2005 5 December :: 5.20pm
The Christmas Specials day was a success. Started out with me and Eric setting up the VCR and starting to watch Interview with the Vampire (I swear that kid has an obsession with Brad Pitt). Jenn came later and we started watching all sorts of specials. Joel came for the last special, The Muppets' Christmas Carol.
Much fun, j0.
Today I went and saw me surgeon. He had fun informing me that my ovary was ooooooozing blood into my pelvic region. Still no known reason why it happened. I'll be going to a doctor up in GR to see if my woman parts are okay.
Just signed up for my last class for next semester. Myth and Ritual. So I'll have 18 credit hours of class a week. Le w00t. No Friday classes, believe it or not o_O
1 rays shine |
Bring a ray of hope...
2005 5 December :: 3.40pm
Well today was a bad day.
We didn't have to do our seminar skits because of reasons but anyways I really think it's a waste of our time. I doubt that some of the people in our school have the mentality to understand them and they aren't open minded enough to accept it. Some people's intellectual capabilities aren't so great. Thats just what I think. We'll see I guess.
Everyone knows that it was us that did shit to Josh's car so then he didn't notice it until this morning and he had to drive to school and he couldn't see out of the windows since of what we did so it caused him to go into the ditch and then he came into school with flour all over him. We all thought it was pretty funny and today he kept giving us dirty looks and he told us it's war lol.
I really am upset about Veronica and I hope she's okay. I miss her already. I was suprised that I didn't start bawling today. I cried, yeah but lately when somethings wrong I haven't been crying about it. I don't know maybe I'm just getting used to this or maybe I'm getting stronger.
When something bad happens to me, you don't care but when something bad happens to you then the world has to stop for you.
Thats how you are.
Nothing could ever be so wrong.
11 rays shine |
Bring a ray of hope...
2005 5 December :: 10.54am
To those who were driving 20 miles below the speed limit on the East Beltline today:
Look, I know it's December and you're not used to the idea that it's winter in Michigan and it's going to snow every day until March. That's alright, I understand. A few weeks ago, on the first night we got snow, I was driving 30 down the East Beltline. And I drive the speed limit everywhere. I do 70 on the highway (which, if you didn't know, is the speed limit)!
However, when the snow is floating downwards, isn't sticking to the roads and looks like down feathers, it is completely unnecessary to drive 35 miles per hour! I might be a little more lenient if this was real snow but it's lake effect. I don't know if you get your memory erased every March and forget what snow is like, but the roads were barely wet. You don't need to go that slow in your stupid minivan.
Yes, I know I can just shut up and pass you but you're not the only one! The guy in the fast/passing lane was doing 40. It's like a disease!
So please, drive 55 like the sign says. It's okay. You're not going to end up in the ditch. I promise. Just try it and I know that tomorrow you'll be doing your regular 65.
6 rays shine |
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2005 4 December :: 11.44pm
Read more..
This was on Saturday. We all crack up at Brittney's sign. Brittany's little cousins made our signs lol.
7 rays shine |
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2005 4 December :: 3.00pm
I pretty much just woke up and that is pretty sad lol. We didn't go to sleep until 5am and then we all had to leave at 9 so then I came home and slept until now lol.
Friday Lisa and I were at the mall and it was about to close and we had to go to the bathroom before we left and you have to go down this long hallway to get to it and I was telling her how it was sort of scary and how I've heard guys will go in a stall in the girls bathroom and wait for a girl to come in there and so she was really scared so when we went in there I started pushing all the doors open to make sure somebody wasn't in there and then when I got to this one door it wouldn't open and I totally didn't think someone would be in there so I was like pounding on it, trying to open it and then I seen their feet so then I was like omg shit and so I stopped and Lisa and I were laughing and I thought it was pretty fucking weird that the person in there didn't say something to me because apparently I didn't know they were in there but no they didn't say a word or move!! So then we were just like w/e and then we both were going to the bathroom and it was dead silent and I just busted out laughing and then afterwards Lisa did too and we both were just standing there wondering why this person was still in there not doing ANYTHING so I looked at their feet and it looked like guys shoes so then I showed Lisa and she agreed with me and so then we got out of there as fast as we could. It was pretty scary if you ask me. If I was them and I heard someone laugh (me) I would definitely laugh too but they didn't. I'm pretty sure it was a guy. Not even kidding.
Yesterday I went to the x-mas parade with Brittney, Kourtney, Emily, and Elyse. It was so cold but it was pretty cute.
Then Elyse came over and then later on we went to Sam Ballews for her body shop thing. It was pretty sweet. I had fun and I bought alot of stuff lol.
Then well I hung out with Brittany, Brittney, Megan, Emily, and Elyse. Ahaha....
This weekend wont go without repercussions.
<3 aShLeY
2 rays shine |
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2005 3 December :: 9.28pm
Cedric Diggory was quite the looker
So this weekend's been pretty interesting. I got 3 hours of sleep Friday, then went to see a movie and go to the mall with Tara, her friend Sarah, Jenn, and Amanda version 1.0.
We ended up seeing Harry Potter rather than Rent. It was good, however I've got a few criticisms about the film as well.
Now I'm just hanging on the interweb, studying history.
2 rays shine |
Bring a ray of hope...
2005 3 December :: 12.43am
Nick hit a deer.
His car's pretty banged up but everyone's okay.
2 rays shine |
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2005 3 December :: 12.08am
ahaha tonight was fun :)
2 rays shine |
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2005 2 December :: 6.24pm
That's right folks, I just had my last class of the semester. Next week is totally devoted to exams.
Wednesday: German Comp exam from 12:30 to 2:30
Thursday: History exam from 8:00 to 10:00 and Math exam from 12:30 to 2:30.
Le w00t le w00t ^_^
1 rays shine |
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2005 1 December :: 6.38am
If anyone got a call from me late last night, I apologize.
I keep my cell phone on my bed because I'm too lazy to look for it when it rings and because it charges as I sleep.
Last night I couldn't sleep very well and lately I've been tossing and turning a lot.
My dad just mentioned that I called him when he was downstairs, asleep and in bed.
He called me back.
So if I called you, I'm sorry. I shall find a better place to put my phone.
3 rays shine |
Bring a ray of hope...
2005 29 November :: 7.56pm
He wont leave me alone, ever. It's getting really annoying and when I try to tell him that I DONT LIKE HIM..he doesn't get it and it freaks me out when he is like in one million of my classes and his locker is like right next to mine. Somebody save me....
It's Miller time says:
not talkin?
~Ashley~ says:
It's Miller time says:
you like tryed not to look at me today :(
~Ashley~ says:
um ok..srry
It's Miller time says:
i just noticed that normaly you do sometimes
It's Miller time says:
but today i would look at you and you would like look away really fast
It's Miller time says:
its alright
It's Miller time says:
just wanted to kno what was up
~Ashley~ says:
It's Miller time says:
its kewl but i just thought it was sorda weird
~Ashley~ says:
lol sorry
It's Miller time says:
i kno im geting probly anoyying with this whole thing.
^ Yeah, you think!?!?
It's Miller time says:
Hey is 1.7 in the english packet due tomarrow?
Ashley-sometimes you just don't get the hints!!!! says:
we aren't even on 1.7
It's Miller time says:
ohh really then i guess im ahead of everyone for once
Ashley-sometimes you just don't get the hints!!!! says:
umm we aren't even on that...were on 10.6..but ok..
Sometimes I can be such a bitch but if I'm nice to him then he's going to think I like him, so the only way to get my point across is to be a bitch. Oh well...he'll get over it.
Miss stacy cain you can't want that..we have a plan remember!??!
7 rays shine |
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2005 29 November :: 6.55pm
Sometimes I just miss the way things used to be.
3 rays shine |
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2005 28 November :: 11.41pm
I guess I'm just naive for thinking that...
But thats what I get for thinking.
1 rays shine |
Bring a ray of hope...
2005 28 November :: 11.22pm
:: Music: Rent
Man, these last two weeks of the semester are gonna go by so fast!
I've got a German comp exam tomorrow and the project for German convo is due on Thursday. Our portfolios for English are also due on Thursday. Then conferences next week, or so says the syllabus. Martens will probably change that tomorrow.
Next week I've got a history exam (don't know the day or time yet) and a math exam (on Thursday), we get to make a cheat sheet for the math exam ^_____^
This weekend Jenn, Amanda version 1.0, Tara, and I are going to see Rent (at least that's the plan so far. It'll be a girls' day out!), plus we've got to make time for Christmas specials, Eric brought TONS that his parents have taped over the years. Jenn and I already bought eggnog for it ~_^
Bring a ray of hope...
2005 28 November :: 3.36pm
Haha I just remembered when I was at Jessica's when we were trying to sleep she had a cd in with a whole bunch of differen't songs on it and I was pretty much asleep and in my dream I heard the song "goodbye to you" and I woke up and it was playing and I was like "JESSICA JESSICA WE HAVE TO TURN THIS OFF RIGHT NOW!!" and I couldn't figure out how beacause it was pitch black so I woke her up to turn the song off. Haha I am such a nice friend....
Bring a ray of hope...