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:: 2004 14 December :: 7.24 pm
:: Mood: sore
:: Music: the killers-jenny was a friend of mine

...yawn yawn yawn...nothing really...=/ just...well...wait...there is a lot of new!

first off...I GOT MY ETNIES! THEY'RE SOOOOOOO FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! except i can't have them until christmas...): -cry- it's so!

secondly...yesterday, nick and i slammed into each other was! like. the next best thing to dating him...or kissing him...or...whatever, you get the point.

and then TODAY...he smiled at me! he as in NICK! lol...i was sooooo happy...the only thing was...well...we all know how he's "trying something new this year" and is doing wrestling? well...the poor baby's chin is soooooooo scratched up and can see it from a mile away! lol! i feel so bad...aww. poor nick. ): -sigh-

...on a better note...i got to go pee, finally in band today...hehe...had to go for the past few days in that class and i haven' well...let's see...oh yeah...i also got my saxophone back!!! i don't think i've ever missed it i didn't play for two days and have NEVER experienced such boredom in my life...terrifyingly ((is that a word?)), i've wanted to play it more than ever...and we all know that's creepy.

...yay! i got annette to make a journal on woohu ((visit her by clicking here!)) brownie points for me! haha, sike, just kidding. so, what does that get me, andy? for referring someone? lollollol...kidding again...anyhoo... had guard on saturday...that went well...from about sore. notice my mood? yeah. sore. from saturday still, and then yesterday aka monday on top of that...haha. on saturday...we mainly did all types of jazz and ballet steps...pleas, releves, and jazz runs ((annette keeps making fun of me for them...haha))...the only bad thing about saturday was, we ran for about half an hour straight through the school and came back, i chugged a big bottle of water within 3 minutes, and then heather was yelling at me to 'suck in my "a's"' when we did releves/jumps...which wasn't too smart on my part because pulling in my abs and my ass ((yes, those are the "a's" as bobby calls them..)) reaaaaaally hurt after chugging like, a gallon of water after sprinting straight for almost then i went to the bathroom about to barf, and by this time it was about 5:45 pm and the kids from the play were in there...i just went and sat on the counter and listened to them all...pretty interesting shit, lemme tell then boys started like, swarming the girls' bathroom...pretty strange, but hey, it got me out of guard and doing those gay ballet moves so i ended up NOT barfing. yay for me. so i went back and it was about 6:10 pm...and we practiced some more...and then at about 7:30 pm we got a water break and heather secretly ordered us some brother's pizza for dinner with her own money...aww, we love ya heather (: tehe...thanks again, we had about an hour and a half long break ((shhhhh, don't tell bobby))...and then we practiced again until about 9:55 pm and talked for a while and then we all left around 10:15 it was great. i thought it'd be a living hell and all but it was actually pretty cool. on monday...i went to guard, ended up being late and got a "lecture" from bobby...booo...anyhoo...he talked to us about tardiness and absentness and cellphones...and all that good stuff then he explained that "indoor color guard is really up in your face and during competitions, you'll stand about 5 feet away from the audience and so you need to open up and come out of your shells..." so we all talked to each other and stuff...then we just mainly did jazz runs, point walking, and every other ballet/jazz move out there flags or anything though ):...anyhoo... this ((yaaaaaaaaaawn)), it's supposed to snow all week ((god bless twc...the weather channel...LOL!)), umm...on friday i have the guard christmas party ((hafta get chips and dip and a present for someone...since i'm their secret santa lol...won't say it so they don't know in case they find this (: ...tehe)) from 6-9 pm at jess's house...then on saturday who knows what i'm doing ((it's supposed to be my cousin's christmas party, but screw people and, i went i'd only go for the schnapps and brandy...HAHA)), and on sunday, nothing...i want to go ice skating and/or to the mall and/or bowling this weekend though...I'M NOT WITH MY DAD! sooooo i can actually do something! lol! i'll probably go somewhere with my friends...hehe...maybe i'll grow some balls and call nick and all that good stuff...after all, i'm starting to "come out of my shell" and i'm much more capable of talking and stuff to people i never could before...i swear, guard's changing me into a whole new woman! lol...just playing...but it IS toughening me up a lot more, lol! well...gonna go...i have to e-mail heather and let her know that i'll be at the party on ya! maybe i'll update later...whooooooo knows...wuv ya all (:

rise to the occasion, yeah

:: 2004 7 November :: 8.58 pm
:: Mood: swamped
:: Music: o-zone-dragostea din tei

Mai-ia-ha ha

Mai-ia-ha ha

Mai-ia-ha ha

Mai-ia-ha ha

Hallo, salut, sunt eu, un haiduc
Si te rog, iubirea mea, primeste fericirea
Hallo, hallo, sunt eu Picasso
Ti-am dat beep, si sunt voinic
Dar sa stii nu-ti cer nimic

Vrei sa pleci dar nu ma, nu ma iei
Nu ma, nu ma iei
Nu ma, nu ma, nu ma iei
Chipul tau si dragostea din tei
Mi-amintesc de ochii tai

Vrei sa pleci dar nu ma, nu ma iei
Nu ma, nu ma iei
Nu ma, nu ma, nu ma iei
Chipul tau si dragostea din tei
Mi-amintesc de ochii tai

Te sun, sa-ti spun, ce simt acum
Hallo, iubirea mea, sunt eu, fericirea
Hallo, hallo, sunt iarasi eu, Picasso
Ti-am dat beep, si sunt voinic
Dar sa stii nu-ti cer nimic

Vrei sa pleci dar nu ma, nu ma iei
Nu ma, nu ma iei
Nu ma, nu ma, nu ma iei
Chipul tau si dragostea din tei
Mi-amintesc de ochii tai

Vrei sa pleci dar nu ma, nu ma iei
Nu ma, nu ma iei
Nu ma, nu ma, nu ma iei
Chipul tau si dragostea din tei
Mi-amintesc de ochii tai

Mai-ia-ha ha

Mai-ia-ha ha

Mai-ia-ha ha

Mai-ia-ha ha

Vrei sa pleci dar nu ma, nu ma iei
Nu ma, nu ma iei
Nu ma, nu ma, nu ma iei
Chipul tau si dragostea din tei
Mi-amintesc de ochii tai

Vrei sa pleci dar nu ma, nu ma iei
Nu ma, nu ma iei
Nu ma, nu ma, nu ma iei
Chipul tau si dragostea din tei
Mi-amintesc de ochii tai

-yawn- omg, i've been swamped alllllll effing day with this gay-ass german report. nowhere near finished, it's 9 pm, and it's due tomorrow. heh. i'm such a procrasinator. um..yeah. well, just wanted to let you all know i'm still aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive...;) but i'm gonna go now so i can finish. oh yeah--check out the song i'm listening to, it's AWESOME! hehe!

oh yeah. i was just talking to dan about my most occurring crushes. ahem.

i tend to like guys named john and nick. occasionally i get a crush on someone named joe/joey. =P

i tend to like guys with long blonde skater/surfer dude hair.

..yeah. and it's REALLY weird about the names i fall for; because as we all know, nick's brothers are jon and joe. hehe,, anyhoo. time to go now. <3 yaaaaaaaaa.

rise to the occasion, yeah

:: 2004 6 November :: 10.17 pm
:: Mood: stressed
:: Music: the sweet tapping of my keyboard

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 36.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions

And then, after several more turns, the music began to play again, brisk from it's fresh winding, and merry.

((That was from Tuck Everlasting. =D))

rise to the occasion, yeah | Random Journal