2013 9 September :: 9.57pm
went to andy's house tonight, his mom called me earlier today to see if i could come over and get some pictures and videos off an old phone.
it was an interesting expierence. We talked about alot of things, some made me laugh, some made me sad.
Just an interesting expierence all around.
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face the fox
2013 2 September :: 9.41am
I started my last fall semester of college last week. So far, I hate it because I have to go to class 3 times a week. But, at least this semester is going to be a breeze compared to next semester.
My mom has lupus, but it's just the horrible rash on her face, no organs are being affected or causing it, yet. She told me that her doctor told her that she HAD to quit smoking, so she is cutting back and going to try the e-cig before she tries chantix. I'm not going to hold my breath. I want to have hope that she will quit smoking and maybe she will even quit drinking or at least cut back tremendously and live a semi-normal life. I'd like to think that at some point in my life, I can go visit her and not wreak of smoke just from sitting on her couch.
My brother had his 6 month check up to see if the cancer is back, and there are signs the cancer has come back, or it's just residue from the hodgkin's that wasn't seen in the last scan. Not sure what's going on, because he hasn't heard from his doctor or had any more tests scheduled.
Reagan so badly wants to go to school, but is too young by a week to start preschool. Preschool that I don't have to pay an arm and a leg for on top of fundraising anyway. I would love for her to go, but I think she will benefit from going to daycare a couple days a week to.
face the fox
2013 6 August :: 10.52am
Another short work of week again. I could get use to this, too bad its the last one till my wedding. I have been getting lots of stuff done with my wedding, I'm getting more and more excited. Also very excited for our honeymoon. Shadow puppy foot is finally healed. I'm so happy, now he can come camping this weekend. I see a sign already for Halloween city on Alpine. As always excited for Halloween, hopefully someone has a good party.
face the fox
2013 31 July :: 3.18pm
We move to Indiana in five days. I start my PhD in two and a half weeks.
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face the fox
2013 20 July :: 9.58am
In case facebook didn't tell you I'm soo excited about Kelly Clarkson concert tonight! !!!
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face the fox
2013 16 July :: 10.23am
Only 3 more days of work and I'm on vacation. So ready for camping with the family. I wish Jordan could go the whole time, but at least he got some days off. Shadow puppy is going to have so much fun, I cant wait to see if he remembers from last year or not. The zoo was alright on Sunday. Binder is not that big, the best part was feeding the giraffes. The girls had fun though and it was nice to do stuff with Jordan's Family. I got my wedding dress on Saturday and for about half of what I thought it was going to cost. That's one more then I can check of the wedding list. So excited for the future.
face the fox
2013 15 July :: 7.43pm
sometimes i'm pissed off and i don't know why.
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face the fox
2013 7 July :: 11.08am
Finally feeling settled in the new house. We are loving how quite it is up here. We finally got out engagement pictures taken and they turned out great. I will have to buy some new frames for all those pictures. We got so many with the engagement, cant wait to see how much we get for the wedding. We booked out honeymoon last week. Super excited for a nice vacation. This weekend I'm going to get my dress. I feel like I'm starting to get a lot done when it comes to the wedding. It will be here before I know it.
face the fox
2013 13 June :: 11.05am
Todays workout kicked my ass. But it feels good to sweat from the side of my boob.
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face the fox
2013 13 June :: 10.46am
Well we finally moved. I'm so excited to be in our new house. It feels huge, but def our grow into house. Now I have to get back to wedding planning. So excited to go get my dress. Looking forward to what the future will hold.
face the fox
2013 2 June :: 10.20am
only so much shit i can put up with... ugggh.
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face the fox
2013 28 May :: 10.05am
A year ago today, my brother got some pretty life changing news. It's so crazy and amazing that within the last year, he has found out that he had cancer, had chemo and has been in remission for 4 months.
face the fox
2013 21 May :: 11.55pm
Wow. Woohu makes me sicker than FB does. What a shocker. Whaaa Whaa. Keep crying like its sooooooo fucking bad.
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face the fox
2013 18 May :: 12.53am
So done. Or maybe just tired
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face the fox
2013 16 May :: 9.42am
jobless again... fuck me.
boss called me into his office this morning and told me "the guys say you're not progressing anymore"
and he let me go...
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face the fox
2013 4 May :: 8.05pm
So things are going very well. We sold our house with it being on the market for 3 days and made a profit. We bought a house in cedar double the size, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, finished basement, two decks, and open floor plan. I'm so excited to start the next chapter of my life. I already got a interview for another job closer to the new house. Jordan is loving his new job and hopefully is getting hired in this summer. I really have to start getting back on wedding planning after we close on the house. I have so much to do and it seems like time is going really fast lately. I'm so excited for our future.
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face the fox
2013 17 March :: 8.28pm
ran a 5k in 37:50 yesterday.
literally went from couch to 5k with no training.
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face the fox
2013 17 March :: 10.54am
Well after monday were down to one dog, that will be weird. Poor shadow puppy has another ear infection, good thing I saved the medicine from last time. Well Jordan had a job interview friday and another tommorrow so hopefully he gets something with full time hours. Part time is not working for our flex money or wedding saving. We tasted tested our second choice for venue thursday and taste testing our first choice this thursday. So far all have been good, so hopefullly it will continue. Finally getting new floors in the kitchen, then all the floors in my house will be done since move in, only took 4 years lol. Many more plans for the house in the works, so excited to see how it all turns out.
face the fox
2013 24 February :: 3.30pm
Well this week sucked, I havent had a week like that in a long time. So glad things are already looking up.
face the fox
2013 18 February :: 2.42am
Sometimes I just start shit with people for no reason. You know, because it's fun.
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face the fox
2013 12 February :: 11.50pm
Funny how some of yall put on such a pretty front over on that there facebook, then come on here and just bitch bitch bitch. If you dont like something about your life, CHANGE IT.
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face the fox
2013 2 February :: 11.58pm
Need solidarity.
face the fox
2013 31 January :: 3.48pm
Tryed on my first wedding dress today, so exciting. Finally found a ceromony spot, frederick meijer gardens. Its looks so pretty and we will get some great pictures. Three weeks of weight watchers and down 10lbs. I got a job interview tommorrow at the doctors office, where I have been trying to get in forever. I would love a mon thru fri job 8 to 5, no weekends or holidays. I'm crossing my fingers I get it. Loving life :)
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face the fox
2013 12 January :: 3.37pm
My first bridal show was a blast! I got tons of ideas and great deals. I started wt watchers and already down 6lbs, hoping I can keep it up. Shadow puppy is getting so big, I cant believe last year around this time I could carry him around.
face the fox
2013 8 January :: 7.25pm
There's no luck, you make your luck. Be a champion everyday.
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face the fox
2012 20 December :: 2.14pm
Trying to lose weight sucks, but I know I can do it. I just need to keep looking at pictures of when I was really skinny, good motivation. I'm going to try to start running, a little bit at a time. So excited to go to my first bridal show in january! Loving life!
face the fox
2012 15 December :: 10.40am
Life is going great. I got two of my budgets for my wedding and one more to go. Things are looking good, might even be able to take a really nice honeymoon. I'm thinking somewhere warm, maybe Atlantis. I got the reception hall, which is the bluff banquet hall. I got a great deal and its beautiful. I'm so excited to go dress shopping, hopefully davids bridal does there 100 dollar gown sale soon! Finding a church is very hard since we both dont go to church. People are so rude when you ask about there church and try to shove religion down your throat. At this point, I will get married anywhere inside thats at a affordable price. So hopefully something will come up or maybe the bridal show in january will give me some ideas. Shadow puppy is getting so big, cant believe he is already one. Taking him to see santa today. Loving life, so excited for the future!
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face the fox
2012 1 December :: 11.54am
Oh weddding plan fun,but sometimes stressful as the same time. I think I finally found the hall, so thats one thing off my list. Got a budget from my parents, still waiting to here from his. Decided it going to be april 2014, which will give me plenty of time to plan and lose weight :). So exciting.
face the fox
2012 16 November :: 12.22am
Im engaged!! I cant wait to start planning my wedding, looks like its going to be between novemeber 2013-april 2014. Im leaning towards february and Jordan is leaning towards November so will see. So glad I have parents willing to help, its going to be a amazing day!! I just need to find a cheap church, since neither of us go to church. Looked at a couple venue already, but still havent decided. Lots to look at and decide. Im so excited!!
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face the fox
2012 13 November :: 2.44pm
Today I remembered that I forgot to sign up for Spring classes last week, so I got a pretty crappy schedule.. But, I found out that I will be done Fall of next year.. Not sure what I will do when I don't have school anymore.. I will have to go back to work, because I have an ass load of student loans to pay back.. Maybe I can put off getting a job until Reagan is in school full time.. Seems weird that I will be done with college in a year..
face the fox