2006 7 September :: 7.29pm
Ah, I'm done with school for the week. I'm leaving early tomorrow morning to go to Wheatland with Rueben and his family. I'm not sure exactly how that's all going to be.
I'm doing my laundry right now, a much needed task, since I haven't done in the two weeks since I've been here.
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2006 6 September :: 9.55am
I hate receiveable accounting. They are stupid. They are mean. I hate them.
They suck.
They are stupid, stupid, stupid.
They charged me for not paying my tuition, which, I did, on Friday.
They suck.
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2006 5 September :: 2.33pm
I just realized that I've had my journal here for four and a half years. That's crazy. I grew up here, with woohu. I could never thank Gunny enough for giving me this journal, as I'm sure many of you feel the same.
From eighth grade to Central, I've changed so much, just as the rest of us have.
I just thought I'd take a moment to reflect on that, since so much has happened these past four and half years that make me really amazed that I can go back and remember who and how I use to be.
I'm glad I'm here with all of you. I'm glad I'm still here, and you're here, and we all still can stay caught up.
Thank you Gunny!
2006 5 September :: 2.28pm
I want to know everything in the entire world.
I want to meet everyone in the entire world.
Most of all, I want to feel everything I am able to feel.
Step out of the darkness,
And into the light.
The brightness may blind you,
But the chance is worthwhile.
2006 4 September :: 8.33pm
:: Mood: calm
happy labor day.
mine was/is.
except they closed the cafeteria this weekend.
the moths are fliting around the light-so close to a death that they cannot resist.
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2006 1 September :: 1.01pm
So, last night my roommates came home drunk, again. They opened the fridge and all of their beers crashed on the floor, making a loud noise. Then the RA's came in and looked around, and needless to say, although i wasn't drinking, i got my name taken.
This is my roommates' second offense in a week. They got an illegal drug violation the first night they were here. My other roommate is moving out due to finances, so i figure I'll be living alone here in a couple weeks. You get three violations and you are done at CMU. heh.
Anyway, told the parents so if they got a call they would know what's going on. It's all good. Hopefully. The worst thing that is going to happen is that I'll get a 150 dollar fine, which I'm not going to pay for because I didn't do anything. Whatever.
2006 31 August :: 1.07pm
:: Mood: contemplative
So pretty much just chillin here in the library for a while. My next class is at three (my biology lecture). I really love this library. It's pretty neat.
When I woke up this morning, there was a guy sleeping on my living room floor. It was one of my roommates friends, but they had already left for class, Hollie and I just locked him in when we left.
The two of them (my two roommates) polished off eight beers last night. I showed them how to open them (they were glass bottles) on the edge of the desk.
I wonder what their livers are going to look like in twenty years.
it's pretty cool, i guess.
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2006 30 August :: 3.25pm
:: Mood: pensive
We Wear the Mask
We wear the mask that grins and lies,
It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes—
This debt we pay to human guile;
With torn and bleeding hearts we smile,
And mouth with myriad subtleties.
Why should the world be over-wise,
In counting all our tears and sighs?
Nay, let them only see us, while
We wear the mask.
We smile, but, O great Christ, our cries
To thee from tortured souls arise.
We sing, but oh the clay is vile
Beneath our feet, and long the mile;
But let the world dream otherwise,
We wear the mask!
-Paul Dunbar
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2006 30 August :: 3.05pm
1. AP Lit- Dolbee
2. Chem- Vree
3. BMMT 2- Hansen
4. Business Law 1- Plain
5. Bible as in Lit- Olsen
Looking forward to my senior year.
2006 30 August :: 2.58pm
Okay, I have all my financial shit figured out. Right now I owe about two hundred dollars-which I can totally deal with. Whew!
Well, I believe I'm going to be in my hall government, so next year i can be a RA and get free room and board.
[edit] And I only had to wait for an hour and fourty minutes in line!