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:: 2002 18 September :: 9.24pm

Jessica is a GODDESS! this is the damn coolest thing in the world!!! yay for IB books!!!

Which IB Book are you?

I LOVE THE DAYBOOK! haha thats how I got an A in English the last 2 years :0)

5 going | downtown.


:: 2002 17 September :: 9.23pm
:: Music: The Vandals - I have a date

update time. Study session on Mon was okay. Don't think I really accomplished too much... Chris read to me in French, he read Le Petit Prince.. it was cute :0) then he left early 4 football practice & I was bored.

Today was ehh. studied my ass off for the stupid biology test that I proly failed anyways :0(

Found out today that I'm just about 90% positive that I made Festival of Winds which rox cept i'm guna miss the Prizm concert @ FSU :0( O well.

Old school stuff.. my brother and I found the CDs for Oregon Trail and Oregon Trail 2. I sucessfully died in both of them. Wonderful lol

Band sucked. Its not very productive right now ehh. I'm kinda tired. I'm really tired of getting yelled at. Yes.

7 going | downtown.


:: 2002 17 September :: 9.12pm

holes through a wall. deceiving your eyes to believe you can see all of which may lie beyond the barrier before you.

but the fact of the matter is. your eyes lie. the picture is false. the truth is.




:: 2002 15 September :: 7.25pm

i suppose an update would be adequate.

lets see.. i haven't updated since the 10th which was last Tuesday...

Wed-Thurs blah. Friday we played Palm Beach Lakes, we won 39-7. Our team always has to mess up and let the other team score before they get their act together.. I went into another screaming frenzy and lost my poor voice again. We marched decently.. well.. my line did anyways.. I <3 my tbones!!! you guys are the greatest, really.

Saturday. Consisted of biology, getting yelled at about my $650 phone bill, more biology, more getting yelled at and somewhere in between I was told I couldn't go 2 either Sam's party or the Suicide Machines show ;0( that made me really mad. Then my dad came home & calmed my mom down so she let me go out with Chris. It was really nice. We went to see Barbershop which I thought was a terrible movie.. I think it put a lot of bad connotation to black people but whos asking me... well yeah. On the way out of Muvico I heard someone say "hey, thats Vivi in that car" to which I turned and saw Jamie Kinsella frantically waving at me. Apparently they were hitchiking to Jamba Juice. I convinced Chris to take them there cuz i'm a worry wort and such. On the way over I lectured them on the dangers of hitchhiking and such but I don't think they were really listening anyways. After we dropped the girls off we headed east to the beach. We spent a good 2 & half hours there.. it was really nice. We just talked and talked and talked.. really makes me reconsider football players lol well.. maybe I wouldn't go that far.. well... we left the beach a bit after 11 and he dropped me off. A nice night most definately.

Its kinda funny.. everyone seriously thinks we're going out.. so far I've heard that some people aren't too happy about this. I honestly don't know what he thinks of it but from the signals and such it kinda seems like its a reciprocated platonic relationship. I think I prefer that.. things are quite crazy and such.

I was quite pissed off to have to wake up at 8am to go to church but we went to brunch after which was nice. I've been studying bio.. planning the study group for tomorrow at Barned and Nobles and umm thats pretty much it.

Oh yeah. Best bet is to find me at my home #... parents aren't too happy w/the cell phone bill... aren't happy at all in fact. I don't think i'll be using it for quite a while.

hey (you) i hope you're having a wonderful time doing whatever you're doing.. i miss you.

10 going | downtown.


:: 2002 10 September :: 5.12pm
:: Music: The Juliana Theory - Consellation

howdy - ho everyone lol

schools okay.. not tooo terrible (surprisingly) cept the 2 tests i have tomorrow ehh.. anyways... IB induction tonight. For all the stupid shit we've gone through now we're guna get like 30sec of recognition and a pen that says IB on it.. wonderful lol sooo after tonight what am I, an "official" International Baccalaureate student? what a load of crap.

Anyways... I have a bio tutor now.. hes some guy that works at the university.. apparently really smart, has his post doctorate which is higher then a PH-D soooo wonderful huh? maybe now i'll get a B in bio lol

Chris and I are ditching homecoming. We decided officially last night. We're going to dress up all pretty and go out to dinner somewhere nice then hit a party or two afterwards. I was joking with him all like " ... isn't homecoming supposed to be your thing.. i mean it is the football players thing right?" and he just shot back at me a gazillion reasons why he didn't feel as if it was necessary. I'm all for that though, should be fun :0)

now.. i would like to sleep but no, that is not possible grrr.

random quote: "omg, i can hear the lightning!!" ~ Ashley Stockdale

16 going | downtown.


:: 2002 7 September :: 9.05pm

wow i'm pissed off. Biology can burn in hell. Grrrr who gives a damn bout it anyways!! Because of stupid stupid biology i couldn't go to Drew's party :0( Andddd my mom was yelling at me and such and yet another night i'm stuck at home doing nothing. If I knew highschool was going to be this much hell i woulda stayed in middle school. I seriously considered dropping out & getting my GED and just living like a bum or something today. Not only is school a bitch, people are driving me insane! particularly guys.. christ, i understand that they like me but you know just cause you like me doesn't me that i'm obligated to like you or go out with you every weekend or talk to you everyday... seriously .. it seems like a guy decides taht he likes me and all of the sudden i'm his property, just cuz he likes me i'm automatically his. No. it does NOT work like that.

Yeah. A LOT of pent up anger... lots of people mad at me right now.. the freshman think i'm the devils spawn and urghhh this sux. Its all just not worth it anymore.

This really blows.

Anyways... we had a stupid Thursday night football game against Santaluces our main rivals. Our team sucked sooooo bad.. the first touchdown of the game was because our incompetent football players couldn't punt/catch the damn ball grr. I lost my voice over it too... screaming at them bout how freaking stupid they are haha Chris called me that night and I was like you guys suck. Regardless we still won 48-13 but the score should have been A LOT higher. Our teams good so why not have high expectations :0P I like teasing Chris about being a football player heh I think it'd be funnier if he was dumb though.. like Bear haha j/k .. or well. yeah.

I saw blast on TV yesterday. It made me happy. I watched it with Chris.


3 going | downtown.


:: 2002 3 September :: 7.17pm

Vivi + Sara B. + Abby D. = 30" hair :0)

haha.. Abbys guna go bald if she has to to give up her hair to make a wig for a poor child that has leukemia (sp?) :0) Vivi + Sara B. have enough hair to spare :0D

Yes. Theres a club at my school called "Hair to share" and we basically all grow our hair out all year & then donate it in May. Its something that i've wanted to do for a really long time sooo yay! heh guys don't like the idea that I'm cutting my hair though.. whats w/guys and hair? I think its cuz hair is very feminine.. yes well Vivi's hair is goin choppy! Actually i'll still have longer then shoulder length hair so it might be a nice change... in middle school i had rather short hair so i don't see how different it could possibly be. Hmm if you go to ATL and are interested in this hair drive talk to me, Abby D., Sara B., or Mrs.Maloney in room 724.

Today was not too eventful which is okay. Band nazis made me eat cold chef boyardee beefaroni :0( it was kinda gross ick! Umm tomorrow (i think!) is Drewish's bday! Yay for Drewish! He didnt' want me to announce it though sooo yea. band kinda blew but things are starting to come together which is good.

now.. homework.. joy.

themunkysman: cava mon deesse?
onelonelystarrrr: French is a sexy language :0)
themunkysman: ha ha
themunkysman: and it's "throaty"
themunkysman: must be all those stereotypical cigarettes they smoke
onelonelystarrrr: lol
onelonelystarrrr: so you're telling me pepe le'peu smoked?!?
onelonelystarrrr: haha
themunkysman: did he ever!
themunkysman: he taught me all I know on the fundamentals of smoking
themunkysman: french people have their own technique of smoking
onelonelystarrrr: :0( bad skunk. smoking = bad!
onelonelystarrrr: whats that?
themunkysman: the venerable "french inhale"
onelonelystarrrr: o boy

62 going | downtown.


:: 2002 1 September :: 1.29am

Is Canadian Dave sexy? <- he told me 2 do this :0)

OMGZ take me now!
I <3 Canadians w/hairy asses!
I have an ass like a yeti
Vivi.. bite my hairy ass
Dustin.. take my 8inch cock NOW!
Alex Taits > Canadian Dave
Sam is a sucky driver haha j/k
TacoPizza>Tacos > Pizza
TJT rox!
Jen thinks Vivi smells

view results

5 going | downtown.


:: 2002 31 August :: 10.52pm

got home. Didn't get 2 the game till b out 10 after 8 . We saw the football players walk out & I got 2 exchange a quick hello w/Chris.. wow. guys look sooo cute in uniform lol anyways.. Nadia got there shortly after and we sat w/Andrea, Francesca, Shalane, and Jolanda and Alexandra and some other people i didn't know. Jenn got there a bit after and we were watching the dork and chris play. Chris (Z) and I left about an hour after we got there and went to Mizerak's to play pool. It was okay cept the guys he knew there thought we were together and i was like NO! heh now i'm home & on the phone w/Jenn. Fun eh? :0)

1 going | downtown.


:: 2002 31 August :: 5.35pm

Betty & Binh just left. Never got to the mall like I wanted but whatever. We sat around my house watching Harry Potter.. it was okay.

I just got Dus's letter :0) it made me VERY happy heh. You know Dus.. I don't have a cerulean crayon in my box ;0P

Tonight... I'm going to the football game against Pahokee with Chris Z., Jenn, and Betty. I promised Chris ..(ehh.. i suppose Country to the rest of you or my big. not so bald friend) that I'd come see him play. Bleh.. might as well.. it'll be the only game i'll get to go to in normal clothing heh (damn band :0P) I'm curious as to how good he really is... hes the starting center and to my knowledge those are the guys who like bend over and throw the ball to the quarter backs.. I'm not exactly sure what goes on after that.. o well should be fun anyways.

I'll be home around 11:30.. my mom is putting a curfew on me tonight :bleh: it sux. yeah. alright byee



:: 2002 29 August :: 6.54pm

Hey Andy.. this is really annoying.. I log in and everytime a new screen comes up i have to log in again...

Anyways... I was feeling super good bout my AP US History test today till I looked at the damn essay... I swear I nearly shit myself :0( It really really really sucked :0(

I don't think I've updated but Chris drew me the most amazing picture.. I <3 it very much. he looked sooo cute today for "Tie it up Thursday" <- basically the football players have to dress up on the day before any game in order to get their uniform to wear in school the game day. Blah. There were 2 fire drills today.. it was great :0) ummm band.. i'm not even guna go there.. maybe later.

Troys mad at me... I really don't know what I can say about that though... School really sux. REALLY SUX.. theres a 4 day weekend <- thank god lol thats it for now.


Drew.. red light on the way down there? heh <3

3 going | downtown.


:: 2002 27 August :: 7.25pm

i can't wait till the weekend... by that time all the tests will be over with and i'll have a 3 day weekend :0)

My big bald (not so bald) friend Chris drew is drawing me a picture :0) that makes me really happy. I like getting pictures heh Dave brought in the pics i drew for him the beginning of last year.. it was GREAT! there was a pic of me & him holding hands under this kik ass rainbow as well as one with a very random yellow brick road, yeti, and matt as half a bird. Dustin drew me a picture too but he won't tell me what it is bleh. Bio & Band tests tomorrow.. Fun i know. Study time. Good night to all <3

o yeah. for all of you who don't know.. don't call my cell phone for a lil while lol i completely went over... like $600 went over :0( yeah it sux. Its okay.

6 going | downtown.


:: 2002 25 August :: 8.15pm
:: Music: TBS

my golly goodness Taking Back Sunday is soooooooooo amazing!!!! TBS > everything... well maybe not more then TJT heh... in a good mood right now. Dus is drawing me a pic and its bugging me cuz he won't tell me what it is & i won't get it until Friday... talk about being anxious lol I drew him a pic too... its BEAUTIFUL! heh

Great Romances... a wonderful song.. they're all wonderful




done ranting :0)

10 going | downtown.


:: 2002 24 August :: 9.41pm
:: Music: TBS

I feel as if I should update... school still sux I have 7 tests w/in 3 days next week. Fun I know.

I went out w/Whiggy last night, it was pretty fun. Chivalry is not dead ladies, he was really sweet, opening doors and such.. things that melt girls' hearts heh. Anyways we went to dinner then to see xXx. Today I have basically been half ass studying and talking to Dustin. Dustin is a really great kid although he wouldn't agree heh. Dustin wants me to put my pic up as an icon. I proceeded to tell him that I didn't want to scare people away & that I liked people reading my journal lol Well... I told him 2 put his pic up and he told me no for pretty much the same reasons soo possible compromise.. i put mine up if he puts his up.. ehh i don't know Bob's pretty pimpin heh maybe I'll put another clip from that night up :0) or rather haha omg he'd kill me ::devious grin::

Dus, watch out..i'm out to get you ;0P...
<3 your goddess "aka" Vivers

3 going | downtown.


:: 2002 21 August :: 11.15pm

Too bad ignorance isn't painful...

Vivi rox my sox!

view results

3 going | downtown.

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