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Rejoice Everytime
you hear the sound of my voice

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:: 2006 17 September :: 7.24pm

Do you remember when we went camping and made criss cross potatoes in the Wok?

Do you remember when we learned how to play Mau?

Do you remember how it was?

It was wonderful, wasn't it?


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:: 2006 15 September :: 6.50pm
:: Mood: crappy

I miss my music terribly.
I'm in University band, of course, but it's not enough.
I feel so empty without it.
I don't think you could ever understand what I mean.


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:: 2006 15 September :: 6.36pm
:: Mood: contemplative

Friday. Music to my ears.

I only had one class today, but eh...I stil had to get up for it. I'm feeling a little under the weather. I hope I'm not getting too sick.

I'm coming home next weekend. Since everyone loves me so much, I'm sure my schedule is going to be jam packed. Right.

If you want to hang out, leave me a comment and I'll make some time for you inbetween eating my parent's food and watching T.V from the couch.


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:: 2006 13 September :: 11.33pm

Sitting here in a computer lab that won't accept my flash drive because it's too new, and the printers don't have any toner so I can't print my Speech.


I'm going to get a job. Yay for me.

I'm going to bed now. To sleep. I like sleep. I love lamp. And the Romantics, they, well, they love nature.

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:: 2006 12 September :: 5.26pm
:: Mood: crazy

I just got done eating dinner. They have some really good clam chowder here!

I've resigned myself to the fact, that yes, I actually do have to get a job-and soon.

It's so foggy out right now. I couldn't even see the towers from the library, and it's only like a quarter of a mile away.

We had some roommate bonding time last night. We sat in a circle in the bedroom with Korn blasting drinking out of some red solo cups.

I was just going to write something, and then I got distracted by the Macs in the corner, and now I can't remember what it was. But to be sure, it was an ingenious, witty observation.

My memory is starting to get the best of me.

Stop smokin'?

What do you think?




:: 2006 11 September :: 10.42am


you have no idea how fricken excited I am.



:: 2006 11 September :: 10.36am

Tell Me What You Think Of Me

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:: 2006 11 September :: 9.54am
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: She's Got Freckles

Wheatland was amazing. There were so many people having a good time. I even saw my CPS 100 professor there. It was Krazy.

I loved all the music. I loved all of the people. I loved being so mellow.

I especially loved the Greek pizza.
And I loved it not being the salt, too.

Everything will be okay now. I really needed that time. I'll be okay, and you'll be okay.

I can't wait until Red Flannel!




:: 2006 10 September :: 6.23pm

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5 Years. They may have fallen. But they still stand high in our hearts.

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:: 2006 9 September :: 1.38am
:: Music: Gone Going - Black Eyed Peas

Down And Out
When we give up and fall down
When we run out and give up
Everything ends up with us giving up?
Everything Ends up...UP
so thats a plus right?

I think so. Everything we do ends up being a positive statement on our record. Which we all seem so god damn concerned with. I think we all should just slow down a little bit. like me as well hardcore. Everyone is trying to accomplish things that they dont really want to. just because they feel like they are running out of time to do so. TAKE YOUR FUCKING TIME. we are going to be around for a LEAST another 60 years. so lets fucking use that time to take things slow and do what we want. dont work too hard. and dont spend too much time day dreaming. but do make time for laying in the grass and pretending the clouds are still magical. hug the warm air and play in the snow after dancing in the rain. just have fun. Slow down. and shut up most of all lol. *hugs* just something to think about.

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