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Darkness covers me...

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:: 2005 14 December :: 7.19pm

I just want you to know, your not making this easy.

4 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 14 December :: 4.34pm

Hands down this is the best day I can ever remember..
Today went better than planned. I'm really happy about the roles I got in the play and when I found out that I have huge monologue that made me even happier. I'm definitley going to be working day and night at memorzing it. I already have the first paragraph memorized. I'm definitely not going to complain about that. I'm also in "Yes" and "Cinderella". I love my lines in "Yes". I love everyones lines in that one.

I'm so glad we only have to perform tomorrow and then we are done. I'm getting sick of doing these in front of half the school when half of them are really immature and annoying.

Do you expect me to believe I'm going to let us fall apart?

6 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 14 December :: 4.01pm
:: Music: Sehnsucht-Rammstein

Success! I finally completed the hat I was working on for mom!!!!

Now all I hafta do is crochet three more snowpeople and then I'm done working on presents for the family!!!!!

Seriously though, your hands and eyes start to hurt and burn after crocheting for a long period of time.

Maybe I'll go to bed on a regular time tonight since I was awoken at 8:30.

Oh looky, momma's home with Andy. Good thing I put their presents up in me room just a minute ago.

Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 13 December :: 11.12pm

Okay. French grades are up and the results are in...

(Imagine some sort of drum roll or dramatic effect that would be right here.)

Oral exam : 100% (FUCK YES!)
Final exam: 82% (SMURF YEAH)

Final grade: (another dramatic effect....)


I am a French genius! Tested into third semester and received an A. In a college French class!

I am beyond excited. Drinks are on me.

I love you all.

1 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 13 December :: 4.56pm

Incase you failed to notice, incase you failed to see, this is my heart bleeding before you, this is me down on my knees.

8 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 13 December :: 4.08pm

Sometimes it's so hard for me to not say what I really want to say. I am very opinionated and I usually say what's on my mind but today I figured I probably should keep my mouth shut because I can say some really mean things so I decided I should just not say anything but I can't hold it in anymore so I'm just going to say what I really think and hopefully I don't end up regreting what I say.

I'm sorry but that whole idea just isn't going to work for some of us.

6 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 13 December :: 12.11pm

I'm done! No more stupid exams!

Now to next semester: 18 credits and seven classes... What was I thinking?

3 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 12 December :: 10.54pm

It turns out I may not have gotten 100% on my oral exam after all...

P.S. I just finished making my notecard for my math exam and then proceeded to LOSE IT!

P.P.S. It has been found!

Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 12 December :: 9.10pm

My body has been going between craving salty things (such as pretzels) or milkshakes lately.

Right now I'd give my left kidney for a strawberry milkshake.

Won't be babysitting on Friday like I thought I was, the parents are just gonna let the kids stay at a neighbor's house. So I'm free on a Friday, holy crap. The grandparents are coming up on Friday though ><"

Yay! I registered for my text books today! Now Western will be getting even more of my money!

Oh! And you can now watch Rammstein's newest music video, Rosenrot. My german convo teacher would say that it is "grausam". Hee.

Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 12 December :: 4.14pm

Ladies and gentlemen, my car is dying.

4 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 12 December :: 9.04am

I finished my French exam in record time. I know I probably made one thousand mistakes stupides but I don't care.

I am done with having a class at eight in the morning! YAY!

1 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 12 December :: 5.58am

Curse you final exams! You give me nightmares!

1 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 12 December :: 12.38am

Do you ever get shivers running down your spine, prickling your neck when you go to a concert and listen to the music? Does that music ever move you to tears?

I went and saw an art show today. It was spectacular.

2 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 11 December :: 8.48pm

You gotta suck it up even though it spits you out.

Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 11 December :: 1.22am

I got 100% on my French oral exam.


3 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...

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