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:: 2009 16 July :: 11.35am

So I feel bad for whacking her with it, but it was just to hard to pass up.

The conversation went like this:

(She) is in need of a web designer to redo her website.

I said: How unfortunate. Don't bite the hand that fed ya.

Her response: Charlie, it's a long story.

Now, I do not wish to further antagonize the situation, but I just couldn't help it.

3 bindles | burn your bindle


:: 2009 13 July :: 10.04pm


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:: 2009 10 July :: 10.38pm

"what were we just talking about?"
"......... holy shit. i dunno. we need TIVO for our conversations."

burn your bindle


:: 2009 5 July :: 7.29pm
:: Music: The Limousines- Very Busy People

And when we're done sleeping/ we'll stay busy dreaming/ of the things we don't have yet...
we'll end up numb
from playing video games
and we'll get sick
of having sex

and we'll get fat
from eating candy
as we drink ourselves
to death,

we'll stay up late
making mix tapes
photoshopping pictures
of ourselves

while we masturbate
to these pixelated
videos of strangers
fucking themselves

we are very busy people
we are very busy people

there's crusty socks
and stacks of pizza boxes
making trails straight
to the bed

and when we're done
sleeping we'll stay busy
dreaming of the things
we don't have yet

well there's a long
long list of chores
and shit to do before
we play, oh let's just
piss away the day

crank call the cops
down at the station
just for friendly
conversation requesting
songs they never play

let's hear the one
that goes like
we are very busy people
but we've always got
time for new friends

so come on over and
knock on our door
it's open, what's ya
waiting for

we might be spawled
out on the floor
but we still make
lovely company

pull up a chair
i'll pour some tea
we'll shoot the shit
'bout everything
til you get sick
of politics and
flip on the tv screen
we stare at the tv screen

that donnie darko DVD
has been repeating for
a week and we know every
single word

i've got an ipod
like a pirate ship
i'll sail the seas
with fifty thousand
songs i've never heard
all the best of them
go fa la la la la la la la...

1 bindle | burn your bindle


:: 2009 21 June :: 12.08pm

hello everyone.

this class is kicking my ass. Ive turned to drinking copious amounts of alcohol as the solution. maybe not the greatest idea.

I want a god damned chimichanga.

1 bindle | burn your bindle


:: 2009 15 June :: 12.51pm
:: Music: Dashboard Confessional- The Swiss Army Romance

Making up a history, it's nothing from the life you lead/ But man, will they buy all your lines...
Sleep with all the lights on. You're not so happy. You're not secure.
You're dying to look cute in your blue jeans, but you're plastic just like everyone.
You're just like everyone.
And that face you paint is pressed impressing most of us as permanent and I'd like to see you undone.
College night will draw the crowds. Dorms unload and you're heading out.
Here is your moment to shine. Making up a history.
It has nothing from the life you lead.
But man, will they buy all your lines.
Sleep with all the sheets off your bearing your mattress, bearing your soul.
And you're dying to look smooth with your tattoos but you're searching just like everyone and could be anyone.
And those friends you have are the best impressing most of us as permanent and I'd like to see you undone.
Youth's the most unfaithful mistress.
Still we forge ahead to miss her.
Rushing our moment to shine.
Making up a history, it's nothing from the life you lead but man, will they buy all your lines.

We're not twenty-one, but the sooner we are, the sooner the fun will begin.
So get out your fake eyelashes, and fake I.D's, and real disasters ensue.
It's cool to take these chances. It's cool to fake romances and grow up fast.

2 bindles | burn your bindle


:: 2009 15 June :: 11.13am
:: Music: None, listening to NPR

Beautiful Day
So after all the stress of life, and the disappointment of still having to go to a job that I dread, I took a walk this morning.

Sure the economy is horrible. Sure my life could be put together a little bit better. And sure, it would be great to get absolutely zero responses after sending out resumes for more than two months. But nothing can take how beautiful it is today.

I decided to take a walk this morning. The other day, I think it was on GMA, I heard a lady say to try to get your activity in for about an hour in the morning, then eat breakfast. Seemed okay to me. Since when I have nothing to do on a given day, I do have problems getting going (damn those West Wing re-runs on Bravo), I went for a walk.

The plan was to just walk around the block. Since I live in the city, this shouldn't be that difficult right? Well, my block is huge and I know it. Right down the street is a ravine, and I am not sure where it goes. In my younger days I would have just ploughed through the ravine. However, I am not as young as I used to be and its not like I am back out in the woods in Cedar Springs. I still am in the city. So I took to the streets. I made left hand turns where I could. However, at the end of Carlton, I found a sidewalk the kept going where the road ended. Curiousity got the best of me. I planned on only being gone for about 40 minutes.

I followed the sidewalk and it came out right on Diamond I think. Right at Huff Park. Well, the park looked inviting, a genuine nature walk. So I entered the park, ended up on a boardwalk through a marsh. It was great. Fortunately, it was cool enough this morning to keep the mosquitos away. I saw a few squirrels and rabbits. I came across a duck and her babies. I also saw a small doe who was bedded down right off the trail. She just watched me and never ran off.

I enjoyed letting curiosity take over. It was great. I guess it was my way of allowing myself to be me for awhile. Don't plan, don't think about it, just do it.

Anyway, after such a nice walk, I came to the self-realization of reality. No matter how bad the economy is, no matter how many mistakes all of the corporate executives have made, no matter how corrupt our government, no matter how violent the world is, we still have the beautiful day. And that is a great reason to celebrate.

burn your bindle


:: 2009 3 June :: 7.27pm

Heartbeat with a high demand/ Often will go hand in hand/ But I'm sick of just starting plans/ I wanna spend the rest of my life...
again tomorrow.

burn your bindle


:: 2009 22 May :: 11.18pm
:: Music: Modest Mouse- She Ionizes and Atomizes

She ionizes and atomizes/ Then turns to sunlight/ He realizes and itemizes/ Pulls harder than gravity...
i am certain that i am a serious hypochondriac.

Among several other things, I've recently discovered that I have Precordial Catch syndrome.

Freakin sick of going to the dr office like 12 times a month. The girls at Bronson even know how to spell my name, CORRECTLY.

4 bindles | burn your bindle


:: 2009 19 May :: 9.21pm

people, stop dissin my music!

burn your bindle


:: 2009 18 May :: 8.21pm
:: Music: Ingrid Michaelson- The Way I Am

If you were falling, then I would catch you.
You need a light, I'd find a match.

Cause I love the way you say good morning.
And you take me the way I am.

If you are chilly, here take my sweater.
Your head is aching, I'll make it better.

Cause I love the way you call me baby.
And you take me the way I am.

I'd buy you Rogaine if you start losing all your hair.
Sew on patches to all you tear.

Cause I love you more than I could ever promise.
And you take me the way I am.
You take me the way I am.
You take me the way I am.

1 bindle | burn your bindle


:: 2009 17 May :: 5.26pm
:: Music: Eric Hutchinson- Ok, It's Alright With Me

I'm sick of just starting plans/ I wanna spend the rest of my life...

3 bindles | burn your bindle


:: 2009 11 May :: 9.28pm


eta* retracted.

burn your bindle


:: 2009 9 May :: 3.28pm
:: Music: Death Cab for Cutie- Cath...

Soon everybody will ask what became of you...
pretty boring day today. Paul is at football camp, so I am making homemade bagels and doing laundry... just call me Martha. Except I just burnt my hand and it's starting to blister...

obligatory kitty picture.

4 bindles | burn your bindle


:: 2009 5 May :: 7.44pm

"Here's the thing, Barney: I'm snuggly. You're not. Who wouldn't want to snuggle up next to this business on a Sunday morning? Wrapped in a comforter, and its raining outsode, and there's muffins warming in the oven... I'm cuddly, bitch! Deal with it!"

"Oh, Fran. Oh Franny Franny Fran. We are gonna have some fun."

"This circle... represents people who are breaking my heart. And this circle, represents people who are shaking my confidence daily. And where they overlap...Cecilia."

"This is a pie chart, describing my favorite bars. And this is a bar graph, describing my favorite pies!"

"What the hell happened to my charts?"
"We threw them away."
"That's how an intervention works, Marshall... You wouldn't stop using, so we flushed your stash."
"C'mon, Ted... I need my charts, man! Just for a day... and then I promise I'll never ever use charts again! I'm under a lot of pressure here, I NEED MY CHARTS, JACK!"
"God, you're doing charts at work??"

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