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:: 2006 30 April :: 7.10pm
:: Mood: enraged

I think i lost my fucking bioethics test that I didn't remember I had due tomorrow. Fuck.

I had the bitchiest lady at work today. She actually made me cry. I had to go to the manager's office and sit down for a few minutes because she verbally attacked me. I don't normally get that upset, sure I have people who I want to strangle, but for some reason this lady just made it so fucking personal. I was trying to tell her that she was wrong in the nicest way possible and she was like "don't you shake your head at me like that" and "You people owe me for my time fixing your mistakes" and "don't tell me that I'm wrong, you're wrong, I'm not wrong, I deserve a twenty five dollar gift card, and that's what you need to give to me to make me happy".

And of course my manager gave it to her. It was all because she was "overcharged" on a twenty four pack of water. Well, the upc on her water and the upc on the receipt didn't match, meaning there was no fucking way it was the same product. NO WAY IN HELL can that happen. Well she wanted not only the price that it was marked, but the "sale" price from last week. Okay, I can live with that, it's like fucking five dollars, and she wanted a gift card, okay, a little much, but whatever, and then when I wouldn't give her the michigan scanning award (if a product is marked lower than what it rings up at the register you get the difference back plus ten times the amount UP TO FIVE DOLLARS) because the fucking upc didn't match the upc on the receipt, which it has to to give the award, she wanted to be upgraded from a ten dollar gift card to a fucking twenty five dollar gift card. Which, my manager did of course. There wasn't even a "thank you for your fucking help". Nope. Not at all.

I haven't cried because of a customer since the first day I worked at the service desk.


Fucking bitch, and she wasn't even fucking right.



:: 2006 30 April :: 4.04pm

I think I'm catching a cold, which really sucks.

Oh well, I'll have a new phone to keep my mind off it.

What hurts the most
Was being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was trying to do



:: 2006 30 April :: 12.15am
:: Mood: annoyed

Last night was nothing that I expected it to be. Prom was fairly lame, I had a much better time getting ready than at the dance itself. I love Josh so much, he's so much fun. I think he's the male version of Jessie; scary, I know.

So this time it wasn't just about it, it was about being together.

If I could only mix the cola and the grenadine together, I'd have the perfect cherry coke, but no one makes them the way I like them anymore. They use to when I was little. It's just not as good as it use to be, I guess.

I loved my hair last night. I even slept with it in and it stayed, but I took it out in the morning before I went to pick up summer. I had a shit load of bobby pins in my hair. Went to flute choir this morning on four hours of sleep. Took a nap this afternoon, and now I can't go to sleep. I feel like a restless zombie, my whole body is on a fucked up schedule. I have to work tomorrow, and I have a ton of homework just waiting for me to start on it. I don't want to start on it.

I've put in four good years. Time for a break.



:: 2006 29 April :: 1.01pm

I was going insane without a cellphone.

So... I ordered a prepaid, but it doesn't seem like the regular prepaid I was dealing with. See, they take $50 a month out of my checking account. And with that, I get 400 anytime minutes, .10 text messaging, and unlimited nights and weekends. The only drawback is that I had to order a new phone. So, I should be getting that within the next week. Finally! I'll post my number when I get it, because I got a new number.



:: 2006 28 April :: 1.27pm

What a night.

And Joe is most definitely insane.

And check my xanga for a more in-depth post about last night, as soon as I write it.

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:: 2006 25 April :: 8.58am

A little vocab for ya
Annetastic (adj.) : being cool, fun, and sexy without having to make any extra effort whatsoever. The annetastic girl made it known that she was smoking hot and in control of her man.

A to the K (n.) : a gorgeous girl who knows it and shows it. A to the K made her way down to Burger King flaunting her sexiness for everyone to see.

Denation (n.) : a group of persons who think Dennis Monroe is 'code pink' and respond to his very attractive flirting. The denation all squealed when Dennis walked in to BK and winked at them.

Code Pink (n.) : when there is a hot guy at Burger King. Ashley, Allison, and Anne all yelled 'code pink in the office' when Dennis went to count his deposit.

Code Brown (n.) : see Mike Kern.

Mike Kern (n.) : see Code Brown.

Michael Morris (n.) : see douche bag.

Douche bag (n.) n : a small syringe with detachable nozzles; used for vaginal lavage and enemas. Michael Morris is a douche bag.

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:: 2006 24 April :: 1.30am

It's okay. We're helping the people in Iraq. And fitting in time for golf.
'Bring it on'

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:: 2006 24 April :: 10.37pm
:: Mood: Stressed

Today Couldnt Have Gone Any Worse.



:: 2006 23 April :: 4.36pm




:: 2006 21 April :: 1.26am

Girls who's names start with "A" must be hot.

Oh wait, two "t" hott.

Well, maybe three "t" hottt.

Aside from the hottt A's, I feel like shit.


Girl: Do I ever cross your mind?

Boy: No

Girl: Do you like me?

Boy: Not really

Girl: Do you want me?

Boy: No

Girl: Would you cry if I left?

Boy: No

Girl: Would you live for me?

Boy: No

Girl: Would you do anything for me?

Boy: No

Girl: Choose--me or your life.

Boy: my life

The girl runs away in shock and pain and the boy runs after her and says...

The reason you never cross my mind is because you're always on my mind.

The reason why I don't like you is because I love you.

The reason I don't want you is because I need you.

The reason I wouldn't cry if you left is because I would die if you left.

The reason I wouldn't live for you is because I would die for you.

The reason why I'm not willing to do you anything for you is because I would do everything for you.

The reason I chose my life is because you ARE my life.

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