 December :: 11.02pm
Merry Christmas everyone. It's going to be a good Christmas after all. ^_^
Bring a ray of hope...