2006 30 August :: 10.38am
:: Mood: aggravated
i have to figure out all of this financial shit today.
The financial aid office is stupid, stupid, stupid.
They need to actually apply my financial aid to my account so i can take classes. Hmm, that's a new idea right there.
But, I have to go over and talk to them before my english class at noon.
2006 28 August :: 10.16am
Plan B is now available without a prescription.
How did that ever happen with a Republican President? To tell you the truth, I don't care. I'm just glad it's happened.
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2006 28 August :: 10.03am
:: Mood: envious
I just had my first class- computers and society. It's a huge lecture class with about 250 people in it.
I feel so sheltered here sometimes. In the library the book shelves move along a track so they can be squished together or moved, to allow for more books in less space. I just found it so cool, considering the cedar library is about the size of my dorm room. Just little things like that make me feel like I was cheated out of some things growing up in cedar.
I'm getting along a little better with everyone. It is known in the towers that my floor is the party floor. As soon as the elevator doors open you can feel the bass. You can't really hear the bass (it's too loud), but you can defineately feel it. Our RA is cool too. He pretty much told us that he doesn't care what we do, as long as we don't drink in the dorm. A bunch of us were in the hallway Saturday night, defineatly not sober, talking to him. I made a sign and put it on his door that says,
" I want to be the little man who turns the light on and off in the fridge."
I do good work.
Next, I have my English class at noon. I'm actually excited about that, and hopefully everything goes well, considering English is most likely going to be my major.
When I was reading Jane Eyre in the study room yesterday, I met a really nice guy who lives down the hall. There are some cool people here at Central.
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2006 25 August :: 12.04pm
:: Mood: impressed
So, here at CMU now. Good fun. I'm in the library with Jackie.
I'm going to have to get use to all of this, I'm so tired from all the walking I've done already today.
I miss everyone already!
I have an ensemble audition on Tuesday! Classes start monday. I've gotten all of my books and things like that. It's quite exciting.
More to come, though, not as frequent as i might have hoped: until classes start i have to walk all the way to the library to update. I'm starting to hate moving. :)
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2006 23 August :: 3.47pm
:: Mood: intimidated
:: Music: I'll follow you into the dark - death cab
I'm leaving for Central tomorrow after my dentist appointment.
We went to IHOP last night, and then to Meijer, and then to the cemetery. Creepy shit.
Summer is over.
No more drunken nights of should be regrets, no more nights getting the shit scared out of us at the cemetery, no more lake parties, no more camping, no more going to work with a hang over.
Well, the last one, maybe...or not.
We'll see. I'm not quite sure what to make of this whole 'college' thing yet.
For some, an institution of higher education, for many others, well, what can I say? It's a party school after all.
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2006 22 August :: 12.59pm
"i chimed in with a havent you people ever heard of closing the god damned door."
yeah a sense of poise and rationalitiy would be fantastic these days.
i havent posted in a grip
just chilling waiting aroudn for jes jes to get here because we are going to look at apartments.
iam moving out of the one I am currently in because well that is the right decision.
ray and I arent breaking up we just arent living together anymore.
because face it living together and working together are kind of a lot of each other.
we are still just kids and we need some space from each other.
outside of that work is awesome because I love being a csm
im a bitch so its the perfect job for me.
and i have been hanging out with matt and katie and loving every minutes of it.
peace out
2006 20 August :: 8.29am
:: Mood: exhausted
This is my last week here for a long time.
I called in sick today for work because, lucky me, I have a bad ass cold.
I'm leaving Thursday sometime. If you want to hang out, or give me kisses, or give me flowers, or give me presents, or write long nonsensical poems, or just want to have general relations with me, give me a ring before then.
Jessie, I know which one you want to do :).
Tomorrow is my last day of work, and fittingly I'm working until the desk closes.
Who knew!
Where are we going? We're going to a party, a birthday party, you're birthday party! Happy birthday darling, we love you
Good morning everyone! Have a wonderful day.
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2006 10 August :: 7.40am
She threw a fucking rock at us....
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2006 4 August :: 8.57am
I'm home from camping. It was full of experiences, some of which I had never partaken in before.
It was extremely hot. I went swimming. I slept. I ate. I made friends. I fried criss cross potatoes in a wok.
milk....milk was a bad idea.
2006 3 August :: 1.37pm
i miss you and i love you...
*sigh* another day goes by. i wish i could make things all better between us. i really wish i could just sit here and listen to you and make you proud of me but i cant. the last time i did i ended up being hurt way more. i'm glad we had a conversation without yelling at eachother even if it was only for 10 min. i miss you and no matter what, i do love you. i wish we could see eye to eye but i doubt that will happen. but i still love you and i just wanted to let you know since we dont get to talk very much anymore. some things are beyond us. just try to be happy for me and i'll try to do the same for you.